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  1. I know that Tomcat 8 has not yet been "certified" by the Jaspersoft QA team. Certification means that all features of the product are fully tested and additionally the app server is tested when running with multiple databases and under multiple operation system platforms. It is not unusual for a new major version of an app server to have some little "gotcha" that will keep JasperReports Server from starting cleanly. Often it is something small like a conflict with Java jar versions used. Like if the app server itself uses a newer version of something like an XML parsing component like xerces-api (as a for instance). I'm not sure what the timeline is to include Tomcat 8 into the certification list.
  2. Hi Thanks for posting your information about how you were able to workaround the issue you were getting. Also, the Installation Guide is now online in HTML format. I think that this is the section you used in the Guide: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-install-guide/v56/linux-installer-issue-unknown-host-error
  3. Hmm, this is an odd error. It looks to me that the installation was succesfully completed. Because a JSP compile error would happen when JasperReports Server is trying to startup. There should be more detail in the log that is generated by the application server Tomcat. cd to <js-install-path>/apache-tomcat/logs Look for the catalina.out file (or similar named file). You can attach it to this question thread (the file could be long). It looks like there is either a problem with permissions on the hard disk (Java is not able to read the .jsp file which it wants to compile because the .jsp files are part of the framework for the UI) or a problem with Java. The installer actually puts its own Java 1.7 in place which can be seen at <js-install-path>/java. This is the Java that the installer and startup scripts use. I have seen problems in the past where other, existing instances of Java have caused problems. Also, I have seen issues where there is a Java classpath set which ends up pointing to classes that interfere with the installer (but this type of issue was seen when compiling the source code - not on the install and startup).
  4. There are actually a number of scenarios where the postgresql fails to complete its initdb correctly. Unfortunately, Postgresql is pretty sensitive to the configuration and permissions of the underlying operating system. Recently, I've been seeing more errors with Windows when Windows is running as a virtual machine and when the installation drive used is not C:. This looks to be because the windows permissions and authorization on drives such as D: or E: are not what they are reported to be when looking at the permissions using the windows admin tools. But there was definitely and error with Postgresql when installing to a windows folder which is a symbolic link. The fix in the installer for this issue was to detect that the folder is a symbolic link and give a warning message for the user to choose a different folder.
  5. Yes, you will have to use the jasperserver-cp-4.7.0-bin.zip file and then follow the instructions in the <unpacked>/docs/JasperServer-Install-Guide.pdf to do the installation. (I think I spelled the file names correctly).
  6. It might be a good idea to step back for a moment and try a different angle. I would suggest installing from the "binary installer" (ie this is the installer named: jasperreports-server-cp-5.6.0-linux-x64-installer.run) which runs and puts all required components to run JRS in place (ie tomcat, postgresql). It also is designed to be independent of any other software you are currently running (so no problem if you already have a tomcat and postgresql already existing). This installer will run end-to-end and you can choose whether to put sample data in place (the default execution puts sample data in place - which can be useful for seeing how reports and other things work in the server).
  7. Good News! The Install Guide is now posted on the Community site in HTML format. (It used to only be available as a PDF.) Just click on the Docs link on the top level Community menu bar. Here is a link to the installation instructions when installing using the "War File Distribution ZIP" (ie jasperreports-server-cp-5.6.0-bin.zip). http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-community-install-guide/v56/installing-war-file-using-js-install
  8. I think I see the issue... You need to run: cd <path>/buildomatic ./js-install-ce.sh (don't include a "test" option) (when the "test" option is used, JasperReports Server is not actually installed) (or you can run ./js-install-ce.sh minimal - this will not include the sample data which you don't need) So, in your environment, you probably don't have a jaserpserver database created yet. (You can look by logging into your database.)
  9. Yes, the Community code is a fully functional web application with all server type functionality (manage users, manage permissions and authorizations, load reports, run reports, set up schedules for report execution, web services APIs, etc, etc). And the Commercial code has additional features (such as support for multiple sub-organizations, "Adhoc" reporting, dashboarding, auditing and diagnostic, etc) which are built on top of the Community functionality.
  10. Hi, see if you can capture the full output from the execution of the import (something like ./js-ant import-minimal-ce > import-log.out). It is possible to get an error on permissions for a ehcache caching file but this issue was fixed for 5.6 so should not be seen with 5.6. There are one or two most common errors on an import, but the output log will tell the story. And you can attach it to this post.
  11. The good news is that it looks like the 5.6 server is up and running. One thing that is important to do is to clear the browser cache because all of the javascript files from the older JRS version will still be present in the browser. It is common to get display issues after an upgrade when the browser cache is not cleared. If you are still stuck, go ahead and post the <tomcat>/logs/catalina.out file. (or whatever tomcat log file has the most error output to look at).
  12. This could be a database connection error. I am guessing that the error is happening on the import operation (which connects to the database in order to put "core" data into the jasperserver database) used to populate the database. You can also try checking the buildomatic/build_conf/default/js.jdbc.properties to see if the DB settings look OK. Sometimes there can be DNS issues also (like myserver won't work at part of the jdbc URL, whereas "myserver.companyname.com" will work).
  13. This error does look pretty odd. I've never seen such an error with a standard installation (ie from the binary installer). I took a look at the attached logs. It would be worth taking a look at the applicationContest-onStart-web-pro.xml. The seems to be the file causing the problem and the other error log points to (SAXParseException) lineNumber: 26; columnNumber: 5. Usually, if its an XML the line number and column number will be accurate.
  14. It looks to me that the ji-common module (ie the <path>/jasperserver-pro/common folder) is looking for a dependency from the Community part of the source code (ie <path>/jasperserver/jasperserver-api-impl/metadata). I'm going to guess that this is because the Community ("ce") source didn't get built yet. Also, it looks like the path to the jasperserver-repo folder is good which is set in your buildomatic/default_master.properties file. Please give this a try: cd <path>/jasperserver/buildomatic js-ant build-ce (this will build the community source) js-ant build-pro (this will build the commercial part of the source - which also depends on the community source)
  15. Apache Tomcat has the capability of running as a System Wide Instance or a Private Instance on an Ubuntu server. If you are setting up JasperReports Server to run under Tomcat on Ubuntu in one of these System or Private modes, then there are a few differences on how it might be setup. Setup/Install JRS on System Instance of Tomcat: 1) sudo service tomcat7 stop 2) configure default_master.properties a) Add: CATALINA_HOME = /usr/share/tomcat7 b) Add: CATALINA_BASE = /var/lib/tomcat7 3) Either create a postgresql user with access via psql or edit /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf a) Set "trust" for 4) Start PostgreSQL sudo service postgresql restart 5) Execute sudo ./js-install.sh (or sudo ./js-install-ce.sh) a) make sure Tomcat is stopped 6) Create Tomcat setenv.sh in /usr/share/tomcat/bin directory a) Add JAVA_OPTS from Install Guide 7) Execute: chmod ugo+rx (add read and execute rights to everyone) You can also chown it to root:root 8) Copy JS pro license to directory: /usr/share/tomcat7 (for Pro version only) 9) Start Tomcat7: sudo service tomcat7 start NOTE: If you run into file permissions problems, stop Tomcat and do: sudo rm -rf /tmp/* Setup/Install JRS on Private Instance of Tomcat: 1) Execute: sudo -u postgres psql 2) At PostgreSQL prompt execute: alter user postgres with password ‘postgres’; 3) Restart PostgreSQL service 4) Execute: sudo service postgresql restart 5) Test that you can log into PostgreSQL: sudo -U postgres -h localhost -W 6) If Tomcat is running, stop it a) Execute: sudo tomcat7-instance-create jspro56 b) Execute: sudo /opt/jspro56/bin/startup.sh c) Execute: sudo /opt/jspro56/bin/shutdown.sh 7) Upload JS Pro 8) Switch to the directory where JS Pro will be installed, such as /opt and execute: sudo unzip ./jasperreports-server-trunk-bin.zip 9) Copy ../buildomatic/sample_conf/postgresql_master.properties ../buildomatic/default_master.properties 10) Edit default_master.properties file a) Set: appServerDir = /opt/jspro56 b) Save changes 11) Execute: sudo /opt/jasperreports-server-trunk-create-war-bin_794-bin/buildomatic/js-install.sh test a) Verify that JS Pro configuration and properties file return Build Successful msg 12) Re-execute above cmd, but without the ‘test’ option 13) Copy the <js-install-dir>/jasperserver.license to the appropriate directory based on the Install Guide (or Pro version only) 14) Copy file /opt/jspro56/bin/setenv.sh to /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/setenv.sh 15) Edit setenv.sh a) Add JAVA_OPTS lines listed in JS Pro Install Guide in section 6 16) Once build is completed restart Tomcat: sudo /opt/jspro56/bin/startup.sh
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