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  1. Hi, I am using jasperserver-pro3.5.0.A report is created in Jasperserver-pro. I connected iReport Professional 3.5.0 with jasperserver 3.5.0 and able see the jasperserver repository i.e. Organization, Reports etc. I opened the jrxml of that report in iReport professional, removed a column from the report jrxml and after saving it i replaced it with the current file on jasperserver. when i run the report in jasperserver it shows me the changes i.e. removed column, but when i open the same report in design view in jasperserver , i am not able to see the changes done from iReport professional. if I open the report in design and modify it though jasperserver while running it display result according to new modification done from jasperserver. When i open the same jrxml from iReport professional i am able to get the changes done in report from design view in jasperserver. Though if i make any change from iReport and replace in jasperserver, while running it shows the changes made in report from iReport but opening the design in jasperserver does not reflect the same. Jrxml Uploaded from iReport prof. 3.5.0, does not show changes in report design view in JasperServer, changes made in report from jasperserver are though reflected in report when opens from iReport professional. Any help in this would be greatly appriciated.
  2. Hi, I have a Jrxml created in iReport3.0. When i run the report and provided the query. The ireport gives me the data. When the same report is opened in iReport3.7.4 and connected to same DB, clicked on priview it ask the Query. provided the same query, now the output i got is only of 1 row. The report contains Crosstab, attaching the jrxml for reference. please, if any one can help on this. - Regards, Ravi Dutt
  3. Hi , We are using iReport3.0 to create the jrxml, and we are using jasperreports-3.0.1.jar to generate reports The reports generated txt files is diplaying the chinese char properly but the same report is not displaying chinese char in PDF format. We are using the Adobe Reader 7.0 version. We are using the same jrxml for chinese and english Language. Sample Jrxml is attached. Kindly Update , if any once knows the solution. Regards, Ravi Dutt
  4. Hi, We are using jasperserver-pro3.5.1 configured with sqlserver database. we have very huge database around 50+ GB. When we are creating filter on some specific columns(not all) its says"Too many values to display. Please enter a search string at the left. Does jasper server limits input criteria values? how can we increase it? Attaching the screens shots of the problem. Kindly let me know if any one knows the solution. Regards, Ravi Dutt
  5. Hi All, We installed jasperserver-pro-3.5.1 using the war file distribution as we want to use the sqlserver as a jasperserver DB. We configured the jasperserver with sqlserver successfully. When i loged in with jasperadmin as a user, i can see the analyze your results option in home page. How can i hide/remove this option. Where can i find details like what we can do with "analyze your results" option. This option was not coming when i used installer to install jasperserver(with mysql). please let me know....... Thanks and Regards Ravi Dutt
  6. Hi All, We installed jasperserver-pro-3.5.1 using the war file distribution as we want to use the sqlserver as a jasperserver DB. We configured the jasperserver with sqlserver successfully. We created a user read and assign db_datareader as role. we are able to use this login to connect to database and do the readonly operations (select operation on tables). This user is also visible on select schema's , when we are creating the domain on jasperserver. On selecting this user and pressing Ok button, the tables are not comming on Choose table section of domain designer window. Please let me know how can i get all the DB tables when creating the domain. Regards, Ravi Dutt
  7. Hi All, We are exporting jrxml in text format. We are not able to get page break. After the 1 page completion, the next page header starts without line break. How can i put a line break before starting the next page in jasper report in text format. attaching the output for further reference. Please let me know if any one knows the solution. regards, ravi Post Edited by ravi_sati at 10/15/2009 11:28
  8. HI All, I am using jasperserver 3.5.1. Created a report with 5 columns only. When i generated the report in csv format its gives me out as pasted below. Output: AREA NAME,BLEED DAY,COIN IN DAY,CANCEL CREDIT JP LTD,CANCEL CREDIT JP MTD AREA 10,0.00,6.30,"21,300.00","21,300.00" AREA 10,0.00,0.00,"23,561.00","2,261.00" ,,,, Issues 1) double values are enclosed in " " e.g "21,300.00". How can i get 21300.00 as output. 2) last line is coming only with commas. 3) It has header Output needed AREA 10, 0.00, 6.30, 21300.00, 21300.00 AREA 10, 0.00, 0.00, 23561.00 , 2,261.00 Please any one knows , let me know, although i made pattern "###0.00" in jrxml to get expected output, but no use. Regards, Ravi Dutt
  9. Hi, I am able to attach the report while scheduling it and send as email notification. Is there any way rather then attaching the report, its content gets pasted in Message Text field while sending it as email. Any help will be appreciated.
  10. Geethanjali, fonts needs to supported by OS first, then only the application will support it. if you did nt set it, follow the below mentioned steps. If you are using windows go to control panel and then regional setting. In language tab , check the option of install files for East Asian Language. In Advance tab select the relevant Japanese code page. After setting restart the system.
  11. HI All, I want my report to display and filter data by default on current date. Its right now taking the filter date value defined in topic always to that report. It always promt the same date always i run the report. How can i get the current date promt while running the report. I modified the topic and report xml as mentioned below. new java.util.Date() defaultValueExpression> Still whenever i run the report, it promt me the same old date which i selected while creating the topic.. please tell me if any one knows what i am not doing right...... Thanks Ravi Post Edited by ravi_sati at 09/15/2009 09:42
  12. Hi, We crated some basic Domain, Topics for client and released it to client. Client created some more topics(say 2) and Reports( 10 reports) on top of that. Now we did some modification in the base version released to cilent , we updated Topic and Added Few more Topics, added reports etc.., How can I merge this new jasper DB, with the Jasper DB client is having. We do not want to lose client Customization. is it posstible to do, any suggestion that can help. Thanks and Regards Ravi Dutt Post Edited by ravi_sati at 07/22/2009 06:32
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