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Everything posted by tkavanagh

  1. This was fixed by resetting permissions on the folder holding the JDBC driver (I think). Here is a follow up link: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802316/error-installing-jasper-server-war-file
  2. Actually, both should work. WAR file bin.zip package (jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-bin.zip) is good because it is platform neutral (can be used for any linux, windows, mac, etc). But there *is* a binary (all automatic) installer for linux for both 32bit and 64bit. Here is the name of the 64 bit installer: jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.1-linux-x64-installer.run Here is the 32 bit installer (ie older x86 intel cpu architecture): jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.1-linux-x86-installer.run Perhaps you linux system is actuall a 64 bit machine. A 64 bit linux can support both 32 and 64 bit - however that is not always true. Some linux 64 distributions do not include the 32 bit share libraries. And if this is the case, this might be the problem you are seeing. In general, you can check you linux cpu type with a command such as the following: uname -a In my case, with CentOS 5.4, I see the following: Linux myhost.jaspersoft.com 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux In this case, my machine is "x86_64" which means it supports both 32 and 64 bit.
  3. Yes, I think a re-install would be good at this point. Once you have multiple JRS servers running, its easy to lose track of which one is pointing where (happens to me for sure). Also, for future reference, a good way to find the *exact* database location and credentials will be to check the file in this location: /apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml This is the database connection pool configuration information used by jasperserver. Sometimes, Tomcat copies that exact same file to this location and uses it (depends on the tomcat version): /apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml
  4. Hi Jason, Sorry the build did not work. We are in a bit of a migration phase because we are converting to an internal maven repository (software we are using is Artifactory). And eventually we will be hosting our Community/external 3rd party dependencies on the Artifactory Community hosting service - so that jasperserver Community source can be built by pointing to this external maven repository location. This is what the new mvn-mirror property is about. Also, the old jasperforge.org site no longer exists (this had a maven2 repo). So, this is in transition as well. So, I think everything should work for you if you add a new property: maven.build.type=repo And then repo-path will stay the same (in your case the following): repo-path = /home/jgh/workspace/ports/databases/jasperserver/work/jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-src/jasperserver-repo The updated jaspersever/buildomatic/sample_conf/source/postgresql_master.properties file has this new setting that you can look at. But you, of course, would not have gotten it because you have your pre-existing .properties file. Also, this info is documented in the Source Build Guide (but unfortunately did not make it into the Community 5.0.0 version of the PDF). I will need to update this. In the meantime, the settings are documented in the Commercial Source Build Guide (which I am attaching) (Just search for maven.build.type).
  5. I'm not sure that I understand you specific scenario properly. However, if you are evaluating jasperreports server pro, you can: - Install to machine A (this will be good for 30 days) - After 30 days you can: - Talk to the Sales team to get your license extended (ie email them) - Or install to machine B (ie fresh machine. this will be good for 30 days) - Or if you are already a Commercial Customer and you are getting license issues then definitely call Tech Support or your Sale Rep to get this straightened out. - I believe you should be able to use the same Commercial license for your Commercial instance and for you Staging and/or Development instances.
  6. Thanks for pointing you that you were able to work around this issue (ie delete 4.7 before the 5.0 install). Also, keep in mind that you can install multiple jasperreports-server versions, you just need to install them to different install locations (which will actually happen if you take the default install location paths). But, if you want to run two different versions at the same time on the same server, then you need to specify different non-default port numbers for the Tomcat and the Postgresql. Otherwise, the startup will fail on the second installation because of "port in use" conflict error.
  7. Hmm, this should work. Are you using JasperReports Server 4.7.0 For the 4.7.0 Community edition there is a new Admin Guide (most of this info used to be in the User Guide - but it is broken out cleanly now in the new Admin Guide). And in the Admin Guide there is Section 7.1 which discusses setting the password expiration and password changing options. But it might be that you already looked at this doc since you mention the WEB-INF/jasperserver-servlet.xml file...
  8. Are you building from the current HEAD trunk source (ie the most current source in SVN trunk)? SSince there is development going on in trunk, it could be the case that this is a current error. If so, you could try checking out the source from that last release code base. For the Community source it would be: jasperserver/branches/tags/js-4.7.0
  9. Hi Jason, since JasperReports Server is GPLv3, it would be best to distribute under those same terms. And that would pretty much be it.
  10. Based on our offline conversation, I think the mystery is solved. If the JasperReports Server is run in "offline" mode it is definitely not guaranteed to have every 3rd party dependency resolved. So, it is best to build in normal "online" mode and then the software can be built in offline mode. The jasperreports-server-cp-<ver>-maven-repository.zip is not guaranteed to have every possible dependency because the Maven tool itself needs to download the plugins that it uses and other lower level dependencies. And simply having a particular maven version or a a different platform such as Windows instead of linux can cause maven to download a slightly different set of plugins. The bottom line is that if Maven is used as the build tool, maven assumes that it can download what it needs to complete the source code build.
  11. Or I suppose there could be an actual problem with the maven remote repositories where the maven-clean-plugin is missing. These kinds of things were problems years ago but I haven't seen such an issue for a long-time. But I just checked on repo1.maven.org and the path to that plugin jar is valid.
  12. Hi Jason, The "repo-path" should point to the jasperserver-repo folder. This is one of the folders included in the jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-src.zip package. The jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-maven-repository.zip is not required for building the JRS source code. I have been including it as a convenience (but maybe this package is actually causing confusion instead!). So, clipped from the error message above, if you change the repo-path, hopefully all would work: [echo] Source Paths: [echo] js-path = /usr/local/workspace/ports-svn/databases/jasperserver/work/jasperreports-server-4.7.0-src/jasperserver [echo] js-pro-path = /usr/local/workspace/ports-svn/databases/jasperserver/work/jasperreports-server-4.7.0-src/jasperserver [echo] repo-path = /usr/local/workspace/ports-svn/databases/jasperserver/work/.m2/repository >>> repo-path = /usr/local/workspace/ports-svn/databases/jasperserver/work/jasperreports-server-4.7.0-src/jasperserver-repo Also, if it doesn't work. Could you attach this file: <path>/jasperreports-server-4.7.0-src/jasperserver/buildomatic/build_conf/default/maven_settings.xml It should have entries like: <repository> <id>Repo1 Maven</id> <url>http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/</url> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> </repository>
  13. Hi Jason, It looks like you are running in maven offline mode. And the build is not finding the maven-install-plugin. I assume that you have taken the jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-maven-repository.zip and unpacked that and you are using it for your .m2/repository (ie maven local repository). 1) Can you run in "on-line" mode for the "add-jdbc-driver" command and get the maven plugin? 2) Actually, you should not need to run the "add-jdbc-driver" command. The build steps from the JRS Source Build Guild (<js-install>/docs/JasperReports-Server-CP-Source-Build-Guide.pdf) are the following: - Edit and put into place a buildomatic/default_master.properties - ./js-ant build-ce (build the source code) - ./js-ant create-load-js-db-ce (create jasperserver database, load core bootstrap data) - ./js-ant deploy-webapp-ce (deploy to your app server) Does this help? Thanks, -Tony
  14. Hi Lisa, there isn't a really "nice" way to upgrade from an instance that was installed with the Windows installer when you install in the default mode. This is because there are "hard coded" menu paths from the original installation that has things like "-4.5" in the path. So, when you upgrade that 4.5 instance to 4.7, some of the paths will still be "-4.5" even though the instance has been upgraded to 4.7. This is less of an issue under the linux installer (because the menuing is simpler). Many customers use the installer version to get started and learn the product. But when they move to more of a "production" roll out for the company's users - they install a separate app server (ie tomcat) and a separate database (ie postgresql). Then the jasperserver install goes to those two applications. And then when it is time to upgrade the app server and database can be upgraded and there are not any issues about "hard-coded" paths. I hope that helps a little bit.
  15. hmm, maybe something strange happended to one or both of the sample databases. One thing I notice is that the steps you list above are doing "too many steps". So, basically, if you can run the "js-ant" commands (which are known as the "buildomatic" commands or buildomatic targets) then you are nicely setup. And, you don't need to "manually" do the database creation, and the database load via the mysql command line tool. So, I would suggest recreating the sugarcrm and foodmart DBs. Because I think right now they might have duplicate rows for all the tables. You can run the following: 1) sugarcrm js-ant drop-sugarcrm-db js-ant create-sugarcrm-db js-ant load-sugarcrm-db 2) foodmart js-ant drop-foodmart-db js-ant create-foodmart-db js-ant load-foodmart-db (don't need to run any mysql /c /i type commands because the buildomatic commands above do the same thing ;-)
  16. It looks like you are running the Commercial version of JasperReports Server (because MT multi-tenency is part of the commerical product). I am wondering about as which point you are seeing this error. Is it at "install-time" or is it at "run-time". If it is install-time error, then you can look in the installation log output and attach that to this post and we can take a look. (can find at <js-install>/buildomatic/logs/js-install-<date>.log). Or maybe this is happening at "run-time" which would be tomcat startup. So in this case, there should be a longer exception/stack trace which would be found in <tomcat>/logs. Having the full stack trace would help to debug...
  17. Thanks for letting everyone know how you fixed this. The JDBC drivers are included for all database platforms except mysql - due to licensing issues. The Install Guide points this out in Section 5.2, but it is not obvious to see this. If the mysql JDBC driver is downloaded and put into the following folder, then it will automatically be installed to the correct location in your application server: put driver in: <js-install>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/mysql/jdbc
  18. Yes, definitely. However, there have been a number of security enhancements in the JasperReports Server version 4.5. And in the version soon to be released (4.7.0) there will be additional security enhancements. One of the most common attacks against a web site is a cross site scripting attack. And 4.5 and 4.7 has security code in place to lock this down. So, for instance, for the Tomcat application server (ie if you are using Tomcat with JasperReports Server), you would: 1) "Harden" the operating system that is running the software (take a look at SELinux - Security Enhanced Linux) 2) Set up JasperReports Server to enable SSL and only allow these connections via https (look in the JRS Ultimate Guide for handly instructions) 3) Run the most current JRS Also, this thread probably belongs on the JasperReports Server thread.
  19. One thing that you can do is clear your browser cache. A lot of the Theme/UI functionality is based on javascript and these javascript files get cached by your browser. So, clearing the cache and clean things up. In version 4.5.0 there have been security enhancements which protect jasperserver from cross site scripting attacks, etc. But it seems like it is possible to get stuck from the security changes. To verify, you can turn off security temporarily (take a look in the release notes).
  20. I just checked and there is not a checksum in that folder. So it looks like maven is giving a warning about this. Which maven version are you running? mvn -version I don't think that the activation jar needs to be on the jasperforge anyway because it can be taken from the standard maven remote repositories. I will clean up to get rid of this extra activation jar. Thanks, -Tony
  21. Here is an example that I saw in one of our internal docs where a customer was working on getting this running: For Tomcat, you can make the following change to server.xml (normally under catalina/home/conf subdirectory) : <Connector port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="c:\keystore\keystore.keystore" /> save the change, restart the server, and you can login JS as https://localhost:8443/jasperserver This looks pretty similar to your setup. Do you find any particular errors in the <tomcat>/logs/catalina.log file?
  22. *And* if they are not there, I will put them there! So please let me know. Thanks.
  23. If you are using the "buildomatic" source build steps specified in the Source Build Guide (in this case I am talking about CE source code - ie not Pro source code) then there is a maven2 repository already specified. For CE (ie Community Edition/Project) source code you should be able to resolve 3rd party dependencies via these settings: <ce-src>/buildomatic/build_conf/default/maven_settings.xml has this setting: <repository> <id>JasperForge Maven Repository</id> <!-- note matching <server> def at bottom of file for anonymous access --> <url>http://jasperforge.org/svn/repos/maven2</url> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> </repository> You can also browse this location with a web browser. It will ask for a user/login and you can use: anonsvn/anonsvn So, you can actually check and see if the the artifacts you need are present.
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