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Everything posted by marianol

  1. Essentially they both use JDBC, the main difference is that the AWS Datasource does autodiscovery of your RDS and Redshift instances, sets the proper Security groups, drivers and creates the connection string (JDBC URI) for you without the need to dig into the EC2Console and get all the data.
  2. To add some more context: We have installed Jaspersoft from the Amazon Marketplace. Is there an easy way to tell from our AMI which version of Jaspersoft we installed? In any screen on the bottom left side is a text field with "About TIBCO JasperReports Server" that is actually a button, click on it to see your version. You also can check wich specific product you have launched by looking at the instance Output tab in teh EC2 Console or by going to the AWS Markeplace "My Software" page ( http://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/library ) and you will see exactly which listing you have launched.We would like to use Jaspersoft to display dashboards on TV monitors we have throughout our office. However, my experience with Jaspersoft is that the user is logged out after a given amount of time. Are there any options to prevent login timeout so we can use Jaspersoft for this purpose? You can control the session length form the tomcat configuration, check the docs here http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v550/configuring-user-session-timeout , but that will be sitewide which may not have the desired effect. Another option is to run a small web application (html) that uses Visualize.js to embed the dashboard, and you add a javascript watchdog script that refreshes the session every x minutes. Start looking at the Visuzalizs.js Getting Started Page and the Visualize Docs. There are a ton of samples and articles in the community seach and it will provide :)I found a website that covered features in Jaspersoft 6.2 that we do not have in our version of Jaspersoft. How can I find out if/when that version will be available in the Amazon Marketplace? As of this week Jaspersoft 6.2 is available in AWS check the new listings https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/seller-profile/ref=dtl_pcp_sold_by?ie=UTF8&id=2f081133-0d6f-4a3d-bf94-d27abf858f56When using the AWS Marketplace version of Jaspersoft, is there an upgrade path to newer versions of Jaspersoft, or is our only option to create a new AMI and port all of our objects to the new environment? Check the AWS Specific Guides: - http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-aws-getting-started-guide/v62/introduction - http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-aws-user-guide/v62/introduction Specific information on upgrading your AWS instance is here
  3. To your question ( Which I did not see before my previous response), even if autodiscovery does not work, you should be able to connect as a regular JDBC conenction using the included Drivers (in your case Postgres)
  4. It should, but looks like it does not work based on your test. Will try to replicate this and see what workaround I can find for this. With VPC peering you essetially create networking connection between two VPCs that enables you to route traffic between them using private IP addresses. So in principle this should actually be a non issue. But I think that the problem may be when we create the security group to enable access, we may be doing this. Security Groups are IP-based which may be the issue.
  5. Did you launch a high availability template? In that case the superuser password is the same as the RDS Password you entered in the template. Either way the password should be in the output section of the stack. Will try to launch one and put a screenshot here.
  6. You can add some origin check in the token and use that to validate that token in the decrypt method you are using.
  7. There is a new type of report called report books that does exactly what you are looking for, you can check the documentstion http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/report-books Specifically check the chapter about Report Table of Contents
  8. Which version of AWS are you using; Hourly or BYOL. You can click on the "About Jaspersoft" Link in the bottom left corner of any Jaspersoft page WHen was the instance launched?
  9. Just my 2 cents. Have you checked that the Times-Roman font file you are embedding in the PDF is Cyrillic-aware; i.e. contains cyrillic chars, not all font files are compete. Now that I look at the error in one of your images it says isPDFEmbedded: false; in JR this means that the font will not be embedded in the PDF so when the PDF is viewed the viewer will look for that particular font in the client machine and use that one.
  10. Just to confrim from the looks of the question and the error it looks like you are using the JasperReports Library. If you check the documentation you will see (page 2) that the JR library Requires a JDK for report compilation, which based on your error is what you are trying to do. On page 11 of the same manual you will see the different compilers available depending on the java compiler available (JDK,JDT,Jikes, etc.) Unless your reports are dynamically generated there is no need for the App to compile the reports, you can have your reports already compiled (as .jasper files instead of .jrxml). If you do not use report compilation the library does not need to use a JDK. Look in the document linked above in Page 33 "API Overview" the report lifecycle chart.
  11. Which version of JasperServer are you using?? Have you tried with the Web Dashlets? Check the JasperReports Server User Guide look for "Adding a Web Page" under creating a dashboard section
  12. The API Docs that you linked is from JasperReports Server ans should be on the Server source code (not the JR Library which is the one you linked) So under here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-server/releases get the jasperreports-server-cp-x.x.x-src.zip where x.x.x is your version of Jasper Server. If you just need the jars you will find them under WEB-INF/lib or in the JasperServer Manual installer jasperreports-server-cp-x.x.x-bin.zip on that same link. Anyway... you may find a lot easier to interact with your Jasperserver via the REST API, trust me it will make your life easier and those APIs don't change (or at least not drastically) form version to version. You will find the REST API docs in the JRS Web Services Guide: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/introduction-0 there look for "REST v2 - Repository Services" For reference Jaspersoft Studio interacts with the Server using this same REST API.
  13. Not sure which version of JasperServer are you using, but you can do that using Visualize.js check the docs here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-visualizejs-guide/v62/api-usage-interactive-reports
  14. Ok, looks you are missing (or a broken) a Redshift Driver "Failed to access resource /WEB-INF/lib/RedshiftJDBC41.jar" And since it complains at startup this may be used in a JNDI connection (probably on context.xml)
  15. Let me check what is the best way to do this. On the top of my head I would go ahead, and use the buildomatic scripts and regenerate the repo DB as explained in the manual install on the JRS Install guide under Manually Creating the JRS Repository DB. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-installation-guide/v611/manually-creating-jasperreports
  16. Yes you can install the headless Dropbox client in the machine running Jasper (you get it here https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx) and then enable Jasper to save schedueled reports to the file system http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v62/configuring-scheduler#Restricting_File_System_Output
  17. OK, now the error has changed. " Mail server connection failed;" So it looks like there may be an issue with the Gmail connection, do anything else shows in the logs? Have you enabled 2 factor auth? https://galleryserverpro.com/use-gmail-as-your-smtp-server-even-when-using-2-factor-authentication-2-step-verification/ Have you turned on Google’s ‘less secure apps’ setting? Can you access that Gmail account from another SMTP server? You can probably test using the console. something like: openssl s_client -connect smtp.gmail.com:587 or openssl s_client -connect smtp.gmail.com:465 -starttls smtp You can see this thread as an example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1516754/connecting-to-smtp-gmail-com-via-command-line remember that for Gmail port 587 forces the connection to use TLS and port 465 is for implicit SSL Since you are using Google Apps you may save yourself a lot of headaches by using "smtp-relay.gmail.com" wich allows you to setup standard connections on port 25 by whilelisting your app IP address, Check this: https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=en
  18. It looks liek a secutiry certificate issue in the SSL connection to the Google Mail SMTP (which uses smtps protocol). Make sure your configuration is correct. i.e. check that /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml looks something like this: <property name="javaMailProperties"> <props> <prop key="mail.smtps.auth">true</prop> <prop key="mail.smtps.starttls.enable">true</prop> </props></property>[/code]See this http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-jasperreports-server-send-e-mails-gmail-mail-account and this answer http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/540414/config-jsquartzproperties-use-gmail - and this blog post http://www.ricardomalla.com/?p=528- here is more info http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9683679/email-not-sent-in-jasper-report-scheduling with different settings for other providers (like MS Exchange)And also this may help:
  19. This should point you in the right direction: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-your-custom-visualization-components-v60x
  20. Jaspersoft Studio is a Java based designer, so you will need a JDBC driver not an ODBC one. Here is something I found googleing.. https://marketplace.eclipse.org/node/553963 If you need to go trough ODBC, the option will be to use a JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver
  21. The "My Reports" path is the JSS workspace path of that particular project. You can create as many projects as you want each pointing to a diferent path. To create a new project go to File -> New -> Project or go to the projects tab and right click and select new. To sitch to new workspaces you can go to File -> Switch Workspace and select the new one.
  22. Hi, only the "superuser" account has priviledges to export form the UI. You need to be logged in as superuser and not jasperadmin.
  23. The links you provided mark the officially supported platfroms that our QA team runs the tests and we support for the Commercial and Comunity release, it has nothing to do with licenses. In that chart "no mark" means "not tested". As a rule of thumb if is supported in the comercial release will work with no issues on community and as it says there any Relational DB that has a JDBC 2.1 driver + SQL-92 compliant; will work for reporting. Even if is close to that YMMV a lot of people are using Jaspersoft with some odd quasi-relational DB with no/minor problems. As you see we do not QA datasources (i.e. databases you report on) for the community release since there is no support provided by Jaspersoft. Just this forums and the community, but that does not mean they do not work with CE Short answer you are good with Oracle (as long as you have an oracle license :)
  24. They are just samples of the JPIVOT OLAP interface. Actually most of the content in the repo are samples, you can organize it as you want/need. "it seems like all this structure is arbitrary as I can store anything anywhere if I want to, am I correct?" Yes you are correct The only thing JasperServer actually needs is the /Themes and /Temp folder all the others are up for grabs. You can always install with an empty repo using "js-install-ce.bat minimal " by doing a manual install and using the target "js-ant import-minimal-ce" only. You have all this info in the install guide http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-community-project-installation-guide/v62/installing-war-1
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