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  1. Thanks Kristen, I've logged a feature request in the tracking system. Does anyone have an example of how to execute a dashboard via the Java API? Cheers, am
  2. yes, good point. for us, it was jasperserver-pro 2.1
  3. Hi Lorenzo, What version of IE are you using, and do you receive an error? We experienced a problem in IE6 whereby we would receive a "operation aborted" popup when trying to display a report via a direct http call. We simply moved/(required users to use ) IE7+ and the problem went away. Forcing users to use IE7+ may not be an option for you but if it is it would be worth trying out. am
  4. We are using JasperServer pro version 3.0 and are currently in the process of integrating JS into our application. We have found examples on how to run a report via the web services api, however, we can't seem to run/execute a dashboard. 1) Is it possible to call a dashboard via the web services API, and (if so) is there an example available? 2) if it isn't possible via web services, is the java api the recommended approach? Thanks in advance for any help. am
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