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Everything posted by svenn

  1. Ah well I see that they released 3.5.2 with Barcode4j support. Since this only came out a few weeks ago I'm guessing that they have not had a chance to update the documentation and not many people have had a chance to use it yet. Hopefully Giulio Toffoli will come by and answer your question.
  2. If you look at the post pinned at the top of the forum you will see that Jasper only support Barbecue. Even then I beleive it's only in older versions. They are looking at supporting a different package in a future release. One of the ones they are looking at is Barcode4j. If you are interested in Barcode4j support you should let them know.
  3. Here's one suggestion http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=21842 Or you could try write custom code to access the JFreeChart API and build your graph as JFreeChart does offer the type of graph you're looking for but Jasper has not implemented it directly. http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/index.html
  4. Have you though about using a crosstab?
  5. Maybe the calls are diferent for a multi-axis chart vs a normal bar chart?
  6. I believe that you can use CSV as a data source in Jasper Reports. CSV -> database question would be better asked in a forum related to what ever database you are using.
  7. For the pie chart - Set the detail band to 0 height - Put your pie chart in the summary section
  8. 1. Use a subreport 2. Use a sub data set if you just want to use the SQL's data for a chart or crosstab element.
  9. You're getting the error because the default value should have double quotes around it "ORDER BY store.store_city"
  10. The only way you can do this is to manually build and compile the report at run time.
  11. What text are you passing in the "order_clause"?
  12. Pattern is one of the elements on your field in iReports. To display 12563.3 as 12,563.30 you would use something like ###,###.00
  13. Do you want to do some kind of special formating? Most time you should be able to use a pattern on your field to get the format you want.
  14. You can not assign a value to a variable using conditional logic using that syntax. What are you trying to do?
  15. What type of field is $F{seconds} stored in?
  16. Wht are you using $P!{Pallet_ID} instead of $P{Pallet_ID}? What database are you using? What error is being generated?
  17. You can create additional queries in your report with sub data sets. They can only be assigned to a chart or crosstab item. The ability to only support one main query within a report file is certainly one of the weaknesses of Japer Reports.
  18. On the field set "Stretch with overflow". Then set your field height to the minimum required value. The field will expand vertically if there is not enough room for your text.
  19. First make sure that the tools.jar file from your JDK is in the lib folder of your jasper install. When we create our own methods to call from a report we prefer to do the following instead of using jaspers internal scriptlet creator. 1. Either implement JRAbstractScriptlet or extend JRDefaultScriptlet. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/index.html 2. To call it use $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.yourMethod(yourValue) 3. To point to your scriplet go to Report Properties -> Scriplet Class -> Use This scriplet class Put the package and class in the box
  20. Make sure that "Is styled text" is checked on the font tab.
  21. Create a Scriptlet. 1. Either implement JRAbstractScriptlet or extend JRDefaultScriptlet. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/index.html 2. To call it use $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.yourMethod(yourValue) 3. To point to your scriplet go to Report Properties -> Scriplet Class -> Use This scriplet class Put the package and class in the box
  22. Them you want to use REPORT_COUNT. Make sure that the evaluation time is set to "Report".
  23. Do you mean scriplet or java script? Post Edited by svenn at 05/26/2009 16:32
  24. Subreports can be in almost any band not just the details. I think the limit that you are running into is the total report size set in the report properties. The size of all of your items can not be bigger than the total size that you have defined in the report properties.
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