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Everything posted by svenn

  1. The way to fix this is to replace the "&" with "&". The style tags will then be able to process your data correctly. Now what is the best way to do it well that another question. We run our reports off of temporary reporting tables so we do a search and replace on all our strings before we load up the tables.
  2. Options -> Compilation and Execution Uncheck 'Use Report Directory to compile" Choose an alternative directory.
  3. & works for stylized text in fact it's a must because using a straight & causes problems.
  4. You need to create you own front end to do this or I believe that Jasper Server has this functionality.
  5. No but it would be great if someone knew a way to do this.
  6. There is no check box element. What you can do is get two images with a check box checked and unchecked. You can then use a boolean expression to control which image is displayed. Post Edited by svenn at 09/18/2009 16:02
  7. First thing I would check would be to see if there are any other jasper jars in your install. Maybe it's not calling the one you think it is.
  8. iReports is a development tool. This question would be better asked in the Jasper Server Forum.
  9. It could probably be done with groups. It’s hard to tell without knowing what fields are in your table.
  10. Did you deploy the jfreechart and jcommon jars to your server?
  11. BTW PAGE_COUNT represent the number of records processed in the current page not the number of pages created.
  12. Well for one thing docx support was only recently available in Jasper. If you one an older version you might be interested in this.
  13. Could use Integer.parseInt($F{your value]) This will convert your String object to an Integer object. Now you can set your field to an Integer and use the pattern functionality.
  14. Please repost your code or your jrxml.
  15. Jasper Report does not support horizontal stretching. Only vertical as you've found out. One way to accomplish what you are tring to do is to complie you report at run time. That way you can manually build the text box and figure out how large to make it horizontally.
  16. You can also put a copy in the lib folder of your iReports install.
  17. Best bet would be to contact Jaspersoft's sales department http://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us
  18. Best bet would be to contact Jaspersoft's sales department http://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us
  19. Please clarify your question. How to run the iReport development tool? How to run a report once you've created the jasper file? Cheers
  20. In an unused band do the following (We use the summary section) 1. In the bands print expression new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==0) 2. In the report properties 'More" tab set "When no data" "All sections, no detail" 3. In your band put text to indicate to the person running the report that no data has been found. For example a static label "No data found for this parameter selection"
  21. Sound like you have the chart running off of your reports main query and you have installed it in the detail band. Try running it out a sub data set or placing the chart element in the summary section of the report.
  22. There is no property out of the box that will allow you to modify this. You may be able to modify this behavior by creating you own class that extends JRAbstractChartCustomizer. Jasper API http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/index.html
  23. That's what I though. I can't read your file correctly as we're still on 1.3.3. Hopefully someone will come along to answer your question that is more familiar with 3.5.
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