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Everything posted by svenn

  1. Did you try recompiling the reports in iReports?
  2. API Here's the online docs There also manuals that you can buy and sample reports available. Response time How fast is the response, well that depends. This is a volunteer forum so sometimes its fast and sometimes you might never get a response period. If you want a guaranteed response you could always get the licensed version of Jasper Reports. Ease of use For your use case it's probably no more complicated then what you’re currently doing. Updates Jasper has regular updates. Usually they are pretty good about building in some backward compatibility. I never had any problem moving reports between versions.
  3. You should have been provide with a support login. Go to http://www.jaspersoft.com/ There is a support login link in the upper right hand area. If you don't have a login contact customer support support@jaspersoft.com I sure they can provide you with one. Does your license cover the server product? I know ours only covers the report development tool and the Jasper Reports libraries.
  4. Should post this question in the jasper server forum.
  5. Versions should be in sync so it would also be 3.5.2 though I expect the latest version 3.6 would also work with the older files.
  6. Only the community edition is free. You have to pay a licencing fee to get the pro version.
  7. Check out the samples here http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/JR%20Website/jasperreports_samples.html?group_id=252&header=project&leftnav=yes&target=jasperreports
  8. it looks like you are refering to the subreport using the .jrxml file. This is the source. You should be using the compliled version .jasper.
  9. I thought that JasperServer 3.6 was not compatable with iReports 3.5. They are suppose to be coming out with JasperServer 3.6 pretty soon.
  10. No that comment says that you may be able to use a list component in your main report instead of resorting to using a subreport. Subreport support list components.
  11. The detail band is called for every row that your main query retrieves. So if you get ten rows of data the detail line will be called ten times. The summary band is called once at the end of report when all you data has been retrieved. Here a page with a few Jasper examples http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/JR%20Website/jasperreports_samples.html?group_id=252&header=project&leftnav=yes&target=jasperreports
  12. You can have more than one query if you use a List component in the newest version. You can also create a sub dataset and use it in a crosstable or chart element.
  13. First you need to know a bit of Java. Try looking at the examples here http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/JR%20Website/jasperreports_samples.html?group_id=252&header=project&leftnav=yes&target=jasperreports
  14. You can create a Scriplet with the Java code required to perform a database update.
  15. Is the data in a database? Is it stored in one table or mutiple tables?
  16. This is really an OpenReports question and not a Jasper Reports question. Try here http://oreports.com/
  17. Try putting all the items below the streached items in a frame and set the frame element to float.
  18. Your question is not clear. Are you saying you have similar reports that report off of different tables and the address is named differently in the different tables?
  19. Make the image part of your title section. Then use an expression in the header band to suppress the header on the first page.
  20. Try this "<style pdfFontName='Helvetica-Bold'>" + " Customer Name :" + "</style>" + $F{CustomerName}
  21. If there are muliple "&" in the string it may be difficult to do the replace as part of your "Select" command. You may have to call a stored function or procedure from your select statement.
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