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Everything posted by marianol

  1. I agree with @abc.hegde a File Report Virtualizer may be your choice. See: - http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/comparison-report-virtualizers - http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/virtualizer/
  2. Check this thread http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/912636/layout-issue-all-dialogs-after-upgrade-60-61 I uploaded a Repo Export of the default theme of 6.1 theme there.
  3. You will need to install a fresh community 6.1 login as superuser an and export the theme it from there. Remember you need to do an Export and not Dowload theme.
  4. This looks really cool, can you share domaingenerator.jar?
  5. Hi @hozawa, Those files you see are the JR temp files used by the JR Virtualizer if you have a huge anout of files may be because of this: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/large-amount-temp-files-slows-down-jasperreports-server-unusable or it just may be that you have a very busy server and the JVM does not do a good job in cleaning the temp files, in that case you can put a cron job that deletes the files on a regular basis.
  6. Just follow the instrucciones on http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v610/token-based-authentication 1 - Stop Tomcat 2- Copy from the install samples folder sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-preauth[-mt].xml to webapps/jasperserver[-pro]/WEB_INF/applicationContext-externalAuth-preauth.xml 3- Edit /applicationContext-externalAuth-preauth.xml and configure the token format to your needs http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v610/token-based-authentication#Configur , is always better to first try the plain text fromat that comes in the sample to see that all is OK 4- If you go by encrypting the token (You SHOULD!!) then create your decryption class http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v610/token-based-authentication#TokenDecryption
  7. Do you see tomcat and jasperserver-pro webapp started in the tomcat manager page? if you are getting a 404 it looks like the app has not started. Check the catalina.out log also for any errors
  8. This problems comes because in your Repo Import the default theme for 6.1 was overriten with the 6.0 theme. You will need to login as superuser and import a clean 6.1 default theme. I attached a 6.1 theme export to this response. Login as superuser, go to Manage -> Server Settings -> Import and import the attached .zip file, this will fix your issues.
  9. Sorry I just saw this one but the 6.1 AMI is already available normally the AMI's in Marketplace are available one month after the on premise product GA
  10. I responded to the this same question here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/910866/how-can-i-reduce-execution-time-visualizejs
  11. Try using FireBug or Chrome developer tool to see if there is any issues in the transport or network when running trough visualize.js. That may be the cause if the report has some big binaries that need to be loaded like images or other bolobs. The report execution should be pretty similar form the JasperServer UI and trough visualize.js. You can check the JasperServer Log (/WEB_INF/Logs) for any error messages like out of memory problems or connection timeouts. You can also change the visualize.js log level to debug (&logLevel=debug) the visualize.js logging will be in the Javascript console (see: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-visualizejs-guide/v60/api-reference-visualizejs#Requesting_Visualize_js)
  12. Those are controled by the pagination options for the REST v2 Resources http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/paginating-search-results-0#top
  13. You can set JSS in compatibility mode to a specifc JR Library version. You can to change this in the JSS preferences either per file or per project.
  14. I do not remember when the HTML5 Bubble chart was introduced but it may have been in 5.6 that is why you are getting the error. Try setting your Jaspersoft Studio 5.6 in 5.5 compatibility mode. If that is the case (5.5 did not have support for HTML5 bubble) your only option will be to upgrade your server to 5.6 since 5.5 does not know about the html5 bubble chart.
  15. Can you explain a bit more...I'm not sure what your question actually is. I do not see any issues in doing that with Jasper, reports can accept parameters that can make it behave how you want. i.e. filtering the result set to one a or many results.
  16. Yes it is possible is built into ireport, check this post http://www.lukeshannon.com/jrs-articles/jasperserver-repository-advantage.html Remember that iReport is on maintenance mode now and quickly reaching it's EOL. I would suggest you switch to Jaspersoft Studio, is a lot more powerfull and easy to use, specially when dealing with JasperServer. You can get the Community edition here http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio if you are a current customer you can download Jaspersoft Studio Professional from the support portal.
  17. Just use a JDBC connection, for info about the drivers check this article http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/connecting-jasperreports-server-your-database is not new but all still applies.
  18. Check the Jasperserver log if you are not running out of memory. Some exporters are more memory hungy than others
  19. Unfortunately Adhoc with Domains do not have support for cascading filters. If you want to have something like that you can try using Adhoc Topics, Adhoc Topics are essentially Reports so you can add the Cascading controls there, if you have the samples still installed see how the "Cascading multi select topic" works. There is also infromation about adhoc topics in the docs: - http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-user-guide/v610/creating-topics - http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-user-guide/v610/adding-cascading-input-controls-report
  20. There are 2 differents listings in Jasperserver for AWS one with and one without. - Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (Hourly) https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00B527JQ0/ This is JasperServer Pro with NO MULTI TENANCY - Jaspersoft for AWS with Multi-Tenancy (Hourly) https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00G9PRRDS/ This is Jasperserver Pro WITH MULTI TENANCY If you are using the BYOL version that will depend on the license you have but the AMI is the same.
  21. I see your code calls the server as "http://localhost:8080/jasperserver" make sure your EC2 instace in AWS is answering correctly on port 8080 and the security groups allow that connection. Also I assume you are not really using "localhost" but the proper EC2 Public DNS Name.
  22. Hard to answer without looking at the reports and the data (i.e. calculations done) but I'll take my chance. In these cases (trying to do this types of summaries. ) subreports are normally the way to go. One way I have done this type of things in the past is to "turn the report over" by this I mean you have a master report where in the detail band you call a subreport that will do the calculations and display the data. Subreports can pass variables to the master report so the master report will act as a container for the subreports and collect all the data for display in the summary band (your overview). You can collect all the data in a java.util.collection type variable and then use that as a datasource for your summary table see here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8490563/how-to-pass-main-report-data-source-to-subreport-jasperreports Some references: - http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/subreport/ - http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/subreports-jaspersoft-studio - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8490563/how-to-pass-main-report-data-source-to-subreport-jasperreports - http://chocksaway.com/blog/?p=367 - http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/subreports
  23. Are you using the superuser account for importing the theme? What version of JasperServer for AWS are you using 6.0.1?
  24. I do not think you can get away with this without configuring tomcat to use SSL. Since Jasper is not the one that returns anything Tomcat (or the application server you are using) is the one that handles the connection.
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