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Thomas Zimmer

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Everything posted by Thomas Zimmer

  1. Hi Asha, this doc should help you: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/ireport-calling-stored-procedures Did it once by myself, but quite long ago... Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  2. Maybe I didn´t understood your problem correctly, but if "ENDDATE" MUST be a date in the report, then you could add a variable of type timestamp with increment type "none" and calculation function "Nothing" and an expression like: $F{ENDDATE}.getTime() The same of course with parameters, if ENDDATE is such one. Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  3. Hi Michael, you could have formatted the dates in your line chart in the category expression directly (in java), like: java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM.dd.yy").format($F{date-field}) Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  4. Hi Raju, Simply place the chart into title or summary band. Jasperreports takes list datasources and print the detail band for each element in the list. Like that you get as many charts as ther are results in your report datasource. Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  5. Hi Susi, I see two possibilities to solve: 1) attach the datasource to a list element and place the list element into the last detail band 2) pass the datasource to a subreport and print the special-agreements there Cheers, Thomas http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  6. Simply set the variable with increment type "none", calculation type "nothing" and with an expression like: $V{RollNoList}.add(${fieldname} ? $V{RollNoList} : $V{RollNoList} Perhaps there is a better way, but this works. Cheers, Thomas. http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  7. You could use a data filter. But even better would be to design your query with the username, so that only data is queried (and transported over network) which is relevant for the report. To display the message, use the "no data" band, and select the right setting in the document properties ("When no data" = No data band"). Unfortunately you will have (re-)design the whole layout, there is no possibility to use the headers or footer or other bands with the no data band. Cheers, Thomas. http://www.ThomasZimmer.net
  8. The doc are placed in a subfolder "doc" (or similar) in your Jasperserver installation. However, you can get them here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation?version=7114 Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  9. In the subreport set "Print When Expression" of your detail fileds to: $V{PAGE_NUMBER} <= 1 Generally that works, but unfortunately Jasperreports inserts a blank second page. I belive that is a bug discussed a number of times in this forum. But perhaps you can achive it somehow to supress the second page... Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  10. Why did you delete the "jasperserver-pro.xml" config? What is the config.xml? Try to edit <js-install>/<tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver(-pro)/WEB-INF/js.jdbc.properties As far as I remember these are the db-settings used by the webapp for connect, but there may be other locations to do that. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net P.S.: You propably will have to reconfigure all db-connections you have defined in the js-repository for report execution etc.
  11. Have a look at this post, maybe it helps: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/816801/list-box-inside-list-box But it is quite similar to using subreports, only with lists...
  12. Thank you for that really interesting question. I gave it a try and it works great. Have a look at the sample attached: Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  13. Build a parameter "MyId" map and pass it to the engine in the call: JasperPrint jp=JasperFillManager.fillReport(jr, parameters, conn); Your SQL-Query should be then: String sql="select * from farmers where farmer_id=$P{MyId}"; Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  14. Simple answer: That is not possible. Only workarounds are imaginable, perhaps with subreports printed conditionally or somethig like that. A simple draft in excel would be helpful to understand what layout you want to do exactly and what is your data. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  15. For normal, that should work, as far as I know. But to be safe, place the drier into <ireport-install>/ide10/modules/ext/ There are seeral othe possible library directories, but the aboe is the one where are mysql and postgres drivers are placed. Do not forget to restart the IDE when copied the driver. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  16. You have to type cast the datasource explicitely: ((...JRXmlDataSource) $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource... Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  17. My assumption for your example is, that you cannot do a group by query like you do it. Should there be a count(*) for workstream, and a count(*) for reason? I would advise to use two datasets (right-click report root in Report Navigator and select "Add dataset"...) with two single queries and connect them to your pie chart. That should be a clear, clean and easy approach. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net P.S.: To increase reusabilty (if it makes sense in your context), you could also implement each pie in a simple subreport...
  18. Very bad question. Not a question at all. 1) Remove the error which leads to the trace, find the root cause. 2) If you cannot find it, post a description what you are doing, perhaps the report and the error trace. Maybe with that information someone can help you. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  19. That is capable of misunderstood, what you want indeed is to "define" an input control. Select that and the next buttons will bring you to editing your control. BTW, I would recommend to define input controls once in the repository of JS, then only link them to your reports (especially you are using the same input control for multiple reports, that will ake maintainability much more easy). As I can see in my test server, you will have to select the "visible column" explicitely at the end of the controls configuration dialogs. Otherwise the presentation of the control won´t show anything. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  20. The error itsself is obvious (a list of size 11 has no index 11): java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 11, Size: 11 But the context would be needed to analyize further... What is the interface between main and subreport? Are there any controls attached to the report? Pls. post the reports Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  21. Dynamic element width are generally not possible in Jasperreports. Perhaps you can reach your goal by overlaying diferent elements and conditionally printing? Would be needed to know your requirements more exactly. Eventually Dynamic Jasperreports would be a solution for your needs?: http://dynamicjasper.com/ Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  22. The part of null-checking is easy and correct like you have done it. You cannot use any count variable or similar of teh report, because at the time only the first record is treated by the report, the engine doesn´t know how many rows will be in your dataset. I see two posiblities: 1) bad: have a main report which counts the rows in your dataset, then pass the connection/datasource and the count to a subreport which does what you want (filtering first row) 2) less bad: modify your query (join) to get the count of rows directly with the data. Maybe your database has analytic function (Oracle partition by... ?) to do that efficiently in one query. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
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