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  1. Hello, at this time I am not familar with the procedure to build reports via the ant tool from the commandline. I was testing some simple samples, and reading the documentation. Now my problem: As I now know, the jrxml file has no information about the external datasource (f.i. mysql connection) In iReport , it has to be defined on the topline. In jasperserver is an easy way to define the datasources, this is working correctly. How I can build reports with the ant toolchain, when these reports grap external data? I only know these steps ant fill, ant view I don't found examples where in the build.xml a datasource was defined. Can somebody explain, how to make this. Or can somebody send a link for the appropriate topic in the documentation. Regards Randolf Balasus
  2. Hello I was creating a lot of reports to get familar with JR, but I experience a lot of problems, when I use subdatasets. in 80 or 90% I get the message "The document has no pages" , but this could not be the real problem, I use for testing purposes a mysql connection, with a very very simple query: select id from table1, thats all, this query shows in every case a small list of values... Attached are two reports one with a list and a subdataset, and one without these elements, the query and the databases connection is the same, one report shows values, and the list-report shows "The document has no pages".... How can I see where is the problem? Is there a way to enable a debug mechanism to trace step by step the data-acquisition? I am not able to see where is the problem!!! Regards Randolf Balasus
  3. Wow, thanks for your answer. This helps a lot for betterunderstanding. As a first step I only tied to figure out how a dataset is working, o.k. but without a depending element it makes no sense..... I was searching the samples again and again (except list and crosstab....) Now I will conytinue the testing with the list element. Thanksagain for your help.
  4. Hello, since days I try to create one report, and I experience a lot of problems, when I use a Subdataset. I was posting on the ireport forum some threads regarding the same problem, but no answer.... Hopefully here somebody understands, and can help. I want to have in my report more than one query and more than one parameter. For me as a newbie it seems a SubDataset is the right Element I have to use... I was searching for days to find an example report, and I was trying a lot of created reports, my result is: Reports without a subdatasets are no problem, but whenever I create one subdataset with a parameter, then the problems are starting... - I have Errors like "cannot cast int to integer" - Field don't exists Maybe there is something missing, but I don't know what... Is it possible, that SubDatasets in iReport are not correctly implemented (till now) Can some body send an example, or correct my attached reports? Attached is a report which is working, without dataset, and one with a SubDataset, it shows an error. One last question: How can the report engine separate between fieldnames in a SubDataset and nominal Fieldnames? For Instance When I have a Field ID, and in a SubDataset a Field ID too. when I drag these Items into my report I have the same XML code, which is wrong!!! Thanx in Advance Randolf Balasus
  5. very common question about data acquisition in jasperreports Hello, I want to create some reports which gets data from a mysql database. In most cases are all data for one report located in one table. The problem now: I need at least 5 datasets and 5 parameters for dataselection. For testing pruposes I have created one report wih one parameter, which is used in the query, this is not a problem. But when I try to create a dataset with a parameter and a query then it is not possible to compile this report correctly. I got an error like "cannot cast int into integer".. another solution is to use subreports, maybe this is a solution, but it seems that the formatting i not easy nd subreports take a lot of place, if the result occurs more then one time. Has anybody some experience with this problems? Can anybody send an example file, so that I am able to see how I can fullfill these requirements... Thanks in advance Randolf Balasus
  6. I was recreating this report and it was working. I am not 100% sure what exactly triggers this error message. in the query was a typo instead of select value1 from mbus where ID = $P{ID} I wrote select value1 from mbus where $P{ID} = ID (column and parametername was not in the right order) In the new report I was using different names for Column an Parameter, maybe this is a problem too. I was not using my parameter in SubDataset then in the mainquery. And i was working in this order: - creating report parameter, compiling testing - using in query But now all is working as expected. thanx for your help
  7. Hello, thanx for your answer. I use iReprot 3.5.2 What do you mean by: The Report has no Paramater? When I look into this .jrxml file, then I found this Line " <parameter name="ID" class="java.lang.String">" What should I say: there is a Parameter named "ID", here in this example it is from type String, I have tested with the Parameter type Int, in both cases I got this error: Cannot cast int to integer (int is the type in the java reporting software, and integer is the type from the tablecolumn in mysql) Greetings Randolf Balasus
  8. Code:Hello , I have tested ireport on several linux distributions. In my cases only one step was necessary. extracting the archive, and copiing to a useful place (f.i. /usr/local), you need a working java runtime environment. a recent jre. the installation is the same, extracting copiing, and eventually a link to /usr/bin , so that you can reach the java executable from everywhere, thats all.... Regards Randolf Balasus
  9. Code:Hello attached is a very simple example with this error, I want to query against a table with column type of int. There you can see the error in ireport. Thanx in advance, Randolf Balasus
  10. Hello, thanx for your answer. My problem is very simple: the report is crashing because of this error message. I just only want to start the report with one parameter, and i want to use this parameter in my query. The datatype in the query seems to be "int" and in ireport i can only choose integer, these both types seems not to correspond, and i have this error above... Thanx for any answer
  11. ireport query: cannot cast int to integer Hello, I try to create my first report with ireport. Now I see the following problem. I want to use a query which gets a value through a paramater select Value1 from Table1 where ID=$P(ID) the value in the query should be an integer, how can I avoid this problem? Regards Randolf Balasus Post Edited by rbalasus at 08/21/2009 05:45
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