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Everything posted by swood

  1. I don't know what the issue is. We have quite a few folks running successfuly with an Oracle repository for JasperServer 3,5. Sherman Jaspersoft
  2. This is not out of the box functionality. The only solution that comes to me is to make a master dashboard that contains all the parameters and have a single dashboard panel that contains other dashboards. You would need to extend the Javascript in the dashboard to have a control that can change between the different dashboards. Sherman Jaspersoft
  3. You can capture the logic to generate the hyperlinks (including Gaby38's approach) in a scriptlet jar and use that to get the values in the _report parameter. Sherman Jaspersoft
  4. Do you mean a report based on the data in the JasperServer repository? If so, yes. Create a JNDI data source in the JasperServer repository "jdbc/jasperserver" and use that for your reports. Sherman Jaspersoft
  5. swood


    No, we are still using SOAP. Sherman Jaspersoft
  6. You can set up SSO with JasperServer. Have a look at the wiki http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/Jasperserver/AuthenticationConfiguration (Acegi security became Spring Security with JasperServer 3.7) and the Authentication Cookbook http://www.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-authentication-cookbook-jasperserver. if you authenticate against an external database or service, a user will automatically be created and maintained in JasperServer, so its roles and permissions can be managed. Are the users in your Oracle database? Have a look at the Spring Security DaoAuthenticationProvider, which uses a database connection and query you provide. http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/2.0.x/apidocs/org/springframework/security/providers/dao/DaoAuthenticationProvider.html Sherman Jaspersoft
  7. There is no way to do this right now. In general, this would be a security problem. You can do it by creating a custom data source that extends the existing JNDI data source in the server. The new class would override the set JNDI value with the value from the parameter. Sherman Jaspersoft
  8. Sounds like your session timed out. If you log in again, what happens? Sherman Jaspersoft
  9. This is caused by a "feature" of MySQL. When the MySQL JDBC driver reads Blobs from the database (JasperServer repository), it always load the blob data from a queried row into Java memory, even if the blob column is not selected. So you are not likely to see better performance in 3.7 /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/cry_smile.gif We have some more work to do in this area. Sherman Jaspersoft
  10. Declare your parameters as you normally would in the JRXML and input controls. Then you can use the parameters in the query, like: currency_currency_date_1_1: Date currency_currency_date_1_2: Date currency_currency_currency_1: String array startsWithParam: string Query with parameters: currency.currency_date in (currency_currency_date_1_1:currency_currency_date_1_2) and currency.currency_currency in currency_currency_currency_1 and startsWith(currency.currency_currency, startsWithParam) Sherman Jaspersoft
  11. Looks like a bug. I see you logged it. Sherman Jaspersoft
  12. Use a conditional style. Mary's description on this post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=22399 will work for you. Sherman Jaspersoft
  13. You are the first to hit this. Looks like we need our own version of the Authorize tag and an updated menu determination method. Please raise a bug. Sherman Jaspersoft
  14. There is an uninstall for JS 3.5 under Windows. You should put the Postgres driver JAR in tomcat/common/lib. The log is in WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log. Sherman Jaspersoft
  15. The user's email address is on the User object that is available for domain security, so you can filter on that. You can create domain based reports in the version of iReport that comes with JasperServer Professional/Enterprise. You can't run them in iReport, though - you have to deploy these domain based JRXMLs to the server. Sherman Jaspersoft
  16. Hmmm, this could be an issue with using JDK 1.6. See this thread http://old.nabble.com/javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException:-no-object-DCH-for-MIME-type-multipart-mixed-td12523671.html Are you using JDK 1.6? If so, it looks like the workaround (from the above post) is to move the mail.jar from WEB-INF/lib to tomcat/common/lib (Tomcat 5.5) or tomcat/lib (Tomcat 6.X) Sherman Jaspersoft
  17. Was this working in JasperServer 3.5? If it was, this is a bug. Sherman Jaspersoft
  18. Yes, you can install JasperServer on the same machine as the database. There maybe performance issues. Install the JasperServer MySQL instance to run on a different port - not 3006. Sherman Jaspersoft
  19. No. But you should be able to create a dashboard in Liferay with a panel per report. Sherman Jaspersoft
  20. You can't have the HTML page in the repository and have it appear it around a dsahboard. You need to put the HTML page into the web application. Check out this post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=67172 Sherman Jaspersoft
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