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Teodor Danciu

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  1. This has been dealt with here: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jasperreports/issues/444 Thank you, Teodor
  2. Hi, There seems to be no variable called "streamBackground" in the "a" JRXML. Maybe I'm missing something... When the "b" and "c" reports fails on your side, what is the error you have in logs for each of them? Can you provide the stack traces of these errors? Thank you, Teodor
  3. Hi, If you have a JRXML with a big Base64 image in it that used to work in 6.12.2 and no longer works in 6.20.6, please share it with us. Thank you, Teodor
  4. Hi, JasperReports release 7 is months away. Not sure if it will be out before the end of this year. Work is in progress because it is not only about Jakarta migration, but also separation of various optional extensions to optimise and restructure our dependencies system. You can try the latest 7.0.0-SNAPSHOT artifacts from our public Maven repo at: https://jaspersoft.jfrog.io/ui/repos/tree/General/jr-ce-snapshots/net/sf/jasperreports/jasperreports/7.0.0-SNAPSHOT I hope this helps. Teodor
  5. Hi, Are you migrating your application to Jakarta? I am asking because JasperReports already works with Java 17, so you don't need to wait for version 7. Thank you, Teodor
  6. Hi, Achieving this behaviour means customising the way word break policy occurs in Java/AWT. It is not trivial and this can only be done in the context of a request for enhancement, as it is not considered a bug. It would have been easier if word wrap would have been disabled altogether, but what we are talking about here is custom word break policy. It is not even clear how such custom word break policy would be configured. Would it be about establishing a list of characters that should or should not cause word breaks? Definetly not trivial. Thank you, Teodor
  7. You did not clarify it for me. So let me ask it differently: If there is a space character somewhere, would you want the word after it to be moved onto next row or should it be cut in the middle? For example, if there is a space between the BBBs and the CCCs, should it look like this: AAAAAAA%BBBBBB CCCCCCC CCCCC Or should it look like this: AAAAAAA%BBBBBB CCCCCCCCCCCC So I understand that special characters cause unwanted breaks for you, but should we prevent all word breaks, including the classical white spaces and tabs? No word wrap anymore, just break anywhere element width dictates?
  8. Hi, What we see here is standard Java word break/wrap policy and not the result of something we implemented ourselves. It is not clear what exactly you are looking. Are you looking for changing the list of characters that can trigger word breaks, or would you rather have any word cut in the middle if it does not fit? Are you looking to change the way words break/wrap, or are you looking for disabling word break/wrap altogether and simply cut text wherever the text element width occurs? Thank you, Teodor
  9. Hi, The JSS CE 6.20.6 version released recently is shipped with Java 17. Thank you, Teodor
  10. Hi, pom.xml files can have a parent. and our has one. I hope this helps. Teodor
  11. The JRCsvExporter has a setter that accepts SimpleCsvReportConfiguration. And this class has a setExporterFilter(ExporterFilter) method.
  12. Changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix Changed Status from Assigned to Closed
  13. Changed Resolution from Reopened to Won't Fix Changed Status from Confirmed to Resolved Changed Assigned User from - to @teodord This is the same as https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/2972-0
  14. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Acknowledged to Resolved This has been partially implemented when support for single $P, $F, $V and $R references were accepted in external conditional styles definitions.Also, upcoming JRL release will introduce support for dynamic style reference with available to elements.This is still not about styles with parameters or styles with access to element values, but covers enough ground for now.Thank you,Teodor
  15. Hi, The only solution I see involves post-processing of JasperPrint objects/documents using the JasperReports library API, prior to their final export to PDF or the targeted export format. This means writing custom code. For example, the two subreports could be run normally, one after the other, but once the JasperPrint document obtained, the Java API could be used to reorder the pages inside it and maybe even change the page number in the page footers, if needed. I hope this helps. Teodor
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