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  1. Hello, I am looking for JasperServer version 7.1 documentation regarding how to create a domain using the REST v2 API. Thank you.
  2. I'm sending the following URL via a PUT request. https://<baseURL>/rest_v2/permissions/path/to/resource;recipient=user:testUser[/code]It fails with this error message: {"message":"The value "user:testUser" for parameter "recipientUri" is invalid.","errorCode":"illegal.parameter.value.error","parameters":["recipientUri","user:testUser"]}[/code] What am I doing wrong? The user doesn't have an organization. I'm following this page of documentation for version 6.1: Setting a Single Permission
  3. I customized the homepage so that users with ROLE_DOMAIN_DESIGNER will see the quicklinks for Reports, Dashboards, Ad-hocs and Domains. I did this by modifying applicationContext-rest-services.xml It mostly worked, but the quicklink for Domains only has the View List link, not the Create link. Please see screenshot. Why is this happening? How can I fix it? Here are my changes to the file: <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.service.WorkflowsSecurityFilter"> <property name="supportedAttribute" value="SEE_DOMAINS_ALLOWED"/> <property name="allowedRoles"> <util:list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>ROLE_DOMAIN_DESIGNER</value> </util:list> </property> <property name="workflowsToSecure"> <list> <value>domain</value> </list> </property> </bean>
  4. How can I create a domain using REST v2? (NOTE: I am not allowed to use the PHP client interface.) I am currently using the python 'requests' library to make the POST request outlined in the reponse found here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1011556/create-domain-rest But I can't get it to work. Can anyone give me a detailed example in which you successfully create a new domain through the REST v2 API? Here is what I have tried. The desired name of the domain is "myNewDomain". Using 'superuser' authorization.
  5. I have been using the v2/queryExecutor service to execute queries against a domain. This works fine when the user I'm authenticating with does not have an organization. But I can't get it to work when the user does have an organization. I tried generating a Basic Auth token in PostMan and using that in my header, as well as passing the username and password through the url; neither attempt worked. How can I use this service when the user I'm logging in as is associated with an organization?
  6. View the repository and right-click on one of your published reports. Go to Edit. Under the Controls and Resources tab, add an input control. The screen that comes up will ask you to provide a name and resource ID for your new input control: make sure that the resource ID matches the parameter in your report exactly. On this same page you will select an input control type of either single-select query or multi-select query, depending on your needs. The next page will ask you to name and define the query: enter a query that gets values that interest you and use the usual parameter syntax to refer to the "parent" input control, i.e. $P{my_param}, where my_param is the input control that is cascading to the control you are currently creating. On the next page it will ask you to define the parameter value column and the visible columns. Name the parameter value column the exact name of the column that your report is expecting and name the visible column whatever column you prefer displayed in the input controls drop-down menu. So, for example, your query could be like: SELECT STATE_ABBREVIATION, STATE_LONG_DESCRIPTION FROM STATES[/code] and your parameter value name could be STATE_ABBREVIATION and the visible column could be STATE_LONG_DESCRIPTION.
  7. I have a report with a text field that, when clicked, drills down to another report via ReportExecution link type. It successfully drills down, but it seems like it is not passing the parameter to the drill down report. I have designed these reports in Studio Professional Edition (6.0.0 final) and deployed them to Jasper Server (6.1). The drill down report has an input control defined for this parameter in Jasper Server. Can anyone tell me what is going wrong?
  8. It seems like the report recognizes the property when I use this format: function myFunction() { return something; }; myFunction();[/code] But it still does not modify the tooltip. It just disables it entirely. Any help, marianol?
  9. I think that you should be able to do the following: SELECT DATE( LEFT( '2015-06-22T22:09:44', 10) ) FROM YOUR_TABLE[/code] LEFT() gets the date part of the string, i.e. the first 10 characters, then DATE() converts it into a Date object. Here is a page with lots of resources for Date/Time manipulation in SQL.
  10. Would you please click accept for my answer? Thanks :)
  11. What you need to do is this: Create a variable and set its expression to the following ($F{AVG_TALK} / $F{CALLS}) / 60) - ( (($F{AVG_TALK} / $F{CALLS}) / 60) % 1) + ( (($F{AVG_TALK} / $F{CALLS}) % 60) / 100.0 )[/code] ============================ ============================ Explanation: ($F{AVG_TALK} / $F{CALLS}) / 60) - ( (($F{AVG_TALK} / $F{CALLS}) / 60) % 1) gets the whole part of the number. ( (($F{AVG_TALK} / $F{CALLS}) % 60) / 100.0 ) gets the fractional part, converted to seconds+milliseconds. The result should be 2.4222 with AVG_TALK = 32444 and CALLS = 200.
  12. I'm trying to follow the steps in this tutorial from the Jaspersoft Wiki to format my tooltip with a javascript function, but I cannot get it to work. I added the com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed property and set it to true. I added tooltip.formatter and put the following as an expression: "function() {return this.point.x}" But this did not work. The report ignores this property; Upon inspecting the HTML source of the generated report, the tooltip.formatter property is not listed in the highcharts properties section. What can I do to make this work? For reference I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.0final
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