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  1. Hi, i am using jasper BI pro. version 3.5. My question is, how to put in report list in the dashboard builder. The objective is to allow particular report to be viewed without having to go to if it is not possible, is there any work around. thanks
  2. Hi, i'm currently using Jasper BI suite version 3.5. I would like to have a multiple tab in a dashboard. i can't really find a way how to do it. the question is, 1. Is it possible ? if it is, then how to do it ? 2. If it is not possible, then is there any work around to it ? regards and thanks in advance ps: i attach a sample of multiple tab that i'm talking about for the dashboard
  3. Hi, In my BI project, I need to do performance management. We need to allow user to input benchmark figure into database so that we can compare between benchmark and actual. To input the benckmark figure, i already created a JPS page. now i need to allow user to call this page from jasper server after login to my BI screen. Login--> choose maintenance link--> choose jsp page--> input record and save record from the jsp page. can any one guide us how to do this or show us any document that will allow us to do this. thanks hairol
  4. Hi i still cannot find the save button, i can't even find the toolbar with the save button. Please look at my html fils as attached. Please let me know what didi i do wrond until i cannot display the button. thanks in advance
  5. Hi, In my analysis view, i will clik on show graph icon. what i found out, once i logout from the BI module and login again, on the same analysis view, the graph was missing. I need to click again to to show the graph. The questionis, how to make it fixed and once i relogin i do not need to click on the graph icon.
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