Hello, since days I try to create one report, and I experience a lot of problems, when I use a Subdataset. I was posting on the ireport forum some threads regarding the same problem, but no answer.... Hopefully here somebody understands, and can help. I want to have in my report more than one query and more than one parameter. For me as a newbie it seems a SubDataset is the right Element I have to use... I was searching for days to find an example report, and I was trying a lot of created reports, my result is: Reports without a subdatasets are no problem, but whenever I create one subdataset with a parameter, then the problems are starting... - I have Errors like "cannot cast int to integer" - Field don't exists Maybe there is something missing, but I don't know what... Is it possible, that SubDatasets in iReport are not correctly implemented (till now) Can some body send an example, or correct my attached reports? Attached is a report which is working, without dataset, and one with a SubDataset, it shows an error. One last question: How can the report engine separate between fieldnames in a SubDataset and nominal Fieldnames? For Instance When I have a Field ID, and in a SubDataset a Field ID too. when I drag these Items into my report I have the same XML code, which is wrong!!! Thanx in Advance Randolf Balasus