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Everything posted by marianol

  1. That error is because the installer it was not able to find or connect the Postgres DB for the JaseperServer Repo. If you are doing a WAR install check that postgres is up and running and accepting connections via TCP with the host, port and user you defined in default_master.properties The installer has a log under /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.0.1/buildomatic/logs/ that will be a lot more verbose on the error that was encountered. Also check which Java Version (java -version in the command line) you have I have heard some issues in some linux distros when using OpenJDK switch to Oracle Java 7
  2. Just in case try passing the parameters as part of the GET request (using REST v2), something like: http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reports/ /reports/Suga/CustomerList.PDF?CustomerType=372c3f91-d996-436d-b0bc-9356353de406The full doc is here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/running-report-1 I found a .NET REST Client in Githib https://github.com/choudhurynirjhar/JaspersoftRESTClient it does not look like is maintained but can give you a good starting point and you can complete it and contribute to the community.
  3. Take a look at this sample: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/mongodb-city-cases-example (is based on MongoDB but that is irrelevant in this case you can get the same data form a SQL Server) Check also this article about adding marker tooltips and hyperlinks to the JSS Map Component Also I will recomend you to switch to Jaspersoft Studio since iReport is EOL now with extended support until the end of this year.
  4. You can try this java web services client https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client and us it as a base of your project... fork away :)
  5. That inline style you are talking about is probably coming form the report itself and not form visualize; Is the table or object (or page size) of the report set to 400px? If you want your report to scale of fit to the container (either height or width) you can use the report scaling features of Visualize.js; like: report = v.report({ resource: "/public/Samples/Reports/AllAccounts", container: "#mydiv", scale: "container",.... } look at this JSFiddle as an example: http://jsfiddle.net/marianol/k8sq1hde/
  6. Do you see anything in your SQL server log? If is waiting and eventually times out is because the DB is not reponding. With that query you are doing a it produces a cartesian product of the two tables and we know that DBMS do nto like that much cartesian products...
  7. Contact sales@jaspersoft.com or the chat and they will be able to help you out with this. I have seen some issues also in some Centos Instances with user permission, does your user have permissions to start a new service? Since the error is in the import-export that is when the installer is bootstapping Jaspersoft to initialize a clean repository so that will be an indication that probably postges is not fully installed. This may be a port issue also; i.e. there is another intance of postgres using the defautl port or somehting else is) There is an installation log (in the installer path/log) where you will be able to see the full cause of the error and that will help out.
  8. You can achieve solution #2 using the Jaspersoft Pre Authentication (or Token Based Authentication) this allows you to define a token passed to Jasper with the information needed to create the user object on the fly. The only thing you need to do is create your decription class that will handle the decryption of your token and give jasper what it needs to create the SSO. The information about how to setup this is in the Jaspersodt Authentication Cookbook: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v610/token-based-authentication
  9. Check out this Article http://www.webreference.com/programming/Globalize-Web-Applications15_Java_ResourceBundles/index.html
  10. Short of customizing the HTML exporter I'm not sure... Here are some things to try (I have not tried) use accessible HTML that may clean up the HTML http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.accessible You can also try using one of the old HTML exporters, go to jasperreports.properties file (webapps/jasperserver[-pro]/WEB-INF/classes) search for the text below and try them out # switch between new XHTML and the former HTML exportercom.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html2#com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=xhtml#com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html
  11. From the new thead you posted you said.. "new version on a different machine exported everything" The only thing you need to export is /public/themes, also make sure that when you import you have the --update option set
  12. @Marcio, you have another active thread where people are helping http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/912636/layout-issue-all-dialogs-after-upgrade-60-61 Please do not open anoher one since it is not useful for the community.
  13. There is a Jasperserver 6.1 Pro theme that I added to this thread http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/912636/layout-issue-all-dialogs-after-upgrade-60-61 If you need the community one you will need to install it is rather easy and you can install it in your local machine, the only thing you need is the /public/theme I do not have a clean community installed to export, sorry
  14. The export I posted is a Repor export of the theme only, that is what you need but for community. - Leave your current server as is (with the UI issue) - install a community 6.1 server clean and do NOT import anything form the old server, - do a repo export (cmd line is fine) of the /themes folder. - Once you have that export at hand, import that into your mai server. - TOMCAT does some heavy caching so you need to ger rid of it or you may still see the cached theme. After you import, shutdown tomcat and delete the files in the Work and temp folder then start tomcat again. This should rebuild the cache with the new theme CSS.
  15. Just straight form JasperReports API http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JasperPrint.html JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport( "MyFancyPantsReport.jrxml" ); // setup parameters for use with the report HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>(); params.put( "sqlDate", fromDate ); // Fill the report data from the sql connection and parameters JasperPrint myJRprintReportObject = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, connection); JRSaver.saveObject(jasperPrint, "build/reports/MyFancyPantsReport.jrprint");
  16. Are you using Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.0 final or Jaspersoft Studio Professional 6.0.0 final ? The HTML Charts that the article refers to are only available in the commercial version of JSS
  17. I have not tried it but looking at the mongo Driver (which is the one used by JSS) the file class should be com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile See: http://api.mongodb.org/java/current/com/mongodb/gridfs/GridFSDBFile.html
  18. If you get error :404 jasperserver not found it looks like Jasperserver is not running, check your tomcat/catalina log to see if there is any issues in startingup the app
  19. It may be a font issue, check that the fonts used in the report are available in the JVM of your app. For more info check the fonts extensions in the JR docs http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/fonts/index.html
  20. Yes Visualize.js allows you to select the page (or range of pages) you want to render, see the docs the report method properties: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-visualizejs-guide/v610/api-reference-report#top It will be something like: report .pages("1") // string is also allowed .run();[/code]
  21. I just tested this with the supermart domain that comes with the samples and is working. I just selected the Supermart Domain, the Expenses Group and filtered by expense date (YEAR-3 or MONTH-40 since the dates of that dataset are for 2012 and 2013) and choose "is after" for the filter action. One important thing to note is that you need to press the APPLY button at the bottom of the filter panel so the filter get applied. Was the domain imported form 6.0? What database are you using?
  22. Yes is new in 6.x is called report book. Check the docs here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/report-books There is also a sample of this if you install the samples on JasperReport Server is in /Public/Samples/Reports/17. Report Workbook
  23. Contact the sales team @ Jaspersoft.com and they will be able to help you out. http://jaspersoft.com/contact-us Sales/Evaluations+1.415.348.2380 US Toll-Free:+1.888.399.2199They also have a chat funtion in that page.
  24. Yes indeed is a compatibility problem, your report or data adapter is probably using a feature that was not available on JRS 5.6. SInce I cannot see the "caused by" in the stack trace I'm not sure what that problem may be. To be on the safe side always use the same version of JasperSoft Studio and JasperReports Server in your case 5.6 Jaspersoft Studio has a compatibility setting that will help you out, I have not tried it yet but that may help you out. The compatibility setting in Jasper Studio Preferences are for JRXML source code only. With this setting, user will be able to use current version of the design tool to create a report template that is compatible with a prior version of JR engine. Then on your server connectivity window in JSS you have another Advanced Dialog that manages compatibility with the JRServer connection. Try setting both of these in your JSS 6.1 to 5.6 and see if the problem persists.
  25. Unfortunaley the Built In User Paramerters are not accessible yet via AdHoc or Domains. There Parameters can be Accessed - Via Jaspersoft Stiudio Reports Slook at: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/built-parameters-logged-user - Via Input Control Queries or Domain Queries (scroll to the bottom of: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server- administration-guide/v610/query-based-input-controls ) - To do some type of User Level Security you can access them from the Domain Security File see: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v610/securing-data-domain The only thing you can access form Adhoc are the User, Server and Tenant Profile Arributes via the Attributes('Name','Scope') function of Calculated fields and DomEL. So as a workaround you can create a Profile Attribute of the users that stores the username, this may be tricky if you are not doing SSO, but you may do a batch processs to create them using the REST API (http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/viewing-attributes-0) Here is how you use Profile Attributes in an AdHOC Calulated Field, You can also use them inside DOMAINS as Calculated fields, domain filters or in the definition of Derived Tables
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