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  1. This is a tricky question to answer here the way the question is posted, all will depend on the type and amount of data you have and the complexity of the reports you are doing. If you can explain a bit more the use case I'm pretty sure more people will be able to help. My quick answer here will be, use the one where is your data resides today.
  2. Can you show how are you connecting to RDS? And how the infrastructure looks like on AWS, did you use the provided Cloud Formation Templates? An elastic IP is not required to connect to RDS, I think that the issue you are running into has to do with the network infrastructure you have setup. Are you using VPC? Are you using the internal IPs in your security group?
  3. Check which report virtualizer is being used in each library that may have changed over releases. A jump from 3.5 to 6.3 a lot of years have gone by :) http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/virtualizers-jasperreports
  4. You should not have problems with that the Kerberos implementation should be done by the driver you are using. What are you using to connect to Hadoop? Hive, Impala, Hbase, Spark? Check the documentation of the driver you are using, For example for Impala check page 11 of the Driver Guide https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/other/connectors/impala-jdbc/latest/Cloudera-JDBC-Driver-for-Impala-Install-Guide.pdf
  5. What Repo DB are you using? IS the default_master.properties file setting the right DB, driver and connection information?
  6. Hi, to decrypt the data coming from the DB you will need to do that at the Java Layer in the JRXML by using my custom class to process it. You can achieve that using scriptlets or custom functions in Jaspersoft Studio check this link http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-studio-expression-editor-how-extend-it-and-contribute-your-own-functions-part-2-0
  7. For connecting with AD Jaspersoft uses LDAP. In the documentation, check the Jaspersoft Authentication Cookbook the section regarding LDAP and Active directory integration.
  8. You will have to connect it manually via JDBC, since the autodiscovery feature does not support Mumbai yet. Check the Jaspersoft for AWS getting started guide in "Connecting to Your Data with JRS" scroll down to the "JDBC / JNDI Connections" section
  9. Wow, lots of questions :) #1) For performance related questions this wiki page is always a good start http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jasperreports-server-performance-reference That will give you an overview on where the bottlenecks will be for a specific use case. Since there are so many moving parts (query time, fetch time, report execution, fill and export, etc) is not easy as you need to use instance X for X amount of users. Note that in AWS new generation instance types (like m4) have more processing power per vCPU than older generations (m2) for me the bible is this site http://www.ec2instances.info/ note the difference in ECU. One EC2 Compute Unit (ECU) provides the equivalent CPU capacity of a 1.0-1.2 GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon processor. The server is loaded by concurrent report executions. i.e. a user looking at an already executed report will have minimal impact, while a user generating a dashboard with 4 dashlets will be executing 4 reports simultaneously. As a basic rule of the thumb, you can use the 100:10:1 rule; for each 100 named users you can expect 10 concurrent users from wich you can expect 1 concurrent report execution at any given time. Of course, this is also broad, you should tailor that to your use case. Based on the little info I have I think an m3.large will become memory bound in your case since you only have 7.5GB available and I'm assuming you are running the regular AMI where JRS and the repo DB are in the same box. Look into the Cloud Formation Templates for clustering here http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch that show Launching Jaspersoft with the repository DB on RDS. Since this will offload some resources from the AMI. I do recommend for convenience using the cluster deployment even if you use only one machine :) Regarding Dev & Tes, you are correct you should create CF templates for your environments and spin those off and on when needed. Use the ones in the link above as a reference. Is much better to automate those things, AWS have really good API's for managing this automation https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/ Hope this helps :)
  10. The Auditing Capabilities are not available in JasperReports Server Professional (in AWS listed as reporting and Analytics) are only available in JasperReports Server Enterprise (in AWS is listed as with Multi-Tenancy) See https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions
  11. Note that JasperReports Server Community edition license is AGPL so that will have some implications if you are planning to integrate it with your application and your application does not have a compatible license.
  12. Since the report is exporting properly in JSS, make sure your jasperreports.properties match between Jaspersoft Studio (Properties -> Jaspersoft Studio -> Properies ) and Jasper Reports Server (/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties) Watch specially the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.* ones.
  13. You can use the iText PdfReader API to append the existing PDF to the Jasper Output look into this question: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/844705/how-attach-pdf-file-generated-jasper-report
  14. PCF as in ??? Point coordination function? Portable Compiled Format? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCF
  15. The " An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (5321)" is a very generic erros that is normally shown where there are security issues. Check the jasperserver.log, there you should find more meaningful explanation on what is going on. The default log file is WEB-INFlogsjasperserver.log.
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