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Everything posted by tkavanagh

  1. Ouch. Well, let's see if I can help you with your current question. So, the binary installer checks at startup time to see if it has a graphical environment that should be used to display to installer questions (ie such as which folder to install to etc). But if no graphical env is found then it will execute via the command line. So, you should be able to copy the installer up to the centos box. Then open a bash shell into the centos box (say /home/user). Then, this should work for you: ./jasperreports-server-cp-5.2-linux-x64-installer.run You will get command line prompts for accepting license, choosing type of install (get all components/samples or custom), etc.
  2. Hi, I'm pretty sure there were changes to the way that some of the workflows (ie flow.html_flowId) operate in 5.2. But I can check with the UI developers and see what they have to say about changes that could effect direct URLs.
  3. Also, in the JasperReports-Server-CP-Install-Guide.pdf look for the following section: 5.8 Running the Import and Export Utilities
  4. Hi, There is lots of detailed information in the Instal Guide (which can be found in the root of your installation folder in the <js-install>/docs folder). Also, you can use: ./js-export.sh --help (and it will give you some of the options) Also, there is good news with the next Release 5.5 which should be coming out around the end of October. This version will have import-export functionality in the GUI. So, in otherwords, you won't need to use the command line import-export tools at all. You can just navigate to the resource that you want (like a datasource) and then right click to get a context menu that will have the option of "export". And if you choose to export, it will export to whatever name you chose (and it will make a zip), and will put it where you choose on your machine's file system.
  5. Hi, it is the Java VM (virtual machine ... ie running Java execution) that is running out of memory. So, you will need to increase the memory settings for your Java. Java runs with default memory settings, but those settings can be too small to run very large reports (and to run the JasperReports Server, for instance). So, if you are using the Tomcat application server, you can go to <tomcat>/bin/setclasspath.bat or .sh and edit this file. At the end of the file you can add something like: [/code]set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m (windows) JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms1024m -Xmx2024m" (linux) Also, how much RAM memory does your machine have?
  6. Hi, this is just the default way that PostgreSQL operates. I think this is the case because there is also Connection Pooling that is specified in the Application Server (ie most commonly Tomcat). And tomcat will use the connection pooling defined here: <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml. This is setup to utilize multiple connections to service multiple users when tomcat is running (or other conncurrent operations such as scheduled jobs). However, you can start up just PostgreSQL by itself, without Tomcat. And you will see mutiple postgres threads. I see the same pattern when just postgresql is running whether on linux, Mac, or windows. But with mysql, I usually see two or only one process. You could try reducing max_connections and see if that changes the number. I see a lot of discussion about increasing max_connections but very little about decreasing them. http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server
  7. I think everything is running fine. Although you will need to keep an eye on the start up error to make sure that is not an issue. But if you can Login and then navigate around then I think everything is probably OK. What you have is a "production style" installation regarding the default resources that are in place. When you run "js-ant import-minimal-ce", this puts the minimum resources (we also call these "core" resources) in place that are required to run JasperReports Server. You can run an additional command to get the sample resources in place - then what you see after you login will be more normal because you will see sample reports which you can execute. Also, the additional buildomatic command can be run while JRS is still running (don't need a re-start): ./js-ant import-sample-data-ce Hopefully, that does it for you.
  8. Ah, ok so it looks like JRS (JasperReports Server) is not starting up cleanly. The next step that I would normally do is look for errors in the <tomcat>/logs/catalina.out log file. And I would recommend: stopping tomcat, clear out the contents of the logs folder, then restart so it is a little easier to see exactly what error occurred.
  9. How was JasperServer installed? It can be installed using the "binary" installer. Or it can be installed using the war file bin.zip installation steps (please see the release notes or Install Guide for the distinction). Tomcat 7 should install no problem. We support tomcat 5.5, 6, and 7. Also, installing to an existing tomcat as a service should really be no different than installing to a non-service tomcat. JasperServer just wants to know the file system path to <tomcat-home> and everything else is automatic. There is definitely something mis-configured because there should not be a class cast exception anywhere. I'm wondering if there might be some additional components added to this tomcat instance? Because a classcast exception like this could be coming from having two different versions of the same jar.
  10. Hi Rafal, I think there might be a bug with 5.2 running under with Tomcat 7. Tomcat 7 handles threads spawned by an application differently than tomcat 6. I think it is the case that jasperreports server has a thread that does not automatically shutdown when tomcat gives the shutdown request. I will be looking for a fix for this with our next release 5.5. In the meantime, let me ask you a question... - with your upgraded to 5.2 instance, are you able to get to the Login screen?
  11. Hi, when using existing instances of tomcat and postgresql, the JRS (JasperReports Server) start/stop scripts will not start/stop these existing instances. So, the order would be the following: start postgresql start tomcat However, it looks like this is what you did. But you can try again. Also, make sure that there are no other apps currently existing in your tomcat (multiple apps can run no problem - but when debugging I try and get rid of anything that might make it harder to debug). Then you can check your <tomcat>/logs/catalina.out and hopefully should get a clearer error message.
  12. I can see from the message: Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused that at tomcat startup time there was not a successful connection made to the database. And JasperServer can't run without the database. There are a couple of things to check. From the command line you can use the mysql client to connect to mysql. This will help verify that you have the correct username and password for the database. Next you can check: <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml This is the file that holds the connection information to the database. Also check: <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost This is were tomcat copies the context.xml (and changes the name of it). So, in this folder delete any file named jasperserver.xml. First shutdown tomcat. Then look at these files. then restart.
  13. I'm not sure if I am answering your question or not, but .. Currrently, generated jasperreports-server .jar binaries are not being posted to an external site. This is inconvenient for developers, so we are working on this currently. I can give a status update at the end of February. In the meantime, the straight-forward way to have binaries is to build jasperreports-server source code. Also, the src.zip distribution download contains a jasperserver-repo folder (I think it might have jrs binaries inside it - I can check...)
  14. This looks to be a linux permissions/ownershipt issue. Once an application is executed as root user (ie by using the "sudo" command) then any new file or possibly other files will end up with root ownership. So, then, later if you try and run as a normal (non-root) user you will get permission errors (different message depending on application). Probably the "best practice" thing to do would be to choose the user that you would like to have ireport and jasperreports-server as. Then you would set all ownership to this user: shutdown jasperreports-server shutdown ireport cd chown myuser:mygroup -R * (change everything in this folder to user: myuser and group: mygroup recursively) cd chown myuser:mygroup -R * The only trick is that there will be/can be "temporary" files that still have the root ownership. These will still cause a problem. You can delete these temporary/cache files: /work/Catalina/localhost (temp holding of compiled jsps etc) /temp (can delete contents) And check if you find cached files in ubutu's folder /tmp
  15. Here is a tomcat bug about missing dbcp jar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat6/+bug/283852 Maybe similar issue?
  16. There seems to be something wrong with the tomcat setup. The class not found is a tomcat class: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory It is used for the tomcat's connection pooling. And the jasperserver webapp uses the connection that tomcat provides. Two things to check would be the following: /conf/Catalina/Localhost/jasperserver.xml (take a look inside this file and see if the database credentials and url look good) (you can delete the file above and tomcat will put a fresh in in place) The file above is copied (by tomcat) from this location (this is a kind of dumb tomcat thing) /webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml Also, check: /lib (make sure that you see a JDBC driver in there from postrgresql) Here is a list of jars from my apache-tomcat-6.0.35/lib annotations-api.jar catalina-ant.jar catalina-ha.jar catalina.jar catalina-tribes.jar ecj-3.7.jar el-api.jar jasper-el.jar jasper.jar jsp-api.jar postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar servlet-api.jar tomcat-coyote.jar tomcat-dbcp.jar tomcat-i18n-es.jar tomcat-i18n-fr.jar tomcat-i18n-ja.jar Notice >> tomcat-dbcp.jar << Needs to be in place.
  17. So, for Community (open source) downloads: community.jaspersoft.com And for Commercial downloads: jaspersoft.com
  18. Here's some of the things that I do when I'm having trouble with tomcat. Shutdown tomcat, delete files: tomcat/conf/Catalina/Localhost/*.xml (if there are any jrs related datasource files in here) (tomcat will recreate them) tomcat/logs/*.* tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost tomcat/temp/*.* It looks to me that there is some sort of display error. Because the report unit is present - and you obviously clicked on it to try and display the report. So, the trick I think is to try and get some error information in the logs: tomcat/logs/catalina.out tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log And hopefully there is some info after the cleanup
  19. I'm not sure about the source package, but when the JasperReports Server is installed there is the following file: /jasperreports-server-cp-/license.txt This one lists the license: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
  20. There definitely seems to be an issue with resolving the hostname. I see in the installation.log: Unable to set localhost. This prevents creation of a GUID. Cause was: dilx: dilx java.net.UnknownHostException: dilx: dilx at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1353) at net.sf.ehcache.Cache.(Cache.java:214) Here is a similar issue based on googling around for the above error message: stackoverflow.com/questions/4969156/error-java-net-unknownhostexception So, perhaps try playing a bit more with the /etc/hosts file. And try adding the following (and rebooting too): dilx localhost
  21. I think this issue was solved by changing permissions on the JDBC driver folder. Here is a follow up thread: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802316/error-installing-jasper-server-war-file
  22. Hmm, this Community site only seems to go back to 4.7.0. Here is a full set of files hosted on sourceforge.net: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/JasperServer%204.5.0/
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