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Thomas Zimmer

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Everything posted by Thomas Zimmer

  1. Hi @abuis It should be absolutely enough to open the jrxml files via the Studio Plugin from the server; if resources are needed, they are downloaded by Jaspersoft Studio as well and references like "repo: ..." need not neccessarily be changed 😉 But of course it would be a good idea to pull all source and move them back to a code versioning system or at least a network filesystem (if the next colleague leaves the company as well ;)) Cheers, Thomas Zimmer https://thomaszimmer.net/ https://jasper-schulungen.de/
  2. @sucd1905 I would not recommend you that one, nor the company itsself. There is asimilar alternative, when you live in an oracle world (poor guy), search for "JasperreportsIntegration" Cheers, http://thomaszimmer.net http://jasper-schulungen.de
  3. @Damir Merdan Please contact me. Thomas mail@thomaszimmer.net http://thomaszimmer.net http://jasper-schulungen.de
  4. @titou10 Please contact me. Thomas mail@thomaszimmer.net Subject: JRFORK http://thomaszimmer.net http://jasper-schulungen.de
  5. Dear TIBCO decision-makers, Jaspersoft employees, Theodor. The decision and measures to pull the plug on the Jasperreports open source world practically overnight came as a surprise. I can't look behind the decisions, I can only guess at the reasons. Jasperreports, Jaspersoft Studio, iReport, Jasperserver. A success story of the open source philosophy, which I have been accompanying, supporting and propagated as part of the community for over 15 years. Jaspersoft's strengths compared to other BI software vendors are its open-source nature, integrability, and flexibility to switch between free and commercial models as needed. Even though it is said that Jasperreports and Jaspersoft Studio will remain open source, I am not sure that the decision-makers at TIBCO are aware of the consequences of their decision, as well as the surprising way in which it is implemented. All the customers I talk to now ask the same question: Is it the right decision to use or continue to use Jasperreports (with or without Jasperreports Server)? Can one rely on it at all? I'm really not sure if you're completely aware of the level of loss of trust in Jasperreports, Jaspersoft, and TIBCO that you've caused with your decision? The damage you are doing to the open source world and not least to your own software is significant! My feeling is that in the future there will be far fewer customers switching to a commercial license of the Jasperreports server or even dealing with Jasperreports. I also seriously wonder if an expert can still advise this with a clear conscience? As someone who has been accompanying, applying and recommending Jasperreports for such a long time, I can only say how sad it is for me to see the life's work of Theodor and his colleagues disappear in this way. I would be very surprised if this approach and new situation gives the software the certainly desired boost and flushes the intended finances into TIBCO's coffers. But I keep my fingers crossed and wish the very best! A very disappointed, long-time Jasperreports advocate. Thomas Zimmer (Germany) http://thomaszimmer.net http://jasper-schulungen.de
  6. Dear TIBCO decision-makers, Jaspersoft employees, Theodor. The decision and measures to pull the plug on the Jasperreports open source world practically overnight came as a surprise. I can't look behind the decisions, I can only guess at the reasons. Jasperreports, Jaspersoft Studio, iReport, Jasperserver. A success story of the open source philosophy, which I have been accompanying, supporting and propagated as part of the community for over 15 years. Jaspersoft's strengths compared to other BI software vendors are its open-source nature, integrability, and flexibility to switch between free and commercial models as needed. Even though it is said that Jasperreports and Jaspersoft Studio will remain open source, I am not sure that the decision-makers at TIBCO are aware of the consequences of their decision, as well as the surprising way in which it is implemented. All the customers I talk to now ask the same question: Is it the right decision to use or continue to use Jasperreports (with or without Jasperreports Server)? Can one rely on it at all? I'm really not sure if you're completely aware of the level of loss of trust in Jasperreports, Jaspersoft, and TIBCO that you've caused with your decision? The damage you are doing to the open source world and not least to your own software is significant! My feeling is that in the future there will be far fewer customers switching to a commercial license of the Jasperreports server or even dealing with Jasperreports. I also seriously wonder if an expert can still advise this with a clear conscience? As someone who has been accompanying, applying and recommending Jasperreports for such a long time, I can only say how sad it is for me to see the life's work of Theodor and his colleagues disappear in this way. I would be very surprised if this approach and new situation gives the software the certainly desired boost and flushes the intended finances into TIBCO's coffers. But I keep my fingers crossed and wish the very best! A very disappointed, long-time Jasperreports advocate. Thomas Zimmer (Germany) http://thomaszimmer.net http://jasper-schulungen.de
  7. Dear TIBCO decision-makers, Jaspersoft employees, Theodor. The decision and measures to pull the plug on the Jasperreports open source world practically overnight came as a surprise. I can't look behind the decisions, I can only guess at the reasons. Jasperreports, Jaspersoft Studio, iReport, Jasperserver. A success story of the open source philosophy, which I have been accompanying, supporting and propagated as part of the community for over 15 years. Jaspersoft's strengths compared to other BI software vendors are its open-source nature, integrability, and flexibility to switch between free and commercial models as needed. Even though it is said that Jasperreports and Jaspersoft Studio will remain open source, I am not sure that the decision-makers at TIBCO are aware of the consequences of their decision, as well as the surprising way in which it is implemented. All the customers I talk to now ask the same question: Is it the right decision to use or continue to use Jasperreports (with or without Jasperreports Server)? Can one rely on it at all? I'm really not sure if you're completely aware of the level of loss of trust in Jasperreports, Jaspersoft, and TIBCO that you've caused with your decision? The damage you are doing to the open source world and not least to your own software is significant! My feeling is that in the future there will be far fewer customers switching to a commercial license of the Jasperreports server or even dealing with Jasperreports. I also seriously wonder if an expert can still advise this with a clear conscience? As someone who has been accompanying, applying and recommending Jasperreports for such a long time, I can only say how sad it is for me to see the life's work of Theodor and his colleagues disappear in this way. I would be very surprised if this approach and new situation gives the software the certainly desired boost and flushes the intended finances into TIBCO's coffers. But I keep my fingers crossed and wish the very best! A very disappointed, long-time Jasperreports advocate. Thomas Zimmer (Germany) http://thomaszimmer.net http://jasper-schulungen.de
  8. nope, it is a bug: https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/12981 any workarounds are not satisfying (one could give a Path-Parameter to the main report and use/pass it for subreports) Greetz, Thomas https://jasper-schulungen.de/
  9. As i just searched for that, too, here is what I found: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/creating-custom-processor Greetings, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  10. Late answer... but yes, that should work. In general you can store any text there. The library only uses properties with names it knows. So do not use default properties to store your metdata :) Cheer, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  11. Hi Chengyang, the trick is to set the proper configuration in jasperreports.properties (on an windows machine): com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.components.customvisualization.require.js=file:/C:/path/to/require.js net.sf.jasperreports.web.resource.pattern.customvisualization.scripts=com/jaspersoft/jasperreports/customvisualization/resources/require/.* See the "file:/...." and "...require/.* specially... (a bit different than in the jaspersoft docs...). I hope this helps on an *nix-box too. Cheers, Thomas
  12. Hi fellow, let me google that for you... try that: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802580/how-create-excel-data-source-jasperreports-server Regards, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  13. Could you post the stack trace of the other report? as it is so big, I´m honestly not excited to look more closely. maybe the stack trace says something.. :-)
  14. Does iReport live on the same machine as Jasperreports Server? Pls. post connection details (screenshoot) from iReport. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  15. Your information is poor. Please post the report to investigate further... Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  16. From my point of view, Jasperserver did exactly what you told; it truncates the text which does not fit into the field at the the last word. So, if you want to cut the text in the middle of the word "... lang", you should set the property to "false" Perhaps it could help to achieve what you want by using the text field property "Print when detail overflows". Furthermore, there are some other (element-)settings within text fields to control text wrapping, like "Stretch with overflow", "Stretch typ" and so on. At last, your (old) version of Jasperserver may not know the option you are trying to set; unfortunatly I cannot find any configuration reference for version 3.7.x (by fast search...) Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  17. The parameter "runDAte" in your main report is of type java.sql.DAte. The subset's parameter "runTimeDAte" is of type String, change the former and you'll succeed. You won't have to set a default value for the dataset's parameter, as you pass an actual value in the table within you use that dataset :-) Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  18. I would suggest to use Jaspersoft Studio with the Jaspersoft Components from Jan Lolling for this: http://www.talendforge.org/exchange/ (Search for "Jasper", author "jlolling") With these, you could work through a list (static, from file, from database, whatever) and start report executions one after another. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  19. I would not suggest to change the IDE as you will always have to migrate your changes to new versions etc. But if you want to, downlaod the source code. Maybe this doc will help you a bit finding the implementation of components and understanding how they work: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/introduction-custom-components-ireport-designer IMHO, That will not be an easy or fast job! Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  20. However, the simple way to do that: Generic Element, have a look here: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/genericelement/index.html with the disadvantage, that the user has to know how to configure the generic element (by external docs e.g.) The nicer as the more complex and extensive way would be to implement a custom component for iReport, have a look here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/introduction-custom-components-ireport-designer Maybe, it is a bit easier to implement custom component for Jaspersoft Studio, I didn´t gave that a try yet... Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  21. I assume what you wanted to do is: $F{name}.length() >= 12 ? $F{name}.substring(0,12) + "..." : $F{name} Perhaps you have to do an additional check, if "name" is not null first. I see regex as somehow possible but less efficient and overflow here. But the regex expression would be: $F{name}.matches("^.{12,}$") ? $F{name}.substring(0,12) + "..." : $F{name}Of course, the null-check remains here as well. Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  22. Without getting deeper, I would say your problem is that you have no well-formed xml; a tag "<aReason>" must be closed with "</aReason> and not with "</approvedReason>". Changed that and you will be able to read the elements with xpath: /Event/Reasons/aReason Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  23. I cannot see, where´s your problem with this. As far as I know your last posts and abilities you should be able to solve that. However, some hints how I would solve it: 1. Include the different informations/lists in some subreports; main report, then a subreport for "competency details", "academic history", "certifications", "performance details". The personal details could take place in the summary of the main report. 2. Build up the "competency details" as static detail bands with four lines, left and right part and four small charts. Like that each record of your dataset must have 10 columns: "parent skill", 4 times a label and the value "evaluated competencies" and the remarks. It could get a bit challenging to keep a nice list view, if the remarks can get higher that the rest of a static line (a line has to be resized). 3. "performance details" may be a bit more complicated, because you have a varying count of evaluated competencies. Build up a detail like this: "no" and "parent skill" as resizable text, the charts and last field into a simple list. The data of the list has to be put in an additional dataset. Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  24. That depends on the type and functionality of your code. Pls. describe what you are going to do... Possibilities to add code: - Custom Components - Scriptlets - Chart Customizers - Custom Calculation Functions - Custom Datasources - ... Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  25. Should be: $F{student}.getPrimaryContact().getContact().getNameView() == null ? "Self" : $F{student}.getPrimaryContact().getContact().getNameView() Or did I miss(understood) s.th? Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
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