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Everything posted by tkavanagh

  1. In the default_master.properties file (copied and renamed from buildomatic/sample_conf/oracle_master.properties), you see settings like: # name for js user and user to create js user dbUsername=jasperserver dbPassword=password sysUsername=sys as sysdba sysPassword=password dbHost=localhost You should just leave these settings exactly as they are *except* for sysPassword (where you will put in your own password). When the buildomatic/js-install.sh script executes: 1) sysUsername will connect to the Oracle database sys is the privileged/adminstrative user on all default Oracle systems. It has permissions to do everything 2) sys will create a new user/db called "jasperserver", it will assign the password "password" The jasperserver user/db will be populated with all the tables and data that JasperReports Server needs and then everything is ready for startup and login to the system. In the Pro Install Guide, take a look at chapter 5.6.1 "Configure your default_master.properties File" It actually doesn't specify very much more info. But the point is that you should just use the existing values except for sysPassword.
  2. Yes, there is other doc so you don't need to buy the Ultimate Guide. I will send this to the doc folks here and see what the best approach is (since I'm not familiar with the docs details of which is the best to look at).
  3. It sounds like you have customizations in your 3.5 instance that you are trying to port over to 4.0? Because starting in 4.0, there is an "auto-upgrade" script which will upgrade from 3.7 to 4.0. The auto-upgrade script is located in <js-install>/buildomatic/js-upgrade-samedb.bat/.sh If you are going from 3.5 to 3.7 to 4.0, then you will need to run each upgrade script: buildomatic/install_resources/db/mysql/ upgrade-mysql-3.5.0-3.7.0-pro.sql upgrade-mysql-3.7.0-4.0.0-pro.sql If you have customizations then it is always a little tricky to apply these onto the next version. And for the move from 3.5/3.7 to 4.0 the UI framework has changed very significantly. You can take a look at the JasperReportsServer Ultimate Guide to get some pointers on customization.
  4. Probably a question that should go on the iReport forum instead. However, did you install the JasperReports Server binary installer? It also, conveniently, includes a copy of iReport. And you can start it from the Windows or Linux menu.
  5. That error looks familiar. I can do more checking on it. It looks like perhaps the hibernate dialect is not set correctly (which is odd because it is set automatically as part of the buildomatic setup from your buildomatic/default_master.properties). You default_master.properties should have inside of it: # database type dbType=sqlserver And your hibernate.properties, should be: hibernateDialect=com.jaspersoft.ji.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerUnicodeDialect In the file (tomcat for instance): <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/hibernate.properties
  6. Sorry for the trouble running the js-import/js-export commands. It is definitely confusing that the Application Server is fully configured but the js-import/export scripts are missing a reference to the appropriate JDBC driver. There is a section in the Install Guide on import-export configuration that says where the JDBC driver must additionally be copied. Section 14.4 "Deploying a JDBC Driver". The point is that the App Server and import-export configuration set of files are not identical and necessarily live in two locations. For import-export, the JDBC driver must be copied to this location: <js-install>/buildomatic/conf_source/iePro/lib For the next release, I am planning to push two improvements. One is I will make sure the driver is copied for import-export on the deploy-webapp buildomatic install step. Second, it looks like we should be able to get import-export into the JS UI so that import-export can be run from the UI which will make it easier to manage many import-export tasks.
  7. It looks to me that the jasperver repository database (ie a database with the name "jasperserver" stored in postgresql or mysql) is not fully populated with the "minimal" startup resources needed. It looks to me like the themes are missing. The themes are UI display elements. And unfortunately we have never officially supported IIS (but since we are a compliant Web Application it should work - but each application server has its own peculiar requirements). I am thinking that the best way to get up an running quickly would be to start with our Binary Installer. This installer will allow you to install in a "default" mode which will put a Tomcat app server, and MySQL DB in place for you so that you will be up an running with JasperReports Server immediately. Which Operating System are you using?
  8. Hi source is loaded! Enjoy! Let me know if anything does not work for you. Cheers, -Tony
  9. Hi All, I uploaded the JasperReports Server 4.1.0 Source Code ZIP. Also, I included the maven-repository ZIP which is a zip of the ./m2/repository folder (local maven repository) and therefore includes all dependencies and build artifacts for jasperserver source. Look for these two files: jasperreports-server-4.1.0-maven-repository.zip jasperreports-server-cp-4.1.0-src.zip Note: Known Issue: When you build source using buildomatic, you will create a default_master.properties file. You should set a dummy value for "js-pro-path". It does not have to point to a real folder. This property gets references when the "build-ce" target it executed. This can be fixed for next release. Take a look at JasperReports-Server-CP-Source-Build-Guide.pdf for source building instructions
  10. I'll add a bug for this. By the way the Tracker (ie where bugs are tracked) can be found from the second level (project level) menu item "Tracker"
  11. To install under AIX, you would use the War File Distribution ZIP package. It is the japserReports Server java webapp along with supporting scripts to carry out the "auto-install" process. The "auto-install" process uses Apache Ant based scripts to get everything configured and deployed. It runs from the command line so AIX will be supported this way. Take a look at Chapter 5 in the JasperReports-Server-Install-Guide.pdf. The "binary" installer only runs under Linux, Windows, and Mac.
  12. Did you try restarting the server? This feature should work without having to restart - but if it's not working then that would be a good thing to try.
  13. Hmm, did you install from the installer? And have you checked in the <tomcat>/logs to get a more complete error message (the stack trace is not telling what it can't acess for some reason...). Also, what type of operation were you trying when you got this problem?
  14. Jaspersoft is Pleased to Announce the Availability of JasperReports Server 4.1.0! There are a number of key features/enhancements addresses that users have been requesting. - One is that there are now 64 bit installers. These 64 bit installers are available for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. - Language resource bundles have now been added to the Community Project code line. There is "out of the box" support for Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. You can change the Locale at the Login page to have these languages immediately displayed upon login. - Localization of Input Controls - In previous releases, the labels applied to a report's input controls could only support a single language. Now, you can supply resource bundles that define the input control's labels in various languages. In addition, if the input control relies on a fixed list of values, the list of values can also support multiple languages. For more information, refer to the JasperReports Server Community Project User Guide. - iReport Designer has been up updated to 4.0.2. - In addition, there are numerous bug fixes and small enhancements. Thank you, - From the Jaspersoft Team Post Edited by tkavanagh at 07/05/2011 21:21
  15. Hi, you should be able to look at the jasperserver.log or the tomcat/logs in order to find more infomation on the stack trace representing the error you are seeing. <tomcat>/logs/catalina.out OR <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log
  16. I'm pretty sure that this has to do with the OpenJDK java runtime. JasperServer is certified to run with the Sun JDK. If you want to go this route then I would advise removing the openjdk packages and then installing the Sun packages (java 1.6). Also, I was thinking that the other way to install would be to use the Binary Installer for Linux. Actually, for the new 4.1.0 release, we have 64 bit installer too. The Binary Installer will put all the components that you need in place: Tomcat, Java, and MySQL. Plus these components are setup into the installation folder so they will not effect any packages that you may already have running. You can see the release notes or the Install Guide for 4.1.0 for quick instructions on how to install.
  17. This sounds like a bug. I've seen trouble in the installer in the past with some particular extended characters. Is there a way for you to write a bug in the Tracker - without giving your real password? It would be good to get a specific passwd string that I can do some testing on. And reproduce the error.
  18. Is that http server also a servlet container? If so it can support JasperReports Server because it is a compliant web application. But I am thinking that it might be simpler to just download and run the binary installer that will put a running JasperReports Server in place. You can run the installer on you Win XP machine. It can be downloaded from here: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver//downloads
  19. Yes, JasperReports Server is a web application that is (generally) database neutral. But if you want to use a specific database then you will need to get the configurations right. WEB-INF/hibernate.properties META-INF/context.xml (set it up for ms sql) Also, you will need to mod he DB scripts so that they are ms sql syntax and datatype correct. You can start with the mysql ones and convert them. <js-install>/buildomatic/install_resources/sql/mysql/js-create.ddl and quartz.ddl. Actually, quartz is a 3rd party package and it already has ms sql format files. Have you had any luck searching the forums to find existing advise on ms sql port? I know that there are a number of users running under MS SQL.
  20. Yes, that seems odd. Probably it is best to check in the tomcat logs (<tomcat>/logs/catalina.out) and see if you can see what the "real" error is.
  21. Yes, definitely. I should be posting the zip version of the source around end of day thursday. Including the maven-repository.zip with all jars included.
  22. Hi, the import-export file format is considered an "internal" format. The purpose is to be able to save off the state of the resoruces in the database repository, and to help with the upgrade to new versions, and to allow moving specific resources from one instance to another. So, if we drill down into the exported folder or zip we will find that it is not very "user friendly". It seems to me the purpose you are describing is to get a jrxml (or perhaps all report resources) in order to share it with coworkers? One other way to get resources is to use iReport Designer. It can connect to JasperReports Server and pull reports into iReport for editing. And then it can re-post an updated report back to JasperReports Server. It would be very difficult to change the internal format of the import-export file. One enhancement which is being discussed is to be able to "grab" a jrxml file via the Browser based User Interface. Do you think this would help with the case you are describing?
  23. Hi Jason, Thanks for finding and reporting this problem! I just checked and the buildomatic "auto-config" looks to be correct (ie when you specify postgresql with your default_master.properties as the database and then let buildomatic create it's config files). So, that looks to be ok. Regarding the Doc, I happen to be posting the 4.1.0 release right now! I will update the Install Guide with your fix and I can re-post the documentation ZIP file.
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