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Everything posted by tkavanagh

  1. From the Install Guide, there are some recommendations on System Requirements. But these are essentially minimal requirements. (The doc is here <js-install>/docs/JasperReports Server Install Guide.pdf, Section 1.5). The recommended RAM is 8GIG. And the recommended CPU is 2.5 GHz multi-core. Also, it will be best to have a server that is not running other large applications such as Oracle as this will reduce the resources available to JasperServer. Once you add more resources, you should definitely be able to run 5 or 10 concurrent users. Probably the best thing to do is to get the server running nicely and displaying dashboards with only one user and then see how performance changes as you login with additional concurrent users.
  2. I'm surprised you are seeing this error since the creation of the new 5.5 database and the import of all the resources completed successfully. I'm wondering if there is a resource from your 4.5.1 system that perhaps has a null value (ie an empty field) and this is causing problems for 5.5 where the null value is no longer allowed. If this is the case it might be hard to find out which resource that is. If you turn on debug loggin in your application server (ie ttomcat) then we might be able to see which resource is causing that problem. You can also modify the table constraint to allow nulls - but that would mean the same issue would most likely show up again in the future - so that is not recommended.
  3. I'm surprised you are seeing this error since the creation of the new 5.5 database and the import of all the resources completed successfully. I'm wondering if there is a resource from your 4.5.1 system that perhaps has a null value (ie an empty field) and this is causing problems for 5.5 where the null value is no longer allowed. If this is the case it might be hard to find out which resource that is. If you turn on debug loggin in your application server (ie ttomcat) then we might be able to see which resource is causing that problem. You can also modify the table constraint to allow nulls - but that would mean the same issue would most likely show up again in the future - so that is not recommended.
  4. Thank you for the really good information on MySQL vs MariaDB (and the link about incompatibilities). It is best to be as clear as possible about which drivers are being used (as you mention, this is even more important in a Production environment). I will follow up and update the section 6.4.4 in the Install Guide. I think that this is the best place to mention additional information on the driver that is packaged by default in order to run with the MySQL database. Also, we are shooting for having the Install Guide be online in HTML format for the upcoming 5.6 release. There will be opportunities to re-structure the Guide to make it specific to MySQL if someone is interested in MySQL. So, at that point, additional information can be added. Just a little background information too: We support and "certify" the MySQL database. We support the MariaDB database (it is generally compatible with JasperReports Server). But we have not "certified" it. This means that our QA group has not gone through a comprehensive suite of testing to look for any specific problems with MariaDB. But I'm pretty confident that everything will work fine. These certifications are driven by customer requests - folks can make an enhancement request on the tracker section of the Community site. The other bit of information (that I think is also in the release notes) is that we have included the mariadb jdbc driver. Where previously we did not include a driver for MySQL. This is because the license of the MySQL JDBC driver was such that it was incompatible with the JasperReports Server license. But the mariadb jdbc driver license works well with our license, so once the driver was available we included it.
  5. Hi Jason, I'm seeing this error up above: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log Could it be that tomcat needs to be run a the root user (or just that the tomcat/webapp permissions need to be cleaned up)
  6. Hmm, it is odd that there is a unit-test failure. I'm not sure what the code base is for this code (ie which exact svn version is being used). One thing that can be done - to get everything to compile - is to uncomment in your buildomatic/default_master.properties: SKIP_TEST_ARG=skipTests This will skip the unit-tests.
  7. Hi, the source code zip for 5.5.0 is now loaded (as of early yesterday). Sorry for the oversite. The nice thing about the src.zip is that it is pre-set with all 3rd party jar dependencies. This will be the same code base that can be checked out using svn tags/js-5.0.0.
  8. Oh, I just took a look and the src.zip is not in place! I just sent email to our internal group that maintains the site. Should hopefully have the src zip package loaded later today. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks, -Tony
  9. I think that if you are building the source code from checking out the code directly from the subversion SVN repository, then you will need to specify an svn tag on the checkout to make sure that you are not getting "bleeding edge" code from trunk. When Jaspersoft developers are working in the trunk code, they sometimes specify new jar dependencies that are not always immediately available on public repository locations. So, it might take a week or so to catch up. Instead, you can specify "svn co http://code.jaspersoft.com/svn/repos/jasperserver/tags/lastSuccessfulBuild-trunk-ce This way it is guaranteed that the source code should build and be able to resolve all dependencies. Also, the other thing that is easy to do is to download the jrs-<ver>-src.zip file. This will have all required dependencies included in the zip file. And also there is a JasperReports-Server-Source-Build-Guide.pdf in the <unpack-dir>/docs folder that is helpful for doing any setup (ie making a buildomatic/default_master.properties that will hold all your local settings like app server, database credentials, etc).
  10. I assume you are using glassfish 3.1? (there is a new glassfish 4.0 - maybe this is a Beta version - and it has not been tested with JRS yet). Probably the best thing to do is to check the logs for glassfish. If JRS is not deploying/starting up cleanly then there must be some error messages in the logs. You can look in a location like this: glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs
  11. At the end of the Stack Trace I see this: Caused by: net.sf.ehcache.config.InvalidConfigurationException: There is one error in your configuration: * CacheManager configuration: You've assigned more memory to the on-heap than the VM can sustain, please adjust your -Xmx setting accordingly This problem is usually that the amount of memory being requested by the Tomcat which is hosting JasperReports Server is larger that what the underlying system will provide. You can shutdown other processes runnning on the machine to try and help. But most likely you will need more RAM or you can decrease the amount of JAVA_OPTS memory that Tomcat is trying to allocate. You can take a look in the Install Guide Chapter 6 which has info on setting JAVA_OPTS.
  12. Hi, there is a section in the JasperReports Server Install Guide PDF called: Section 6.1.2 "Changing JVM Options for Bundled Tomcat as a Windows Service". This means a Tomcat put into place the the JRS installer (ie "bundled" tomcat). I think you are refering to JRS (JasperReports Server) and not JSS (JasperSoft Studio - it the report creation tool). Once the service.bat is modifed, the Windows Service for tomcat has to be removed and then re-installed (as shown in this Install Guide section).
  13. This a good suggestion. I think you are refering to the "JRS" installer (ie JasperReports Server) (too many acronyms - haha). I will take a look at removing any appropriate tomcat management pages for the next JRS release (which is slated to be 5.6.0). We do want to be able to get to some sort of page indicator when just going to http://localhost:8080 - becaues this helps with troubleshooting so that it is clear that tomcat is up and running ok (ie the case where tomcat is running but the JRS login page can't be found due to somekind of deployment/startup error). But, yes, you can remove any additional tomcat UI related setups becase JRS will be at the http://localhost:8080/jasperserver url by default.
  14. Yes, it looks like there is a privileges issue here. I think that with most hosting services, you will need to make a request to the administrators of the hosting service to give you additional privileges that will allow you to create a new database. The database that you will need to create is called "jasperserver" (because the JasperReports Server web application requires a database to function). Your buildomatic/default_master.properties looks good to me. You can take a look at the "step by step" installation in Section 5.7 "Installing the War File Manually" in the 5.5 version of the JasperReports Server Install Guide (look in <unpack-dir>/docs/JasperReports-Server-Install-Guide.pdf). You can: cd buildomatic ./js-ant create-js-db ./js-ant init-js-db-ce (assuming you are using the Community version of JRS. Otherwise its "init-js-db-pro") ./js-ant import-minimal-data-ce ./js-ant deploy-webapp-ce
  15. I'm taking a look at the JasperReports Server Install Guide that goes with version 5.5 (commerical). And I'm looking at section 5.7 "Installing the War File Manually" (just to let you know what I'm referencing here :-) When installing to the Oracle database, the only step that should require the sysdba user/pass is the "js-ant create-js-db". This is because the command will create the "jasperserver" database/user in the Oracle DB server . However, once the jasperserver database/user is created, then the sysdba user is no longer needed. The next steps: "js-ant init-js-db-pro" and "js-ant import-minimal-data-pro" will only need the user/pass for the jasperserver database. I hope this makes sense. Thanks, 0-Tony
  16. So, I would recommend using the War File bin zip (jasperreports-server-cp-5.5.0-bin.zip). If you follow the instructions in the releaseNotes.txt or the docs/JasperReports-Server-Install-Guide.pdf in Chapter 5, you can install to existing instances of tomcat and postgresql (and other app servers and databases as well). The JAVA_OPTS settings would be updated in the normal way for Tomcat (ie in the bin/setclasspath.bat/sh file).
  17. The "binary" installer is not meant for production installations. If you have your own standard installs of tomcat and postgresql then it is easier to upgrade these packages in order to get the most current security updates (etc) for these two packages. Additionally, this kind of set up makes it a better platform for upgrading JasperReports Server. If you upgrade JRS that has been installed with the binary installer (in the case of Windows for instance) - then the menu items still point to the older version number of JRS. These menu items and some entries in the Windows registry can be updates manually - but it is just another thing to manage.
  18. Try to recompile the java class under Java 6. If compiled under Java 7 and then executed under Java 6. There will be a "major minor" type of exception.
  19. Hi looks like there are two posts on this same subject. I answered the one that is more recently posted. Short version of answer: The major minor error is usually seen when a java class is compiled under Java 7 but executed under a Java 6 environment.
  20. I have usually seen this type of error: "Unsupported major.minor version" When a java class has been compiled under Java 7. And then that class is executed under Java 6. If you change your execution environment to be Java 7, that should fix the problem. Or recompile the class under Java 6.
  21. I don't have better details for you right now - but I know that PostgreSQL binary and it's initialization process utilizes symbolic links as part of the setup process. So, it looks as though there are not full permissions that are allowing the creation of the symbolic links. Or perhaps there is a different type of lock-down enforced on symbolic links within the AMI environment? So, one thing to try as a workaround would be to get postgresql installed separately on the AMI instance. And then the JasperReports Server installer can install to that "existing" postgresql by choosing "custom install" on the first installer display screen. It is possible that the indivdual postgresql install can get the same problem - but at least that would narror the problem and allow a clearer discussion with AMI administrators - because of course an AMI needs to be able to install the postgresql database.
  22. For JasperReports Server (just the normal download of the installer and installation), the translation bundles are included by default. The languages that are there by default are: Chinese, Japanese, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, and German. For the new 5.5 release, there is also Brazilian Portugese. On the Login page, look to the right side drop down box where you can choose the default language to be used.
  23. I think that it would be best to have the jars appear individually. I think that in Java, to use a .zip of jars, the .zip file has to be specified explicitly on the classpath (just going from memory - so not 100% sure!) So, you would be loading them to somewhere like: <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib Perhaps?
  24. Hmm, I'm not super familiar with the liferay portal setup. However, maybe the JasperReports Server Admin Guide PDF would help? There is a chapter on using the liferay portal. Chapter 8 "Integrating JasperServer and Liferay Portal"
  25. So I assume that there are a number or reports and other types of resources in the NP folder. The way that the export works is that for each report that is found in the folder, all required/referenced resources (such as datasources and input controls) are also included in the export. So, depending on what is used by a specific report it is possible to get additional resources in additional folders that you didn't think you would get. However, these additional resources are included because the report depends on them and the report cannot run properly without these additional resources. One thing you can do to get an idea of what might be going on it to unzip the export zip file. All resources information is stored in an xml format and the folder structure is reproduced in the unpacked resources folder. For instance, an image file is stored as an xml describing the file, it's label, etc and the acutual image is stored as a .data file with the same name as the image.
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