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  1. Hi, I need to implement a sort & filter feature in the jasper report. Basically Sort or Filter controls should be visible in the report so that we can click on it to sort the records on the fly. Please give me a guidance on how to make this possible. Thanks , Prajeesh
  2. Hi, I have created a bar chart using the following sql. select month,budget,(hardbacklog+softbacklog) forecast,actual from temp; There are three category series CategroySeries["Budget"] CategroySeries["Forecast"] CategroySeries["Actaul"] This report created 12 pages and each page contains the same chart. The sql query will return 12 rows. But I expected a single chart in one page. How can I modify the report. Please advice me. Generated Graph is attached. Thanks Prajeesh
  3. Hi I need to create a stacked bar chart . The sql is is the following. select month,budget,softbacklog,hardbacklog,actual from ysb_table I need to create three bars for each month:- one for budget, another for actual and the third for the sum of softbacklog and softbacklog. Third bar should be devided into two parts(softbacklog and hardbacklog). This should look llike the following figure. 70 | +---------+ | | | -> Softbacklog 20 | +---------+ | | | | | | -> Hardbacklog 50 | | | | +----------+ ---------------------------------------------------- I created the first two bars (budget and actual) successfully. with two series expressions . But i have no idea how to create the third bar which is a stacked bar. Please tell me what should be the series,category and values expressions for a stacked bar. I have attached the incomplete chart with two bars each for months. Thanks , Prajeesh Post Edited by prajeeshthomas at 08/11/2009 06:02 Post Edited by prajeeshthomas at 08/11/2009 06:03
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