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Everything posted by svenn

  1. Sounds like you want to include a report with static data as part of your report, I'm I correct?
  2. Which version of iReports are you using? The jrxml that you posted does not have a parameter so it's hard to figure out what you issue is.
  3. Yes a Scriptlet would be a way to do it. Might be a bit tricky if you're new to Java. Try do a search on this forum as I'm sure there are a few examples.
  4. iReports is a development tool. What you want to do is call the Jasper Report library. A few options 1. Jasper Server Jasper package that’s already setup to run reports 2. Jasper Reports API Call to the Jasper Reports API. Go to the Jasper Report forum and do a search. There should be plenty of examples. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/browse.php?group_id=102&forumid=103 Post Edited by svenn at 08/19/2009 16:22
  5. Set the "Position Type" of the second subreport to "Float"
  6. You could put the chart in the summary band.
  7. You use that syntax in the textfield element not in your SQL.
  8. ( your boolen field == Boolean.TRUE ? "Yes":"No")
  9. You should be good with the following itext-#.#.#.jar jasperreports-#.#.#.jar jcommon-#.#.#.jar jfreechart-#.#.#.jar
  10. The only way to do this is to manually build your report at runtime. Jasper Report does not contain a property to streach the report horizontally. Only one to stretch it vertically.
  11. For a chart you can use the main query however you need to put the chart element in the summary section. I like using sub dataset for charts so I can use the chart anywhere in my report.
  12. Do a search but I believe I saw a post that said the next version of Jasper Report would be compatible with the lastest MS products. Unfortunately the only conversion tool available is the one sitting at your desk. /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif
  13. First iReport is a report development tool not a environment for running reports. To execute your report I would either look at the Jasper Server or I would create your own mechanism using the Jasper API.
  14. Set the field to "Stretch with overflow".
  15. So is JASPER_REPORT a built in parameter? It does not exist in our version of iReport (1.3.3).
  16. Giulio, how would you implement the class in your report? Say for example I want to control the color of my field like the poster is trying to do.
  17. No I haven't., in fact we don't use the Jasper Server. We call a Servlet that we created to run our reports.
  18. Well you wouldn't want to do this with Scriplets. It sound like you need some sort of wrapper around the Jasper Server. I would try asking the question in the Jasper Server forum.
  19. The Jasper Report you are running are created with what version? What is Identity Center?
  20. Never tried it but I doubt it does. You could call a Scriplet do an insert in there.
  21. Did you include the jfreechart.jar as part of your application?
  22. If you have a SQL data sources you could do it in your SQL. In iReports you could use a conditional statement. ( <condition> ? exp1 : exp2 )
  23. Could it be the version issue.? I took a look at my 3.0.0 install and it uses jfreechart-1.0.3.jar.
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