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  1. Thanks for your reply. Can anyone explain me shortly how to directly save the report from my iReport? :)
  2. Hey, Is it possible to save the report I just created in iReport Designer to my report server? Or do I have to save it local and upload it afterwards seperatly? For example when I tested a different report software I was able to upload it directly when I was connected to a report Server, just want to know if this is also possibly with Jasper iReport Designer :) Thanks
  3. Ok, think the problem is solved. I changed from firefox to IE and it worked there. The driver is now listed in the drop-down menu. I entered "com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB" and browsed my driver file there. Thank you very much hozawa. You really helped me ;) Btw: Once installed and registered in IE it also worked in Firefox.
  4. I want to use SAP DB, with sapdbc.jar as driver file. I found this on a website "com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB" and put it in the line "JDBC Driver (required)" then when I browse my Driver file I don't get any error, but it doesn't upload either. :/ Thanks for your help so far hozawa. :)
  5. Ok thank you ver much! But in the line "JDBC Driver (required)" what am I supposed to put in there? The name of my driver, the directory? When I do a window pops up and I need to browse a file. And when I browse my driver file it just says "name" with a warning symbol in front of it but no further information. :/
  6. Yes I'm using 6.1.0. Could you please explain what you mean by that or how I can do that? :) By now I'm using http://localhost:8080/jasperserver , right klick on "Data Source" -> "Add Resource" -> "Data Source". And in the Dropdown-Menu "JDBC-Driver" my Driver file is not listed. :/ -------------------UPDATE--------------------- 1) http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/downloading-and-installing-database-drivers Here is the link to the advise "The desired JDBC driver must be copied to the local file system from where the browser is run.". But I don't really know where to put my file :/ It should be correct placed in tomcat->lib 2) Maybe that's what you meant. I managed to get pop up where I could upload a file. But when I browse my jar.file it just shows me a warning "name", nothing else :/ What could there be the problem?
  7. Hey hozawa,Thanks Thanks for your answer. I tried it serveral times, and restartet the server and firefox. Stopped the services and processes so that really nothing was running anymore. Restartet everything, but didn't find it. I also read online to copy it into the folder you mentioned, but didn't work out as well :/ Next try was to add it to C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-6.1.0buildomaticconf_sourcedb as i read in a forum. Nothing as well :/ I'm running out of ideas right now. There are lib folders in the sub-folder "java" in "JasperSoft", maybe put it there? Unfortunately I can't find the thread anymore which suggested "copy the driver file to the locale file system where the browser runs". Any idea ? Thanks ;)
  8. Hey, I want to add a new driver and added it to the tomcat->lib in my JasperSoft directory. But when I want to install it over the webpage it isn't listed there to install. Does anyone have an idea what causes this problem? Or am I supposed to add the driver file to another location? Thanks ;)
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