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Everything posted by marianol

  1. You can use Variables to calculate the total. Check the docs here on how to use variables: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v610/variables in Jaspersoft Studio if you drop a field in the column footer, or summary band it will ask you if yu want to aggregate the value (i.e. sum, avg, etc) and automatically create the variable for you.
  2. You can use the JasperServer REST API to export direcly in PDF so no need to use any other things; you do it with a GET call like: http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reports/path/to/report.pdf?<arguments> You will find the dcoumentation in the Web Services Guide: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/running-report To your particular question; looks like the problem you have is in itext and xmlworker, since as you said the HTML comes correct.
  3. You will probably have a quicker response if you add this as an issue in the GitHub Repo https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client It should work fine with 6.0.1 do you have any redirects or proxy in front of your JasperServer?
  4. So, to do this; you need to use the PrintWhen Expression of the Header band, that expresion if evaluates to TRUE, will not print the header band. Here is a nice thread about using this type of expressions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/294989/how-to-use-printwhenexpression-in-jasperreports
  5. Is dificult to venture a response without knowing the actual error and from where you are exporting, i.e. Jasper Server UI, JasperServer REST API, Jasperserver Visualize.js, JasperReports Library, JaspersoftStudio.
  6. I will have to read the documentation again.. but I think that is the intended functionality. When you use reportExecutions method of the API that executes and fills the report once (creating the jasperprint object) and then re-uses that to give you all the exports you want. Since ignorePagination has to be sent before the fill process once the jasperPrint object is generated with ignorePagination all the exports will be like that. What you can do is when you need to call the PDF (that should be paginated) instead of reusing the requestID you already had use the /reports method of the API to get that pdf, something like: http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/reports/samples/AllAccounts.pdf?<attributes> that will do the report you want.
  7. Other thing you can try is to add the dashboard style report to the title band and then the subreport in the sumary band.
  8. In JasperServer 6.0.1 Adhoc Views in dashboards do not have the capability to handle Hyperlinks; you will have to use reports built in Jaspersoft Studio to add hyperlinks in 6.0.1 That feature is coming shortly.
  9. I'll look into it and try to replicate, which version of Jasper are you using in AWS? The only thing I can think of is some sort of hibernate caching issue that is flushing some old cache data, but I don't get where it would get the new password from. Do you anything at the Jasperserver log at the same time? Any SSO mechanism setup?
  10. I think that the problem may be that yout field "frete_bruto" in your database is not a double, is probably a string and that is where you problem lays. I say this because looking at your report I see this: <field name="frete_bruto" class="java.lang.Double"/> <field name="imposto" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="sub_total" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="frete_cotado" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="frete_pago" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="frete_liquido" class="java.lang.String"/> So all your fields that have information about the "frete" are declared as Strings that leads me to belive that "frete_bruto" is also stored as a String and you changed the type in JSS, that will not work. If the value is stored as a String and there is nothing you can do about it you will have to declare the field as a String (<field name="frete_bruto" class="java.lang.String"/>) and then Cast that String to Double in a Variable or Textbox in JasperSoft Studio if you need to use it as a number. You will do that with something like this: "Double.valueOf($F{frete_bruto});"
  11. That is strange indeed. Where is your MYSQL Database RDS? if you check you MYSQL log does the query time and fetch time look normal? Jaspersoft comes with the MariaDB JDBC driver that works with MySQL but you may try using the Native MySQL J/Connect JDBC Drivert to see if this helps (i.e. is a driver issue) you can find information on how to install the native driver here http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/datasources You can also set a middle man to log how the driver is behaving and what result sets are sent, check this page http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/determine-timing-sql-queries-log4jdbc it uses Log4JDBC as a middle man to log the queries beeing sent to the DB form the report
  12. If you need to launch JasperServer for AWS inside a VPC; you need to use the VPC templates we have in our JasperServer For AWS Launch Page look at the tab above the templates. Those Cloudformation template you are using is for launching outside a VPC.
  13. Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException <--- looks like you have a syntax error in your MySQL Query. I would start from there.
  14. Can you explain a bit what do you refer to "navigating"? - Are the dashboards embedded into an application ? - You have a report in dashboard #1 that has a link that opens Dashboard #2? - Does the user opens dashboard #1 form the repository and then closes it and opens dashboard 2?
  15. Hi Ramich, currently Elastic Seach is not supported via VirualDatasources and Domains, since the underlying infrasctructure of the VDS uses generated SQL to query and join data form diferent data connections.
  16. This is strange... I'm trying to replicate this but if I use the default template I get all the columns, see the attachjed PDF. Have you changed the default template? Can you create another report form the same view; right click on the view in the Repository and select Create report and select Custom Template and force it to use the Actual Size one:
  17. There is also another way to do what you need if you only want to "DISPLAY" the numebr with 2 decimals you can use the Number Pattern in the textfield Properties, like so: The dialog that is shown appears when you click on the [ ... ] icon next to Pattern. That will keep the number with the full decimal and display with the mask that you select. To work with alignement of the text inside the box you just need to select it form the alignment options in the same Textfield properties window just below "Pattern Expresion" I think that your issues are coming because you do not have the Properties window open in JSS, it should be under the Palette View on your left ( you can move them around as you can see in my screenshot I have it next to report output at the bottom of the screen) if it's not there is because you have closed it, to see it again you can go to Window -> Reset Perspectve and will bring everything to the default view.
  18. As ErnestoO said you can follow that article wich explains how to add apache webserver as a prory to handle the ssl connection. If you want you can just enable SSL in tomcat following this https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/ssl-howto.html The AWS AMI you launched has apache tomcat as the Web Application container for Jaspersoft you will find the tomcat home @ /usr/share/tomcat7/
  19. I'm not 100% sure; call it 95%. But the postgres instance inside the JasperServer AWS AMI which is where foodmart is stored is not configured to answer to external connections (for security reasons). You will have to modify the postgres configuration in the AMI. In the Jasperserver AMI the path to the postgres config is "/var/lib/pgsql93/data" and you will need to be root to edit it (sudo) since the ec2-user does not have permission to read or write this file (or folder) I found this links that will help you: - http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/runtime-config-connection.html - http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/postgres-allow-remote-access-tcp-connection.html
  20. There should not be any limitations if you use the default template (actual size) are you using any specific templates when creating the report based on the View?
  21. As @hozawa said it depends, and depends on a lot of things.... The optimal settings are in the end something that relates to your hole environment, and unfortunately there is no boiler plate "best" settings. There is a really good article here in the wiki http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jasperreports-server-performance-reference about jaspersoft performace tuning, there is where you will want to start. You will also find this http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/performance-troubleshooting-tools helpful
  22. Can you be more specific so I can help you out. When you say "i call the report from the web" are you using JasperReports Server; if so what version?
  23. The information you are looking for is in the license file that comes with the jasperreports library. All the license files for the 3rd party libraries are included in the distribution in the dame location as this libraties so check jasperreports-x.x.x/lib/itextpdf-x.x.x-LICENSE.txt You can check to this post as a guidance (remember IANAL) http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/847476/jasperreports-60-licensing-and-itext-55
  24. How is the data stored in S3? is it CSV, XML? Currently there is no direct connector for S3, but there are some things you can do to report on that data, like loading it to Redshift or using EMR. We are thinking about creating a connector but we do not have any good use cases, if you are able to share more info I will really appreciate it; send me an email mluna / tibco.com
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