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  1. I recently purchased the ultimate guides from jaspersoft in hopes of learning how to create schema that work with XML under jaspersoft, but I've hit a snag: The example 'foodmart Sales OLAP Schema', section A.2/p.95 in JA-Ultimate-Guide.3.5.pdf, does not work with the Schema Workbench. In particular, I cut-n-pasted the FoodMart Sales Olap Schema xml document (below, code) into a text file, then tried to open it with JasperAnalysis Schema Workbench Version: 3.5.4 but whe I tried File->Open on the file, I got a popup window with the error: Error opening shcmea -- Parsing Error: Could not open file C:\Documents....\Foodmart_sales_olap_schema.xml In Schema: In Cube: element <Dimension> is not of expected type mondrian.gui.MondrianGuiDef$Relation I don't see a <Table /> element for the Cube...is the example schema incorrect? Can you give a correct version of the schema? Thanks, Bobby O Code:A.2 FoodMart Sales OLAP Schema<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Schema name="FOODMART"><Cube name="SALES BY PRODUCT BY STORE"><Dimension name="PRODUCT"><Hierarchy hasAll="true" name="PRODUCT CLASS" primaryKey="product_id"primaryKeyTable="product"><Level column="product_family" name="PRODUCT FAMILY" table="product_class"uniqueMembers="true"/><Level column="product_department" name="PRODUCT DEPARTMENT" table="product_class"uniqueMembers="false"/><Level column="product_category" name="PRODUCT CATEGORY" table="product_class"uniqueMembers="false"/><Level column="product_subcategory" name="PRODUCT SUBCATEGORY" table="product_class"uniqueMembers="false"/><Level column="brand_name" name="BRAND NAME" table="product" uniqueMembers="false"/><Level column="product_name" name="PRODUCT NAME" table="product" uniqueMembers="true"/></Hierarchy></Dimension><Dimension name="STORE"><Hierarchy hasAll="true" name="STORE LOCATION" primaryKey="store_id"><Table name="store"/><Level column="store_country" name="STORE COUNTRY" uniqueMembers="true"/><Level column="store_state" name="STORE STATE" uniqueMembers="true"/><Level column="store_city" name="STORE CITY" uniqueMembers="false"/><Level column="store_name" name="STORE NAME" uniqueMembers="true"><Property column="store_type" name="STORE TYPE"/><Property column="store_manager" name="STORE MANAGER"/><Property column="store_sqft" name="STORE SQFT" type="Numeric"/><Property column="grocery_sqft" name="GROCERY SQFT" type="Numeric"/><Property column="frozen_sqft" name="FROZEN SQFT" type="Numeric"/><Property column="meat_sqft" name="MEAT SQFT" type="Numeric"/><Property column="coffee_bar" name="HAS COFFEE BAR" type="Boolean"/><Property column="store_street_address" name="STREET ADDRESS" type="String"/></Level></Hierarchy></Dimension><Measure aggregator="sum" column="store_sales" formatString="$#,###.00" name="STORESALES"/><Measure aggregator="count" column="product_id" formatString="#,###" name="SALES COUNT"/></Cube></Schema>
  2. I am also getting the error described in this thread, and I'm at wits end. Can anyone help? Alternatively, is there a 'Hello World' type demo somewhere that shows how to create an analysis view using a MySQL connection for jasperserver? I am new to using jaspersever & I am at wits end trying to get a demo analysis view working for a JDBC connection to my own MySQL data. Specifics: when using jasperserver-community-3.5.0. I set up my own analysis data source, uploaded a simple analysis schema, createed an analysis connection, then created a simple analysis view. The MySQL data source 'test' gives', 'Test successful', the MDX query did not give any errors when creating the analysis view, and the MDX query ran & returnedresults in JasperAnalysis-Workbench-3.5.4. I hate to give up on using jaspersoft, but I don't know what else to try. p.s. I'm running on Windows XP & installed jasperserver using the jasperserver-3.5.0-windows-installer.exe, and run using jasperserver's built-in tomcat & MySQL. My own data lives on a remote MySQL server. For the record, when I try to view my analysis view I get an error that begins with: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy) Post Edited by bobbyo at 08/05/2009 23:30
  3. Please bear with me as I'm new to JasperSoft products (I'm working through the documentation, trying to demo my application in Pentaho & JasperServer to see which is better for us to deploy at our site.). In particular, am trying to set up a hierarchy in JasperServer, by defining a Domain in the Domain Designer. E.g. I'd like to be able to have nested levels of data as in: Books Fiction Book title 1 Book title 2 ... Nonfiction Book title 1 Book Title 3 ... In this example, 'Book title 1' is used twice because for my situation, two 'books' are not the same unless they have the same path through the hierarchy. I.e. Books->fiction->Book title 1 is not the same as Books->Non-fiction->book title 2, and I would like end users to be able to turn on (Books->fiction->Book title 1) while turning off (Books->Non-fiction->Book title 1) in the JPivot table of an interactive analysis. Said differently, I have successfully set up 'Fiction/Nonfiction' as a column, and 'book title' as a separate column, and these show up as nested in the JPivot analyses. However, that is not the behavior I need: If I deselect 'book title 1' checkbox in a JPivot analysis, "Book title 1' disappears from under the 'Fiction' *and* the 'Nonfiction' sections; I can't select them separately. I have done this in Pentaho using their Schema Workbench, resulting in a data cube that users could see for analyses. However I did not see how to set up such levels in the JasperServer Domain Designer tool, and I haven't been able to figure it out myself. Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me to the documenation on how to do this, or explain how it can be done? Post Edited by bobbyo at 07/21/2009 00:04
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