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Everything posted by kkelleher

  1. It's odd. I'm able to load the schema into JasperServer and create views against it with no problem, but I'm getting an error from the workbench (v3.5.4) when I try to load the schema there. I'm not sure if it's a bad schema or a problem with the workbench's validation mechanism. I fiddled with the schema a bit, but I wasn't able to find a quick fix to the schema. I've logged a defect for this in our internal system. Note that you can use the full foodmart schema, which is available in your JS install under samples/schemas. Thanks for pointing this out, and sorry for the long delay in replying, Kristen
  2. The latest JasperServer and JasperAnalysis ultimate guides are now available on the Support Portal and eShop. They cover version 3.7 and include: A new chapter on application security that uses Tomcat as an example application server. For securing data accessed from a Domain, a new method for checking user profile attributes in DomEL (requires the JasperServer Professional Domain Security Hotfix). Detailed instructions for adding custom report exporters. Information about built-in parameters for cascading input control. Aligned Chapter 9 with the Public API set out in the Javadoc. Improved icons for notes, cautions, and product editions. Thanks, Kristen
  3. vanbc wrote: An error occurred while sending job error notification. org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: mail.localhost.com, port: 25; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out Well, it looks like your connection is timing out. Take a look at your mail configuration in the JS install and make sure it matches the settings of your mail server. Look in this file: WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties Common issues would be incorrect host name, user names and passwords, or port number (though 25 should work by default for most mail servers). Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 03/18/2010 20:47
  4. The Javadoc is available here: sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/JasperServer%203.7.0/jasperserver-ce-3.7.0-public-api.zip/download But if you're implementing web services and trying to work with Domains, you need the Pro Web Services Guide. The Domain WSDL is probably also helpful if I understand your usecase; if you're evaluating Pro, you can retrireve it from your instance: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/services/DomainServices?wsdl To get an eval copy of JasperServer Pro (which will include the Web Services doc as well), visit our commercial site: www.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-business-intelligence-software-trial Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 03/05/2010 18:05
  5. The latest JR/iR ultimate guides are now available on the Support Portal and eShop. They cover versions 3.7. In addition to copyedits and cleanup, the new content includes: Changes in the iReport Ultimate Guide: - New graphical cover page (care of Marketing) - Updated java version in requirements - Updated the distributions list - New chapter: Installing iReport on Mac OSX - Updated the wizards steps - Updated bands definition (multi-details, multi group header and footer) - Added info about the new Page Format window - Added info about the new bands and the split type option, multibands, keep together property, and footer position property - Updated images - Installing a Query Executer - New chapter: Fusion components - List Component - Fix for 14519 (Some JVMs throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on Vista) Changes in the JasperReports Ultimate Guide: - New graphical cover page (care of Marketing) - Technical changes reflected throughout - XLS Data Source - ODS, DOCX, and XLSX Exporter - DejaVu fonts - Footer group position - Preventing groups from splitting - Crosstab enhancementsThanks, Kristen
  6. You can use conditional values in a Domain's calculated field by setting the correct expression in the Expression field of the Domain Designer's Calculated field tab. For example, consider a case where you need to categorize people in terms of their ages, and want and expression that evaluates as: Jr = Age<=29 Mid = Age >29 <54 Seniorr = Age >= 55 The following expression looks at an Age field to create an Age_Category field: concat(substring( 'Jr', employeebyyear.Age <= 29,2),substring( 'Senior', employeebyyear.Age>=55,6),substring( 'Mid', employeebyyear.Age in (30:54),3))
  7. Apologies if you've already done this, but did you restart the application server after changing this value? Thanks, Kristen
  8. Rasha, It depends on what you're trying to customize: 1. The input control page and report-rendering page: JasperServer has built-in support for changing these JSPs on a report-by-report basis. You can change the page that prompts users for values as well as the page that displays the actual report. You can also directly customize the pages to change them for all reports in the repository. Input control, Pop-up window or Separate Page: WEB-INF/jsp/DefaultParametersForm.jsp Input Contro, Top of Page: jasperserver/WEB-INF/jsp/ReportTopParametersForm.jsp Report-rendering page: /jsp/DefaultJasperViewer.jsp This is documented in the JS Ultimate Guide. 2. Menus, repository pages, JA interface etc: You'll need to be pretty techically-savvy for this, but there's a section in the in JS Ultimate guide to help you get started. Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 08/27/2009 19:18
  9. You can refer to the JasperAnalysis User Guide for details - in version 3.5, it's discussed in 3.2.3 on page 27. It doesn't specificlly address SSAS, but it should give you an idea what you need to do. The doc is in <js-install>/docs. Thanks, Kristen
  10. This sounds like a caching problem. Each dataset cached by Ad Hoc has a maximum time that it stays in the cache: - If a dataset is not used, it is flushed from the cache after 20 minutes. - If the data set is being used, it is still flushed after 60 minutes. You can change this behavior by editing these properties in the applicationContext-adhoc.xml (in WEB-INF): <!-- defaultTimeoutMinutes: the absolute longest time in minutes that a dataset can live in the cache --> <property name="defaultTimeoutMinutes" value="60"/> <!-- defaultUnusedTimeoutMinutes: the longest time a dataset can stay since the last time it was used --> <property name="defaultUnusedTimeoutMinutes" value="20"/> Tweak these values so that JasperServer knows to refresh the results more frequently. Obviously, this may impact performance when reports are run. Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 07/16/2009 19:12
  11. A Topic is simply a JRXML that defines the query and fields that return data to the report. A Domain is a metadata layer that provides a business view of the data accessed through a data source. It's defined by an XML design file, and supports resource bundles and access control that can be applied across all reports based on that Domain. Also, when a user creates an Ad Hoc report against a Domain, she can define filters against any field defined in the Domain. There is a ton of info about Domains in the JS user guide, found in <js-install>/docs. Thanks, Kristen
  12. Two more questions (though I have to say I think I may be stumped): - Professional or COmmunity Edition of JasperServer? - Java version? Thanks, Kristen
  13. Can you give some detail about your environment, like OS, app server, RDBMS? Thanks, Kristen
  14. Put simply, a dimension usage provides additional information about how a dimension should relate to the cube's various measures: A dimension defines the data's structure in order to provide filtering, grouping, and labeling. A dimension usage defines the relationships between the dimension and the cube's measures. It determines how a dimension is used in conjunction with a particular measure. Thanks, Kristen
  15. Ad Hoc reports inherit their parameters (and corresponding input controls) from the Topic upon which they are based. Define the parameters in your Topic, define the input controls when you upload the Topic to the repository, and the reports created against that Topic will have those parameters and input controls. Thanks, Kristen
  16. Currently, the web services don't support dashboards, so please log this as an enhancement in our tracker: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/bugtracking/myview I believe that one of the Jaspersoft PS folks has gotten this working through customizations, but I don't have any details. As an alternative, yes, I think you can use the Java API. Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 05/22/2009 23:43
  17. You can always log such requests to the JasperServer tracker: jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/bugtracking/myview. Thanks, Kristen
  18. You *can* set permissions on the content output by the scheduled report (manually), but I don't think there is any way to define those permmissions as part of the report schedule. This seems lik a perfectly valid use case to me; please log it in the JS tracker: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/bugtracking/myview Thanks, Kristen
  19. I'm able to use iReport Netbeans 3.1.1 to connect to a JasperServer CE 3.5 instance and open the schema in the editor without any problems. What's the version number on your server? Thanks, Kristen
  20. It isn't clear to me whether you ar trying to set up the JasperServer repository in Postgres, or if you simply have a Postgres data source you need to access. If you are looking for instrucitons on setting up the JasperServer repository in Postgres, refer to the installation guide for JasperServer 3.5 CE, which includes information on deploying the JasperServer repository in Postgres via the buildomatic scripts. Look in section 6.2. Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 05/05/2009 21:53
  21. Did you save the view after making the change? Try clicking the Save button (second from the bottom of the tool bar). Thanks, Kristen Post Edited by kkelleher at 05/05/2009 21:32
  22. Try this URL for the new JasperServer 3.5 CE : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162962&package_id=195243 Thanks, Kristen
  23. I've notified the team supporting JasperForge, and they are working on the problem. sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks, Kristen
  24. Thanks, all, for letting us know about this problem. Thanks, Kristen
  25. Vignesh, Please re-post this to the JasperServer (rather than JAsperAnalysis) forum, as JRXML file problems are usually posted and answered there. Thanks, Kristen
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