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  1. Hi, After downloading the most recent 1.2.0 JasperSoft IO Professional package, I have noticed the SAMPLE code incorrectly references scripts which are in directores that have changed or are incorrect. For example, In JavaScript API Samples, Simple Report Rendering, references <script src="http://localhost:8080/jrio-client/optimized-scripts/client/jrio.js"></script> which does NOT exist, and results in the error HTTP ERROR 404 Problem accessing /jrio-client/optimized-scripts/client/jrio.js the script is actually in; .1.2.0jrio-1.2.0jriowebappsjrio-clientoptimized-scriptsjrio and not .1.2.0jrio-1.2.0jriowebappsjrio-clientoptimized-scriptsclient Consequently the JSFiddle examples do not work out of the box....
  2. Hello, I am trying to configure JasperSoft Studio 6.3.1 to use a proxy (in theis case Fiddler) to capture the HTTP requests being made to the JasperServer rest service. However the settings do not seem to do anything. I am attempting to configure using Preferences->General->Network Connections Schema Host Port Provider Auth HTTP localhost 8888 Manual No Applying and/or restarting JSStudio seem to have no effect. What am I missing ? is there another flag/setting to tell it to use the proxy settings ? I have also tried in place of localhost with no difference
  3. Hi, I am trying to use the Map component in JasperSoft Studio 6.0.3, but it will not let me modify the Markers settings. I cannot change or select any of the other radio buttons or options. It has "Use Dataset for Markers" checked but also the radio button "Don't use any connection or Data Source" is selected and I cannot select any other option ! There is a report query available. Why am I not able to change the options ? The map displays fine - other than I cannot add markers
  4. actually I am seeing this issue with IE9 after having upgraded to JasperServer 5.5 as well
  5. ANd, it seems to run fine also, when just pasting the url into another tab/browswer... This seems only to happen when running a report from the repository GUI in which the report viewer is embedded in the jasper(server) page... I just can't think of what it might be that it works everywhere, expect from within GUI... for instance, this works fine: http://myserver:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports%2FUser_Reports&reportUnit=%2Freports%2FUser_Reports%2Ftest_report&j_username=username&j_password=password when pasted in browser, but does not when it is generated by clicking on report in the repository....
  6. Also, This is a single page report, which contains no parameters, no resources from the repository, images, etc. The grayed out report I see behind the message box looks exactly like it does in iReport. It's like the viewer control is never getting the message that it is done or ???
  7. There are not errors in the logs. As I mentioned, it runs fine from within iReport and JS Studio, by running them from the repository.... The only difference I can think of is the the GUI is displaying the report in the web report viewer control, whereas the client tools are not.
  8. I think $P!{parTabla}. should be $P{parTabla}. (where did the exclamation mark come from?)
  9. Unless I am misunderstanding the question, I think your repo resource image shoudl look something like this; <imageExpression> <![CDATA["repo:/Resources/Branding/Footer_txt_and_logo_long"]]> </imageExpression>
  10. Hi all, After installing 5.5 CE, any report I run from the server/repo/GUI just sits there forever with a "please wait loading" message box on top of the report (which appears to have been generated) - which is semi-grayed out in background. The report runs fine (in about 20 seconds) from either iReport or JasperSoft studio, which exactly matches how it runs in 4.7 (different server) Any ideas why?
  11. got it... in previous version folders it is labeled "WAR file..."
  12. Hi, I do not see a WAR file distribution in the downloads for 5.5 CE. (like there is for all other versions) Is it in a different place ?
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