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  1. At the minimum you will want to upgrade the following jar files iText-#.#.#.jar jasperreports-4.0.2.jar jcommon-#.#.#.jar
  2. Have you looked at the HTML source that is being produced? The image path will be http reference to your image. It sounds like you browser can not access the image on your server.
  3. The biggest problem you face is that JFreeChart does not allow you to position bars absolutely. It position bars relative to all the other elements in the bar chart. In addition to change any of the properties such as these you need to create a chart customizer. Do a Google search on Jasper Chart customizer. You can also check out the JFreeChart forums. They have helped me in the past when I've created Chart customizers.
  4. Yes it's possible but it was not easy. We run our reports through a servlet that accesses the Jasper API. We then created a module that takes HTML created by the Jasper HTML exporter and embed it in the body of an email.
  5. Might want to look at the csv metadata exporter. I found this little gem and plan to use it if when we upgrade to 4.# some time down the road. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/jasper/index.html#csvmetadataexport
  6. See this post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=79120
  7. You will need to update the jars to the latest version. If you have written your own server to run the reports it should still work with 4.5. We upgraded from 1.3.3 to 3.7.4 without changing any of our backend code used to execute the reports. You do not need to re-write any of you jrxml files though it would be a good idea to recomile them with the lastest version.
  8. We created standard landscape and portrait templates. All of our developer are required to use them when developing a report. I like what suki has created.
  9. html style only supports these tags <b>, <u>, <i>, <font>, <sup>, <sub>, <li>, or <br>.
  10. shivapriyasg HTML only support simple format tags. At the top of this forum there is a pinned thread giving driections on where to get the Jasper Ultimate Guide. I suggest you download a copy. It covers this information.
  11. You will need to create a chart customizer to control the colors. Something like what I refer to in this post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=87942 You will also have to change the orientation of your chart.
  12. Try this forum http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/browse.php?group_id=400&forumid=254
  13. I test my queries outside of iReport in a query tool. For MySQL I like "Toad for MySQL"
  14. To clarify you want to create for example a pdf with a YouTube video in. So when the person opens the document. they will see the YouTube in a frame and be able to click it to execute it. Hmm I think that is beyond a template. You could put a hyperlink to a video in the report. If you are running the report on Jasper Sever you could put in the YouTube video frame as one component of a mashup.
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