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  1. hi, the problem is still not solved. and I want to post my tutorial on how to integrate jasperserver and studio with D3.js in case someone need this. and this tutorial is just for someguy's enviroment same like me, mac, haha. jasper server integrate with d3.js 1,install the tomcat: in terminal type: brew search tomcat and type: brew install tomcat7 so, tomcat7 will installed in your /usr/local/Cellar 2,install jasper server-ce download the jasper server source code, link: http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-server/releases download jasperreports-server-cp-6.0.1-src.zip unzip the zip file and then folllow the TIBCO jasperreporats server source build guide to install jasper server in your tomcat steps are : copy config file you need from the sample config file and rename it, like if you want to run jasper server on mysql and tomcat, run these command in your terminal: cd <PATH>/JasperReports-Server-cp-6.0.1-src/jasperserver/buildomatic cp sample_conf/mysql_master.properties default_master.properties and change the data in it : dbUsername = root dbPassword = password maven = /home/devuser/apache-maven-3.0.4/bin/mvn js-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-6.0-src/jasperserver repo-path = /home/<user>/JasperReports-Server-6.0-src/jasperserver-repo js-pro-path = /home/<user> (no idea why it need this, just give some location you like, any one works, but if you comment this line, it will get error when you install) maven.home = /usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.2.3 (this is optional, in case jasper can not have your maven home) make sure you have start your database and stop your tomcat , then follow these command in your terminal to build the source code: cd <PATH>/JasperReports-Server-cp-6.0.1-src/jasperserver/buildomatic ./js-ant clean-config ./js-ant gen-config ./js-ant add-jdbc-driver ./js-ant build-ce ./js-ant create-load-js-db-ce ./js-ant deploy-webapp-ce (if you failed when on one step, and the error message mentioned something like request address is already used.. you can search the result from google and get the solution, but easy way to fix this is turn off your wifi) now, the jasper server has been deployed to your tomcat, so go to tomcat and start the server: cd /usr/local/Cellar/tomcat7/7.0.59/libexec/bin bash startup.sh then go to http://localhost:8080/jasperserver (if you can not see the welcome page, and a hug 404 come into your eye, an easy way to fix this is to turn off your wifi, and restart your server) you will see the welcome page, then use account:jasperadmin, password:jasperadmin to login 3,install jasper studio download page is https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio/releases 4,Custom Visualization Component official link : http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-visualization-component-v60x the only thing jasper studio need is phantoms, the other things are for jasper server: 1,install phantomjs you will need phantom js download it from its website: http://phantomjs.org/ if your system is yosemity or later , you may want this version of this phantom: https://github.com/eugene1g/phantomjs/releases other wise it will not work after download, unzip the file, and add it to your PATH, and it is ready to use. to find which PATH you use, just type echo $PATH terminal will give you all the PATH you are using, move phantomjs to any of them you can run phantomjs —version in your command to make sure phantomjs works if you are running linux, please follow the link bellow to install the source code, very sorry for the 30 minutes you will take: http://phantomjs.org/build.html 2,add require.js go to : /apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties add these two line in jasperreports.properties: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.components.customvisualization.require.js=file:///path/to/require.js net.sf.jasperreports.web.resource.pattern.customvisualization.scripts=com/jaspersoft/jasperreports/customvisualization/resources/require Replace /path/to/require.js with a proper absolute path to require.js 3,jars the location of jasper server jars is : ~/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib/ check if you have jasperreports-customvisualization-x.y.z.jar in your jasper server lib file, if you do not have it , download it from website. this jar include D3.js and other stuff you will need to customize your jasper find htmlcomponentX_X_X.jar in studio, this is shipped with studio, but not shipped with jasper server. so extract htmlcomponentX_X_X.jar, and get another htmlcomponent.jar, put it in server lib file. this file is used for html component in server side (if you do not have this jar in server side, it will get your error when you deploy report from studio to server) 5,run the sample before this, you may wan to see 3rd part in errors and solutions this is official link tell you how to run the D3 samples; http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-visualization-component-v60x-how-run-samples you can follow the tutorial. they use sample DB which is a postgre database created by studio. so if you want to make these samples viewed in jasper server, you will need to make a same database and connect with server Or, you can create a simple D3.js by yourself, no database needed 1, click File-> new -> other ->jaspersoft Studio -> custom visualization component 2, errors and solution: 1,start the server, and there is error like this: 2013-12-09 15:35:47,869 ERROR JNDIResourceProvider,localhost-startStop-1:75 - error closing context javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: Context is read only solution link: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/822153/error-closing-context 2,if you get an error from catalina.out said your java memory not enough, just increase it in tomcat setting: add following two line to your <USER>/.bash_profile file: export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=512m” and run source ~/.bash_profile in your terminal to restart the bash_profile 3,if you can not see the preview in jasperstudio in java format, you may try this : http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=searchFlow 4,when you add data source in jasper studio, and there is an error said you do not have XXX driver, you may click Driver Classpath and add your jars here. and same thing when you run your project in studio, and you can add your jars in the project class path. by right click your project, and click Build Path -> Configure Build Path ->Libraries -> add extenal JARS
  2. hi, guys, I have successfully run the Custom Visualization Component in the jasperserver-pro(localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro), which is commercial version. but faild in the community version(localhost:8080/jasperserver). so I want to know the reason is the difference between the two version or something I have donw wrong. I do this cause I want to integrate with D3.js any suggestions would be appreciated follow up , there is no error message , and when I view the report in jasperserver, the page will continue loading all the time. and the server will create temp file like svg and html file in temp folder. and these file works perfectly , so why jasperserver not show these thing ? this is the link I followed, worked on pro version : http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-visualization-component-v60x the community version I use: jasperreports-server-cp-6.0.1-bin jars:htmlcomponent.jar, jasperreports-customvisualization-6.0.1.jar, mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar, phantomjs works and my jasperreports.properties: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.components.customvisualization.require.js=file:///usr/local/Cellar/tomcat7/7.0.59/libexec/webapps/jasperserver/optimized-scripts/bower_components/requirejs/require.js net.sf.jasperreports.web.resource.pattern.customvisualization.scripts=com/jaspersoft/jasperreports/customvisualization/resources/require com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.components.customvisualization.phantomjs.executable.path=file:///usr/bin/phantomjs net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.sql=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.JRTimezoneJdbcQueryExecuterFactory net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.HiveQL=com.jaspersoft.hadoop.hive.HiveQueryExecuterFactory #limit the crosstab bucket/measure count to prevent out of memory errors net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.bucket.measure.limit=100000 #suppress page and column footers and all but the first page and column headers when exporting to XLS net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.1=pageHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.2=pageFooter net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.3=columnHeader net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.4=columnFooter # report exporter hints override export parameters net.sf.jasperreports.export.parameters.override.report.hints=false # use the workaround for the Sun JDK Glyph synchronization bug net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JdkGlyphFixTextMeasurerFactory # the fast/single line text measurer factory net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory.single.line=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.SingleLineTextMeasurerFactory # the default chart theme to use #net.sf.jasperreports.chart.theme=eye.candy.sixties # override the JR MDX query executer net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.mdx=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.JSMdxQueryExecuterFactory net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.MDX=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.JSMdxQueryExecuterFactory # save line break positions at fill time net.sf.jasperreports.text.save.line.breaks=true # nested tables can cause column misalignments net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.frames.as.nested.tables=false #net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.border.collapse=separate # ignore missing fonts in reports net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font=true # allow element negative width net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.negative.width=true # switch between new XHTML to the former HTML exporter com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html2 #com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=xhtml #com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html # date patterns for JR interactive components #net.sf.jasperreports.components.date.pattern.key=date.format #net.sf.jasperreports.components.calendar.date.pattern.key=calendar.date.format net.sf.jasperreports.web.report.resources.path=/reportresource/reportresource net.sf.jasperreports.web.request.parameter.resource.uri=resource net.sf.jasperreports.print.transfer.jrs.export=com.jaspersoft.jrs.export #com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.csv.paginated=true #com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.xls.paginated=true #com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.pdf.paginated=false #com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.docx.paginated=false #com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.rtf.paginated=false #com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.odt.paginated=false
  3. hi, guys, I have successfully run the Custom Visualization Component in the jasperserver-pro(localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro), which is commercial version. but faild in the community version(localhost:8080/jasperserver). so I want to know the reason is the difference between the two version or something I have donw wrong. I do this cause I want to integrate with D3.js any suggestions would be appreciated this is the link I followed, worked on pro version : http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-visualization-component-v60x the community version I use: jasperreports-server-cp-6.0.1-bin jars:htmlcomponent.jar, jasperreports-customvisualization-6.0.1.jar, mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar, phantomjs works and my jasperreports.properties: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.components.customvisualization.require.js=file:///usr/local/Cellar/tomcat7/7.0.59/libexec/webapps/jasperserver/optimized-scripts/bower_components/requirejs/require.jsnet.sf.jasperreports.web.resource.pattern.customvisualization.scripts=com/jaspersoft/jasperreports/customvisualization/resources/requirecom.jaspersoft.jasperreports.components.customvisualization.phantomjs.executable.path=file:///usr/bin/phantomjs net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.sql=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.JRTimezoneJdbcQueryExecuterFactorynet.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.HiveQL=com.jaspersoft.hadoop.hive.HiveQueryExecuterFactory #limit the crosstab bucket/measure count to prevent out of memory errorsnet.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.bucket.measure.limit=100000 #suppress page and column footers and all but the first page and column headers when exporting to XLSnet.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.1=pageHeadernet.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.2=pageFooternet.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.3=columnHeadernet.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.4=columnFooter # report exporter hints override export parametersnet.sf.jasperreports.export.parameters.override.report.hints=false # use the workaround for the Sun JDK Glyph synchronization bugnet.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JdkGlyphFixTextMeasurerFactory # the fast/single line text measurer factorynet.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory.single.line=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.SingleLineTextMeasurerFactory # the default chart theme to use#net.sf.jasperreports.chart.theme=eye.candy.sixties # override the JR MDX query executernet.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.mdx=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.JSMdxQueryExecuterFactorynet.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.MDX=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.JSMdxQueryExecuterFactory # save line break positions at fill timenet.sf.jasperreports.text.save.line.breaks=true # nested tables can cause column misalignmentsnet.sf.jasperreports.export.html.frames.as.nested.tables=false#net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.border.collapse=separate # ignore missing fonts in reportsnet.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font=true # allow element negative widthnet.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.negative.width=true # switch between new XHTML to the former HTML exportercom.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html2#com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=xhtml#com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html # date patterns for JR interactive components#net.sf.jasperreports.components.date.pattern.key=date.format#net.sf.jasperreports.components.calendar.date.pattern.key=calendar.date.format net.sf.jasperreports.web.report.resources.path=/reportresource/reportresourcenet.sf.jasperreports.web.request.parameter.resource.uri=resource net.sf.jasperreports.print.transfer.jrs.export=com.jaspersoft.jrs.export#com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.csv.paginated=true#com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.xls.paginated=true#com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.pdf.paginated=false#com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.docx.paginated=false#com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.rtf.paginated=false#com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.odt.paginated=false
  4. check your phantomjs REALLY WORK,,, when I use another version of phantomjs, the java preview works
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