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Everything posted by swood

  1. That would require a code change. You could give them a limited set of names to have in the repository, and select Overwtire. That way the files are created, but there are not many of them. Sherman Jaspersoft
  2. You would need to create a custom data source to do this. Sherman Jaspersoft
  3. JasperServer Web services and import/export can be used to create and maintain resources in the repository. You can have report units use common JRXMLs and data sources. You could have one export of your repository that is used across clients - same resource names etc. All you would need to change was the data source definitions - the exact database name, network parameters etc. Sherman Jaspersoft
  4. I am sorry - there is no way to do that out of the box. There would have to be a schedule for each customer. You could automate this somewhat. Manage the group of schedules by web services. Generate 1 report with all the customers, and "burst" it. This is not something JasperServer does out of the box, but you could use the JasperServer APIs to do it, combined with a tool like DocumentBurster https://sourceforge.net/projects/documentburster/ Sherman Jaspersoft
  5. The properties for both governors can be set globally, in the jasperreports.properties file, or at report level, as custom report properties. You can set: net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages.enabled=[true|false] net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages=[integer] and net.sf.jasperreports.governor.timeout.enabled=[true|false] net.sf.jasperreports.governor.timeout=[milliseconds] Sherman Jaspersoft
  6. I can't recreate this problem. Here is what I did. Added the testexport user to organization_1 Created a schedule with testexport and jasperadmin Ran js-export --report-jobs /organizations/organization_1/reports --users "testexport|organization_1" --output-zip = ..\scheduleAndUser.zipExporting user testexport of tenant organization_1 Exported 2 job(s) for the /organizations/organization_1/reports/samples/Employees report unit Deleted the jobs and the testexport user Ran: js-import --input-zip ..\scheduleAndUser.zip Created user testexport of tenant organization_1 Created 2 job(s) for report /organizations/organization_1/reports/samples/Employees All looked good. Sherman Jaspersoft
  7. I found out that you can do this through the portlet configuration. Here is a section of the new admin guide. By default, the portlet displays all the reports that the current user is allowed to view. You can configure the portlet to display a specific report, instead. In the portlet.xml file, add the following entries to specify a default report: full_resource_path: This parameter specifies the full report Path. resource_type: The only supported value is report number_of_parameters: This specifies the number of parameters the report requires, including optional and required parameters. js_resource_parameter_<parameter>: For each parameter of the report, append prefix js_resource_parameter_ to the name. In this example, the report /reports/samples/EmployeeAccounts takes a parameter named EmployeeID; it is defined as js_resource_parameter_EmployeeID. modifiable: This value has to be 1 [one] so end users can choose different reports at run time. 1 is the only supported value. For details of this parameter, please refer to the JSR-168 specification. For example, the portlet configuration section of the portlet.xml file might be similar to the XML seen below. Sherman Jaspersoft Code:<portlet-preferences> <preference> <name>full_resource_path</name> <value>/reports/samples/EmployeeAccounts</value> <modifiable>1</modifiable> </preference> <preference> <name>resource_type</name> <value>report</value> <modifiable>1</modifiable> </preference> <preference> <name>number_of_parameters</name> <value>1</value> <modifiable>1</modifiable> </preference> <preference> <name>js_resource_parameter_EmployeeID</name> <value>beth_id</value> <modifiable>1</modifiable> </preference><portlet-preferences>
  8. Just so we all know... Can you confirm: You were using the Java bundled with the installer and were getting the problem. You started using the latest JDK 1.5 version (1.5.0_17?) and it worked. Sherman Jaspersoft
  9. Can you define a portlet that uses a URL that you see for an individual report in the report list? Sherman Jaspersoft
  10. We have folks who have installed JasperServer successfully on Ubuntu with the installer with the bundled Tomcat and MySQL, including me ;-) With the WAR install, did the server process start? When you say the login page did not open, what did you see? Sherman
  11. You need single sign on between your app and JasperServer, which can be done a variety of ways, including CAS. Or you could control the JasperServer screen in your app, intercepting and rewriting the HTML etc to stop users directly accessing JasperServer. Sherman Jaspersoft
  12. After you create the analysis view, open it, set the defaults you want and save it to the same name. The new defaults will be used. Sherman Jaspersoft
  13. Have you set the URL to JasperServer in the portlet? It will be something like: http://my_host:8080/jasperserver/services/repository Sherman Jaspersoft
  14. Looks like a bug in import/export. Can you import the users before you import the resources and schedules? Hmmm, when you said "export everything", did you do an export of the whole repository, or just the schedules? Sherman Jaspersoft Post Edited by swood at 12/20/2009 18:28
  15. "... built a view in the main database that does the joining..." What exception are you getting? This sounds to me like a JDBC driver level issue. There is no way to set up a different data source for a sub report in the server. The poor workaround is to create a connection in the sub report parameters, like: java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//XXXXXX:1521/XXXX", "username", $P{param_password}) There are people on the forum who have done this, but I think the database connections do not get closed. It would be better to use a JNDI connection and the pool can clear it up eventually. Folks have been asking for this ability in subreports - it is a high priority for a post 3.7 release. Sherman Jaspersoft
  16. You both say you are having problems, but you do not say what the problems are. Are you getting exceptions? Or incorrect behavior? Sherman Jaspersoft
  17. This is a WebSphere issue. See http://www.jeromemueller.ch/archives/8/outputstream-already-obtained Looks like we have a nicely formatted JSP somewhere that is causing problems. We will have to hunt this down. Sherman Jaspersoft
  18. There should be a file, WEB-INF/applicationContext-datasource.xml, that contains the following info: <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean"> <property name="jndiName" value="java:comp/env/${metadata.hibernate.dataSource.jndiName}"/> </bean> The ${metadata.hibernate.dataSource.jndiName} is from the WEB-INF/hibernate.properties file and should be jdbc/jasperserver. Did you include the right things in the web.xml? This would include: <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml</param-value> </context-param> Sherman Jaspersoft
  19. You should be able to develop reports in iReport with an XML/A data source connecting to SSAS 2008 and deploy them to JasperServer. From there you can include them in a dashboard. Sherman Jaspersoft
  20. Is the report slow just via the plugin/web services, and using the web UI is fine? Are the reports increasing in size over time - numbre of pages etc? Are you maxing out on CPU or memory? Sherman Jaspersoft
  21. You have to set the locale when the user logs in. Then the CSV export will be UTF-8. I don't know whether this is right. It think the CSV should always be UTF-8 when the server and JasperReport properties are set to UTF-8. Sherman Jaspersoft
  22. You package the scriptlets as a JAR and put them in the JasperServer repository, not on the file system related to the WAR. Then you add the scriptlet JAR as a "resource" to the report unit definition. When you run the report, the scriptlet JAR is pulled from the repository and added to the server classpath temporarily. Sherman Jaspersoft
  23. You certainly need to change the home page like Gaby indicates. Given you don't want the user to access anything, this could be blank or just some friendly "you can't do anything" message. You will need to change the template WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp does not show the menu for ROLE_URL_ONLY (say) and give the user that role. Sherman Jaspersoft
  24. I know this does not help you right now, but multi-select controls in dashboards do work in the 3.7 release coming out in the next few weeks. They also work as a cascading control. Sherman Jaspersoft
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