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Everything posted by swood

  1. Looks to me like a configuration issue. Check your settings against what is outlined in the Installation Guide - Section 11. What configuration and command parameters are you using to export? Sherman Jaspersoft
  2. I have packaged these changes as a patch at http://jasperforge.org/scm/viewvc.php/JasperServer-3.7.0/Default-XHTML-Exporter.zip?root=jasperserverpatches&view=log Need to login to the Forge to see and download this.
  3. For Vista, try using JDK 1.6, or JDK 1.7 for Windows 7, not the JDK 1.5 that JasperServer installs. If you are using the iReport bundled with JasperServer 3.7, you will need to change the file: <jasperserver installation>\ireport\bin\ireportLoader.bat old: "%RDIR%\%NAME_OF_EXE%" --jdkhome "%JAVADIR%" new: "%RDIR%\%NAME_OF_EXE%" --jdkhome "%JAVA_HOME%" JAVA_HOME needs to point to your JDK 1.6 installation. Sherman Jaspersoft Sherman Jaspersoft
  4. @ajay7reddy: An analysis view is not a JasperReport. You cannot use the runReport web service call to get the analysis view. You cannot use input control parameters with Analysis views. If you want to parameterize the MDX query, you have several options. 1) Pass the full MDX query you want to use in a URL to the analysis view, like: http://server/jasperserver/olap/viewOlap.html?name=/analysis/myAnalysisView&mdx=<your MDX query, URL encoded> This will open the browser to the analysis view, with the given MDX. No parameter substitution is done. 2) Use XML/A to run queries on the server and get the results via web services. Again, there is no parameter substitution - you have to pass the complete MDX query. 3) Create a JasperReport that uses a MDX query and a Mondrian or XML/A connection. You can pass parameters to the report and include the parameters in the query with $P{} as a string substitution. Sherman Jaspersoft
  5. swood

    MDX error

    As you might expect, that is a bug. Try deleting the olap4j.jar in<JasperAnalysis Workbench>/lib, and put the attached jar in lin instead. Sherman Jaspersoft
  6. I was going to say that it looked to me like the C dimension in your example was not really part of the A and B dimension. It looks like you sorted that out and have a solution. Sherman Jaspersoft
  7. Spanish translations come with JasperServer Professional. Sherman Jaspersoft
  8. Looks like com.esc.jasper.customdata.Report1DS does not implement com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.jasperreports.service.ReportDataSourceService. Sherman Jaspersoft
  9. Do you have Java installed on the machine? You need to set the JAVA_HOME variable to point to the installed Java home directory. if you run the workbench.bat from the command line, you will see details of why it failed. Sherman Jaspersoft
  10. No - we need to add this. In the mean time, you will need to have different schemas with translated dimension names etc and have multilpe Mondrian connections using those schemas to get the effect you want. Sherman Jaspersoft
  11. If you edit the analysis view, does it validate correctly? Sherman Jaspersoft
  12. You can add a new bean to do this. Something like: <bean id="OLAPCacheInitializingBean" class="examples.OLAPCacheInitializingBean"/>[/code]public class OLAPCacheInitializingBean implements InitializingBean { public void afterPropertiesSet() { // do some initialization work }}[/code] Sherman Jaspersoft
  13. This is a JasperServer question about web services. Check the input control definition. Looks like it is defined to be a number - not text. Sherman Jaspersoft
  14. 1) The value is coming directly out of the database from a SQL query, and is not processed by the schema. There is no formatting. There is really no way to say "format this as a currency amount". 2) If a column is indicated as being part of a dimension, it will appear by default in the drill through result. Again, there is no way to selectively hide that column. Sherman Jaspersoft
  15. You need to set your JAVA_HOME to a 1.5 or 1.6 Java installation. Sherman Jaspersoft
  16. I have packaged these changes as a patch at http://jasperforge.org/scm/viewvc.php/JasperServer-3.7.0/Default-XHTML-Exporter.zip?root=jasperserverpatches&view=log Need to login to the Forge to see and download this. To install, unzip this file into the JasperServer WAR. Sherman Jaspersoft
  17. I have a fix for this. I created applied a patch to jasperreports and there is a new JAR at http://jasperforge.org/scm/viewvc.php/JasperServer-3.7.0/jasperreports- Download that and put it into JasperServer WEB-INF/lib, deleting the jasperreports-3.7.0.jar, and retry your reports. Sherman Jaspersoft
  18. Look at the WAR install instructions. You can put the WAR where you want and also set the repository username as you need. Sherman Jaspersoft
  19. You have to set the locale you want the report to have on the web service call. Look at the web services guide to find out how. Sherman Jaspersoft
  20. JasperServer includes JasperReports. Install JasperServer. Define a data source in JasperServer that points to your MySQL application database. You can develop and test reports in iReport and then deploy them to JasperServer from within iReport. You can define users, roles and permissions on the JasperServer repository so that you can segment what reports are available to what users. Sherman Jaspersoft
  21. When you say "Template Wizard", what are you talking about? In JasperServer? In iReport? You can create a stand alone Input Control in the JasperServer repository, and then have your report units refer to that Input Control. Sherman Jaspersoft
  22. This is a general JasperReports question. Have a look on that forum. Sherman Jaspersoft
  23. Did you define input controls for the report in JasperServer? Sherman Jaspersoft
  24. This is a very common scenario for JasperServer. baggypants was right about JasperServer Professional being multi-tenant, ad hoc reporting through the browser for end users, and iReport for detailed reporting development and deployment to remote servers. I understand Servoy uses JasperReports. You may be able to reuse existing Servoy reports in JasperServer. The problem will be getting the data source right in JasperServer - I don't know what Servoy does in this area. The customers can have separate areas in the multi-tenant environment, and can also share reports etc, if needed, through a "public" area. Data level security can also be implemented though custom data sources, user profile aware filters and "domains", which can filter data according to the user profile. Sherman Jaspersoft
  25. You need to use the user profile, roles and or user attributes to add to filters in your reports and dashboards. When you run a report in JasperServer, there are parameters available like $P{LoggedInUsername} and $P{LoggedInFullName} you can use in your queries. In JasperServer Professional, you can define domains with security on them that automatically filter data according to the user profile. Sherman Jaspersoft
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