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  1. No replies, so I thought I'd just post my workaround. I imagine this is not possible partly because of the fact that Jasper won't know what to do with the PDF if you're not RENDERING as a PDF (although my workaround could be incorporated easily to overcome this!). My workaround: Using the PDF Renderer library (and an example found at http://blog.rubypdf.com/2008/01/30/pdftoimage-convert-pdf-to-image-by-using-pdfrenderer-library/source-code-of-pdf2image/) I actually save the pages of the PDF as PNG image files as a varbinary(max) field to the database. In the Jasper report, I load in this field as a java.awt.Image object. I can then insert an image, cancel out when iReport asks which file, and set the expression for my Image object to be my field loaded. It works - not very elegant, but it works.
  2. I found a couple of related posts but no answers.... We are using Jasper 4.5 (enterprise actually). For one of the reports we run, we have the need to include supporting documentation, which will be stored in our Database in the form of varbinary(max) data (SQL 2008). I can easily whip up a simple Java program to read the data from the DB and write to a file that I can then view as a PDF. So - how can I include this PDF inline in the report I am generating (which will also be a PDF)? Is this possible?
  3. We are heavy users of Jasper Server - actually we use professional edition. We use the server for scheduled reports, and for on-the-fly report generation via URL. One of our applications uses the SAME report, over and over, thousands of times a day. I believe, for performance reasons, that I will benefit from filling (and auto printing) this report from within my application. To do so, I need to download the JRXML to my application. I thought a simple REST URL like this would work: http://<myserverpath>/rest/resource/<path_to_my_report>?fileData=true But it requires authentication. So I added on the ID and password: http://<myserverpath>/rest/resource/<path_to_my_report>?fileData=true&j_username=<valid_ID>&j_password=<valid_password> However the latter gives me an HTTP 401 error. If I log in to the Jasper server manually, using the ID and password from the second example, then go to the URL in the first, it works fine. Ideas on how I do this from my code? Do I need to get fancy and use HTTP Posts or can I use a simple REST URL?
  4. There is a workaround to this, at least on SQL Server - use a table-valued function and select from there. I wouldn't consider this blocking because of this issue, although it is a pain in the neck issue. I believe the validation can be turned off too.
  5. This is a very serious bug in 4.5. I have verified that the DB column JIReportJobMail.skip_empty is being updated correctly from 0 to 1 when checking this column, so apparently it is being ignored when the job executes.
  6. We experienced this issue too. Our DB that we query against is SQL server, and the workaround was simple (but should not be needed). We changed our stored procedure into a table-based function and can now do: select * from <function>(<param1>,<param2>) Hope this helps you too.
  7. I'm getting this same error for other calls through the web service...were you able to figure this one out?
  8. Did you ever get an answer or a reasonable reference? I am coming back to this question now, and the documentation is horrific. One set says to use one API, one says a different one, there's not a single example to be found, and even the documentation itself refers to JARs that don't exist...
  9. We use AD for authentication. You have to be careful about your config...in the bean below, I had to add the line that is notated by the comment (the baseEnvironmentProperties): <bean id="ldapContextSource" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource"> <constructor-arg value="ldap://xxxxxx.xxxx:xxx/dc=xxxxxxx,dc=xxx"/> <property name="userDn"><value>CN=xxxxxxx,CN=Users,DC=xxxxxxxx,DC=com</value></property> <property name="password"><value>xxxxxxxxxx</value></property> <!-- JH JH ADDED TO MAKE IT AUTHENTICATE PROPERLY --> <property name="baseEnvironmentProperties"> <map> <entry key="java.naming.referral"> <value>follow</value> </entry> </map> </property> </bean> I think the rest I just uncommented and set up the proper DC values.
  10. Just wondering if you're having the same problem we are. In our case, reports are generated by Jasper Server and emailed out - however the LINKS cannot be opened if IE is the default browser. Our workaround, since we have yet to find a solution, is to attach the actual files. Obviously this is not a particularly good solution, but it works for now. - Jack
  11. I'm on the latest Professional edition... The table element is NOT there. There IS no later download. HELP!
  12. Hi all - We currently have several reports that get hit thousands of times a day, automatically, using a URL (which of course includes the ID and password) to generate a PDF that is then auto printed. The problem is, this causes sessions to get created forever, resulting in out of memory issues. I believe - as so far indicated in support emails with JasperSoft - that Web Services might be the way to go. I'm wondering if anyone has a simple example of a Java Web Service client executing a report on JasperServer, preferably to a PDF format? Or, alternatively, if there's some way to run these reports (again, literally thousands a day) without creating a session, or expiring it immediately? Thanks a lot. - Jack
  13. I will see if I can find where to file the bug, never did so yet. Is there a setting or configuration or something I can change to fix the problem? My workaround right now is to attach the file, but obviously that's less than ideal.
  14. Nope, straight out of the box install, only customization is to things like authentication (to use LDAP). Funny thing is these work FINE in Firefox but that's not the standard here, and it worked FINE when we were on CE 3.5.
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