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  1. Hello, Im trying to get a way to obtain the resourceID for a scheduled report but looks like the webservice call does not return it back. Is there a way I can get it directly from the DB ? I need that key to create a mapping table for a custom requirement.
  2. Version: 3.5 Im testing with users created in both ways. User hase ROLE_USER I get the null pointer when calling scheduleJob
  3. I know that part. My user is in a sub organization. The issue is webservice works only with the root organization, if I try to do any other activity with any other organization user it does not work.
  4. Im having problems using JasperServer Web Services They work fine if I use them login with an user who belongs to organization_1 ( the parent tenant ). If I try list reports I got anything but if I try the same with an user from organization_1 it works fine. Same issue is with scheduler web service, if I try scheduling with an user not in organization_1 I got a null pointer exceptiton. Only allow me to schedule using "jasperadmin|organization_1/jasperadmin" Please Help !! :)
  5. Hello, I want to schedule reports in the same way JasperServer do in its UI. But for X,Y and Z requiriments I need to do it with jasper api in my client application. I know there is a Scheduler Web Service to schedule Job but I dont see any way to get the Parameter list for a given reportURI. How can I get this list of parameters for a given report ? Thanks!!
  6. Hello, In the first request:- The browser sends a request: https://ANYSERVER/operations/jsreports/j_acegi_security_check?j_username=USERID&j_password=!USERID&orgId=testportal&_flowId=homeFlow- Looks like Jasper returns a 302 redirect back to the client browser with the following address:https://ANYSERVER/operations/jsreports/loginsuccess.html;JS_SESSIONID=9lJXKbQp41F7J3XVCTszrCrSrp2svGhyv5K5b7XGRVLhhhJY7NPV!-961826308!NONE- The client browser sends the request back, but SiteMinder notices a cross site scripting character, the semi-colon ( ; ). As in ‘loginsuccess.html;JS_SESSIONID=’- The encoded list of in valid characters used by SiteMinder is: badcsschars='%00,%22,%27,%3b,%3c,%3e,%60,%7c,%0a,%0d'. A semi-colon is ‘%3b’.- Because SiteMinder found a cross site scripting character, it redirected the browser to ‘ /operations/Default/message.html’. That displayed a generic error message from our application On the second request:- The browser sends a request: https://ANYSERVER/operations/jsreports/j_acegi_security_check?j_username=USERID&j_password=!USERID&orgId=vbc_portal&_flowId=homeFlow- Looks like Jasper returns a 302 redirect back to the client browser with the following address (without the JS_SESSIONID parameter):https://polka.verizon.com/operations/jsreports/loginsuccess.html- The client browser sends the request back, but since there is no semi-colon this time, SiteMinder allows the request.Is there a way we can fix it w/o touching the badcsschars ??? Thanks
  7. Hello, Does Jasper has any plan to expose UserAuthority api as web service like repository,domain,report scheduler apis ? I had a custom web service for it in release 3.0.2 but with 3.5 changes made it unusable. Do have anyone here find a solution for it ? Thanks!
  8. Hello, Im getting an error from jasperserver. It cant found the license file but I see the license in the filesystem. I know it may be some config related issue and that's why I want to check the file who store it information ( some xml file or something like that ) Do you any of you know what is the config file who store this information ?? Thanks!~!
  9. You are rigth, that's what Im trying to do. Call from client side userAuthorityService instance. But as you said, my client is runnign in diff VM. A way to do it is writing a webservice who expose this userAuthorityService and wrap the objets to match JAX-RPC.
  10. I was trying to get userAuthorityService reference from struts, I copied all related beans to client side ( struts ) but it is still not working, do you know any way to obtain the reference of applicationContext.xml stored in jasperserver side w/o coping it to client side ?
  11. Hello, We have jasperserver running in a server (let's call it Y) and we have our client application running in another server ( X ). We want to call userAuthorityService api from our X server running struts to create/delete/update users. How can we get userAuthorityService bean reference into struts ? Thanks
  12. Hello! I need to modify the webflow of /exituser.html to DONT send me to the login page, instead send the flow to an X page. Could someone help me with it ? what do I need to modify ?
  13. Hello, Count me in!! If need to do the same approach, have someone worked it out and could share it with us ? Thanks, Edgar
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