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Giulio Toffoli

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Everything posted by Giulio Toffoli

  1. I'm not sure I understood well the problem, may you elaborate? What exactly you are trying to achieve? Giulio
  2. WOW, this very old manual is still around! Good for you guys! Happy it is still useful after so much time :-) Giulio
  3. Hi mytval, are you trying to create a table or a crosstab? Does your report get data? What about the sub-dataset you are using to fill the crosstab or table (if you are not using the main dataset) ? If you use a subdataset, is the dataset run correctly configured to use, for instance, the JDBC connection provided to the report? Giulio
  4. Aitor, I don't think your question is very clear, may you elaborate? Thanks Giulio
  5. yes, you can use subreports, list or tables to print data coming from a sub-dataset which can be filled with a query parametrized on the current fields, parameters or variables. Giulio
  6. The home directory is taken by the variable user.home (java property). So you can set this property to the java command line used to start iReport (this can be done i.e. by changing the etc/ireport.conf and add something like -Duser.home=some_path Giulio
  7. Code:Very strange, since nothing of particular is changed in 4.1.1 in terms of Ui.... And actually it works well on my mac... Any stack trace? Giulio
  8. Ciao, the Java User Group di Padova (of which I'm a member) organized for Sept. 24 in Padova (Italy) an entire day about iReport. The course is one day long, and it is held by myself. It is a great opportunity to learn more about iReport and JasperReports. The course is totally free (a small fee may be requested to pay the expenses for buffet and the room). For more info and to register to the event visit: http://www.jugevents.org/jugevents/event/37450 The course is in Italian. There are 40 seats only. ------------------ Il JUG Padova di cui faccio parte ha organizzato un corso gratuito di iReport (tutto il giorno) sabato 24 settembre a Padova. E' una grande opportunita' per chi utilizza iReport e vuole esplorarne tutte le potenzialita'. Per info e registrazioni visitate http://www.jugevents.org/jugevents/event/37450 Ci sono 40 posti a disposizione. Il corso e' in italiano. L'evento in breve Cosa: Corso di iReport / Jaspersoft Studio / JasperReports e nozioni varie su tutto l'ecosistema di Jaspersoft (JasperReports Server, JasperForge.org, Interactivity with JasperReports, REST services and iOS) Quando: Sabato 24 settembre 9.00 - 18.00 Dove: Padova presso "La forma del Libro" (http://www.laformadelibro.it) Chi: JUG Padova Partecipanti: 40 (50 max) Costo: evento gratuito Organizzazione dell'evento: Java User Group di Padova (http://www.jugpadova.it/) Iscrizione: http://www.jugevents.org/jugevents/event/37450 Programma: 09:00 Accoglienza 09:30 Funzionamento di JasperReports e creazione del primo template Utilizzare iReport e Jaspersoft Studio (sorgenti dati, campi, variabili, parametri, gruppi, struttura del report) 11:00 Pausa caffè 11:15 Grafici, sottoreport e crosstab Componenti personalizzati 13:00 Pranzo 14:00 Esportare i report e integrazione di JasperReports in applicativi web Lavorare con Jaspersoft Server: pubblicare e gestire i report da iReport Creare drilldown reports 15:30 Pausa caffè 15:45 Integrazione di JasperReports server: webservices e REST Visualizzare i report sull' iPhone in applicazioni native 18:00 Fine meeting Giulio Post Edited by giulio at 08/23/2011 16:58
  9. August 10, 2011 The iReport Designer Team is pleased to announce the new iReport Designer v4.1.1. iReport Designer is available as standalone application and as NetBeans plugin for NetBeans IDE 6.5.x and later. This version includes several improvements and bug fixes. New featuresNew features and changes: Full support for JasperReports Library v4.1.1 New map component based on Google Maps (experimental) New html component to display html content (experimental) Special XLS exporter based on content metadata New XLSX documents based datasource New ability to set textfield patterns by using an expression Support for When no data type in table Removed all the deprecated code no longer supported by JasperReports Library (included report font definition, for a long time replaced by styles) Several bug fixesDownloadDownload iReport Designer (standalone version) from SourceForge.net Download the iReport Designer plugin for NetBeans The plugin is available on the NetBeans plugin center and on SourceForge New features overviewJasperReports Library v4.1.1 is a minor new version of the reporting library in terms of functionalities, but there are many internal changes. The most relevant ones by a design point of view are the removal of the class type from the definition of the expressions. This means that JasperReports Library is now able to detect by itself the class of a specific expression, without having to set it explicitally. Most of this logic was already hidden by iReport Designer when possible. Where it was not possible, the user had to specify a class name. iReport Designer still allows to set the class name when it is not able to figure it out the class automatically (this is supported for backward compatibility only), but by using JasperReports Library v4.1.1, class names for expressions are no longer persisted in the JRXML. If you are asking yourself......YES, there is no longer the need to set the class for a textfield element!!! JasperReports Library v4.1.1 provides the support for a new component to render chunks of HTML in a report. The component is primarly designed for HTML export format, but JasperReports Library is able to render the HTML in other formats (not all) in some basic way. A new custom component can be used to display maps based on Google(c) Maps. An internet connection is required to use this component, since the image to display is downloaded from Google. The component requires a Latitude and Longitude. Complete changelog - Support for XLS medatada exporter - Support for Pattern expression in textfields - New data source for Xslx documents - Fixed Bug 0005318: xml cannot be modified when locale is changed - Fixed Bug 0005370: Preview Data displays columns in random order - removed all the deprecated code no longer supported by JasperReports Library - support for JasperReports Library v4.1.1 - New map component based on Google Maps (requires internet connection) - New html component to display html content - Added support for When no data type in table - Fixed Bug 22040 - [case #18654] Barcode4J-Property 'widthtoheightratio' of 2D-Barcode PDF417 is not labeled and has no effect - New option to set the expression editor font size - New option to disable syntax highlighting in the expression editor (to allow the use of Japanese IME)
  10. This seems to be a Barcode4J specific problem, did you try to the barcode4j developers? giulio
  11. It is not possible, but I'm not sure it does even make sense... if a collection is null, for instance, $X{..} results in something like 1=1 Said that, there are several ways to use this result for your fun and profit. Giulio
  12. What is the SQL error you get? Did you try the query using a different java client? As Matt pointed out, iReport does not change a query if there are not parameters involved, the issue may be with the JDBC driver itself. Giulio
  13. iReport accepts the class provided by the JDBC driver, so the problem must be in JTDS. You may do a try looking at the class provided by your driver in the ResultSetMetaData. iReport performs only checkings for primitive types to translate them to class types (like int=>Integer, boolean=>Boolean etc...). Moreover, if you force a type which is not the same returned from the driver, you may have issues (ClassCastException) at run time when you run the report. I'll close this bug, but feel you free to reopen it if you have more info or you find a solution that could be implemented in iReport (you never know, I may have missed something ;-) Thanks Giulio
  14. I need to check, but this could even be the root of the problem, a double definition of the log4j classes, leading to a classloading clash. Giulio
  15. jroberge, your file seems to work well on my Ubuntu. Are you using Jaspersoft Studio as plugin? Since the problem looks like a Groovy issue, could it be possible that you have some sort of classpath issue? The next week we will release JSS 1.0.1. You may try with it if the problem persists, or try the standalone version if you are using the plugin. This will help to isolate the problem Giulio
  16. In Jaspersoft Studio there is no longer a big unique classpath for the whole application like in iReport. Each report is supposed to be part of a project. The project has a classpath, and here is where you should add the jars you need. All is done by opening the projects view and right click the project folder with which you are working on. By default, new reports are created in the project My Reports (this is the standalone RCP version). Giulio
  17. Hi Badams, creating a chart without the use of a wizard is pretty hard (even if yet possible). It requires some deep knowledge of what JasperReports need to configure it. Unfortunately a good wizard for charts will be not available for the at least another couple of months, we are working on a new very intuitive way to create charts, but this requires more time than expected. Thanks Giulio
  18. Hi Tehora, Jaspersoft Studio already supports internationalization. All (or at least a big part of) the strings are loaded from resource bundle. You can checkout the code of Jaspersoft Studio and see the bundle files in: com.jaspersoft.studio\build\classes\com\jaspersoft\studio\messages\messages.properties In general you can look for all the properties fiels in each plugin. Giulio
  19. This option is currently not available in JSS. thanks Giulio
  20. Slavic. We should just show a meaningful error, not a stack trace or Java exception. Something like: "The JDBC driver for this database or another java class are not available or cannot be found in the classpath. Class not found: Please add the required jars to the list of jars for this Data Adapter. You can even ignore the problem if you are sure this class is available in the classpath of the project in which your reports reside."
  21. It was an old dependency problem
  22. Increased default memory and Permgem size.
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