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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. Hozawa - the issue RedHat is reffering too has to do with 'Apache Hadoop RPC protocol', which is not part of jasperserver and is only applicable to users who use that protocol. Also, all JasperServer patches available trhu RedHat are delivered to them my Jaspersoft.
  2. Hello, Jasperserver community 4.0 will come out early Februrary. Stay tuned for announcement. Thank you!
  3. Jaspersoft is pleased to announce the availability of JasperServer 3.7.1! There are a number of bug fixes included in this release. Also, see the release notes for additional details. In particular, you will find: * Maintenance updates for defects in various areas, including: * Cascading Input Controls * SSL based communication compatibility * New portal certified for the JasperServer portlet: JBoss is now certified or use with the JasperServer portlet. * iReport 3.7.1, which is bundled in the 3.7.1 installers, is now certified on Windows Vista and Windows 7. - See Known Issues section below (item 17253) * Improved Web Services Sample Application. Illustrates usage of users, roles, permissions, and cascading input controls. See the readme files in: - samples/java-webapp-sample * JasperReports bug fixes included. JasperReports version jar incremented to Go to the download area of the project or click the link below http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/ Thank you, Jaspersoft Team! ;-) Post Edited by mryzhikova at 09/13/2010 17:31
  4. Hello! Thank you for your interest. we actually ship document with the porduct, which describes WebServices offered by Jasperserver. JasperServer-Web-Services-Guide.pdf - under DOCS directiory in your installation. Take a look. thx! marina
  5. Dynamic Filters - filters for Rank function returns unintuitive results. Explanation of behavior:If you create a calculated field using the rank function, then use it as both a filter and a field in the report, it may appear that you get inconsistent values. For example, the rank field values always start with 1, no matter whether you include the value 1 in your filter. This is because the rank value used in the field and in the filter are actually different; the rank value used for filter is applied to the unfiltered dataset. The rank value used for the column is applied to the filtered dataset, so it will change whenever the filter changes. This is true of the rank calculation on any filtered dataset.
  6. Hello! Please make sure you check correct 'visialisation type' in the left lower corner. It should filter correct resources. thx! marina
  7. Hello! Please make sure you selected in left lower corner in 'Refine' section under 'Visualization Type' - Report Outputs. thx! marina
  8. Hello! I assume you took the following upgrade path 3.1 -> 3.5 -> 3.7, right? You need to import into 3.5 first and then export into 3.7. thx! marina
  9. This is not a bug - its a new feature. All toolbar icons have been moved to the right mouse menu. Please right mouse click and you will have all the actions. thx!
  10. Can i ask if you installed on Vista or Windows 7? If thats the case, please check admin permissions on install dir. thx! marina
  11. Hello! Generally Pro to CE is not a supported upgrade path, we do provide full support for CE to Pro upgrade. ;) thx! marina
  12. Hello! Thank you for your interest in latest Pro product. May i suggest visiting http://jaspersoft.com/ - it has all the new features informaiton and much more demos and details on just released Jasperserver 3.7. thx! marina
  13. Yes, additional bug fixed in the version recently posted on forge.
  14. Hello, unfortunetely no. Functiuonality is avilable in 3.7 Pro just released earlier this month. thx~ marina
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