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  1. This video explains in detail how to use HighCharts (HTML5) heatmaps in your JasperReports. This is a much more detailed update of a video previously posted here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/video-using-highcharts-heatmaps-jasperreports.
  2. This video explains how to customize tool tips in your HighCharts (HTML5 charts) in JasperReports/JasperReports Server. The instructor walks you through the steps to edit tool tips in your report template in Jaspersoft Studio.
  3. This video shows users how to manually add NEW Domain fields to an existing ad hoc view stored in your JasperReports Server repository. NOTE: when you apply a change to a domain (example: adding a field in a table), the change DOES NOT propagate automatically to views and reports that use that domain. If the field was not available when an ad hoc view was created, it will not be available for addition or editing in the view, even after it is added to the domain. To add NEW fields to your ad hoc view that were not available when the view was created, you must follow the steps in this video.
  4. In this video, we explain how an administrator can change the underlying domain data source for an already-created ad hoc view. The view is stored in JasperReports Server, but the modification of the data source requires the use of Jaspersoft Studio.
  5. In this video, we will explain how to style individual elements in a HighChart/HTML5 chart using any options defined in the HighCharts CSSObject interface. We edit our report and chart using Jaspersoft Studio.
  6. This video shows users how they can create drill-down hyperlinks to relevant report details from HighCharts (HTML5 Charts) in JasperReports.
  7. This video shows how to use hidden measures to generate dynamic hyperlinks for various elements of the charts generated by HTML5 HighCharts in TIBCO JasperReports® Library and TIBCO JasperReports® Server.
  8. In this video, we show how to use advanced properties to dynamically create hyperlinks for chart buckets.
  9. This video shows how to find out which user performed actions like create/update/delete on a specific repository resource in the JasperReports Server repository (example: "who deleted xxx report?"). The narrator uses the Audit feature to collect this information. NOTE: the audit feature must be enabled to collect such information. The repository does not store resource history without this feature. FYI, this video focuses on finding the data within the repository database tables for JasperReports Server. However, this data is also found in the pre-configured Audit Domain, available for Audit-enabled installations (see https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v750/using-audit-data).
  10. This video explains how to export JasperReports Server repository resources for sharing in other installations of the product using a secret key. The most common use case for a secret key is to share exported resources (or the entire repository) with a third party (for example, sharing a report unit with TIBCO Jaspersoft Support during an investigation). The narrator of the video uses the command line import/export tool bundled with JasperReports Server to export the desired resources AND generate the secret key simultaneously. Then, these generated files are shared with the third party and imported into their environment.
  11. This video demonstrates the steps required to create a column chart from a time series in Ad-Hoc views and reports (available in commercial versions of JasperReports Server). By default, the Ad-Hoc designer in JasperReports Server renders all time series as line graphs. In order to convert these lines to columns, you must follow the steps in this video.
  12. Feb. 2020 Chromium 80 update will impact some implementations of JasperReports ServerIn mid-February 2020, a change will be pushed by the developers of the Chromium engine to all browser installations which implement it. Popular browsers using Chromium, impacted by this change: Google Chrome (certified for use with Jaspersoft)Microsoft Edge (certified for use with Jaspersoft)Opera (not certified for use with Jaspersoft)Select others (not certified for use with Jaspersoft)**Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox DO NOT use Chromium (although both browser teams have their own plans to implement similar rules in the future). For affected Chromium browsers, this change will enforce NEW rules on websites, particularly those loading content from multiple domains at once. Jaspersoft administrators and users should be aware of this change, and understand its impacts on their implementations. The following brief questionnaire should help clarify whether or not your installation will be impacted immediately by this change to your end users' browsers. Impact QuestionnaireQuestionAnswerAction1. Errors Indicating You Are Impacted? Are you seeing the following error in your browser console when loading pages containing embedded content from JasperReports Server?NoPlease proceed to Question #2YesYour implementation is already impacted by this change, and will need to be modified/updated. Please skip the 2 remaining questions in this questionnaire, and read all the details in the sections below.2. Embedded? Are you embedding JasperReports Server in another web application? For example, are you exposing its functionality using our Visualize.js JavaScript API, or REST API, or possibly iFrames in the pages of another application or site?NoYour JasperReports Server installation will not require any changesYesPlease proceed to Question #33. Combining Multiple Domains? Is the domain used by your JasperReports Server DIFFERENT from the domain used by the application in which it is embedded? (Example: the domain name for your JasperReports Server is "somecompany.com", and it is embedded in another application whose domain is "mycompany.com"NoYour JasperReports Server installation will not require any changesYesYour implementation may need to be modified/updated. Please read all the details below. **Please read the rest of this page if you completed the questionnaire above, and it indicated you may be impacted. What is cross site cookie blocking?In February 2020, Google Chrome was the first browser to implement additional checks on cookies related to cross site interactions. Other browsers are planning to also introduce this check. “Cross site” for a browser means a web page from site A (www.example.com)accessing pages and resources (ie. REST calls, images) on site B (www.myapp.com). Below is an example of an exception in the Google Chrome browser console with the cross site cookie blocking: A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at http://www.example.com/ was set without the `SameSite` attribute. It has been blocked, as Chrome now only delivers cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5088147346030592 and https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5633521622188032. What this means is that all received cross site cookies must have the “SameSite=None; Secure” flags set on those cookies and that the cookies must be received over HTTPS - the implication of the Secure flag. Effect on JasperReports ServerJasperReports Server is often accessed in a cross site manner from browsers when embedding: Jaspersoft web pages in iFrames Visualize.js REST calls through JavaScript Authentication, Single sign on An example of cross site access is the Jaspersoft visualize.js samples like: https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/mootools/1.5.2/TIBCOSoftware/JS-visualize/tree/master/report-embed/report-render/ The page from the jsfiddle.net site is executing the HTML and JavaScript in the visualize sample and is pointing to a public JasperReports Server: <script src="https://mobiledemo.jaspersoft.com/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js"></script> Blocking cross site cookies will stop the use of embedded Jaspersoft. Jaspersoft uses a JSESSIONID cookie to indicate successful login and establish a logged in user session and other cookies which will be affected by cookie blocking. How to address cross site cookie blocking for JaspersoftThere are several ways to address this cookie blocking: Option 1 - Hot fixesHot fixes/patches If you must access JasperReports Server in a cross site manner (embedded) and cannot use Options 2 or 3 below, you can deploy the "JS-56885" hotfix (JS-56885 is the internal record number related to the cross-site cookie issue). Jaspersoft Engineering has developed hot fixes to address JS-56885 for the currently supported, SECURE versions of JasperReports Server (7.5.0, 7.2.0, 7.1.1, 6.4.4). For JasperReports Server commercial editions, the following hot fixes are available: Version 7.5.0: hotfix_JRSPro7.5.0_cumulative_20200228_0035.zip (Customer Portal login required; all 7.5.0 hotfixes after 2/28 contain the fix for this issue)Version 7.2.0: hotfix_JRSPro7.2.0_cumulative_20200227_1708.zip (Customer Portal login required; all 7.2.0 hotfixes after 2/27 contain the fix for this issue)Version 7.1.1: hotfix_JRSPro7.1.1_cumulative_20200224_2255.zip (Customer Portal login required)Version 6.4.4: hotfix_JRSPro6.4.4_cumulative_20200304_1659.zip (Customer Portal login required)Subscription customers with valid credentials may download hot fixes via the TIBCO Customer Portal (https://support.tibco.com/s/hotfixes). Also attached below. These hot fixes add the SameSite=none; Secure flags on cookies from JasperReports Server. HTTPS requirementThe Secure flag on the cookies requires them to be served over HTTPS, so JasperReports Server will ONLY be accessible from the browser via HTTPS. This will be a requirement imposed by the browsers moving forward. This is regardless of whether the web page embedding the cross site content is served using HTTP, like in an intranet. HTTPS (SSL) can be enabled on JasperReports Server. See: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v7/enabling-ssl-tomcat Alternatively, HTTPS (SSL) can be enabled in a proxy/load balancer between the browser and JasperReports Server to meet the HTTPS requirement. SSL termination at the proxy/load balancer will remove the need for JasperReports Server to implement HTTPS. Custom Authentication UpdateAs part of this fix, there are changes in the use of the optional JasperReports Server custom authetication API https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v750/external-authentication. Code and configuration changes are not required to support this hotfix in most custom authentication use cases if the existing custom authentication APIs/classes are used. However, some use cases (example: token-based authentication) will require minor changes, as outlined below. Configuration Change: One of the sample custom authentication methods - token based or "preauth" - defined in the samples/sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth-mt.xml file has been updated to add a single property ("responseHeadersUpdater"): <bean id="proxyPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.externalAuth.preauth.BasePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter">.......... <property name="responseHeadersUpdater" ref="responseHeadersUpdater"/></bean>[/code]See attached sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth-mt.xml. Code Change: If you have your own custom authentication method where custom Java classes were deployed into the JasperReports Server, you may need to update your code and/or configurations. If this code implements a Filter.doFilter method or overrides JrsAuthenticationSuccessHandler.onAuthenticationSuccess, please review BasePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter and JrsAuthenticationSuccessHandler (attached) to see whether your external authentication needs to be updated. It may be as simple as adding the responseHeadersUpdater property. Deploying the HotfixThe hotfix will come as a Zip file. Unzip itReview readme.txt, noting updated files that could conflict with your current configuration and/or customizations.Stop the JasperReports Server web applicationWith your JasperReports Server web application (WAR) file systemBackup the current WAR filesDelete files as noted in the readme.txtCopy files, including any of your updates, into the WARClear the Java web server JSP cacheStart the JasperReports Server web applicationAgain, if a hot fix is not yet available for your version of JasperReports Server, we strongly suggest you review and apply either of the interim solutions in Options 2 or 3 below. Option 2. - Don't access JasperReports Server in a cross site wayJaspersoft can be accessed through a proxy, so your web site and Jaspersoft appear under a single web domain and therefore Jaspersoft access is not a cross site. If you have embedded Jaspersoft in a cross site way, changing to proxying will require changes to your environment (implementing and configuring a proxy service) and your application. See Best Practices for deploying JasperReports Server into your web application | Jaspersoft Community Another way to avoid cross site access is to use the same Web domain for your application and Jaspersoft. ie. www.myapp.com for your applicationjaspersoft.myapp.com for JasperReports ServerOption 3. - Update application servers to inject cookie flagsFor HTTPS installations ONLY: Insert necessary cookies to support cross-site references via configuration of your application server (works for later versions of application servers). *BOTH* of the following cookies, SameSite=none and Secure, need to be inserted for this to work. Required Cookie #1: SameSite=noneFor certain recent versions of application servers, it is possible to configure the cookie processor to insert the SameSite Cookie (examples: Tomcat versions 8.5.48 (not yet certified by Jaspersoft), 9.0.30 (not yet certified by Jaspersoft) and higher). Apache Tomcat: The most popular application server among our customers is Tomcat. To insert the SameSite=none cookie for all pages in Tomcat: Go to the {JRS WAR}/META-INF/context.xml file.add the following line within the context tag:<CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="none" className="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor" /> Save the edited context.xml fileRestart Tomcat To read more about this option: https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/cookie-processor.html Other application servers: Similar options may be available in other application servers. Please consult the documentation for your selected server. Required Cookie #2: SecureTo implement the "Secure" cookie across ALL pages served by the application server containing JasperReports Server: Apache Tomcat Instructions (most popular among Jaspersoft customers): Go to the "conf" directory of your Tomcat installation (ex: apache_tomcatconf)Open the web.xml fileAdd the following to the "session-config" section:<cookie-config><http-only>true</http-only><secure>true</secure></cookie-config> Save the edited web.xml fileRestart TomcatOther application servers: Similar options may be available in other application servers. Please consult the documentation for your selected server. jrs-7.1.1-sample-applicationcontext-externalauth-preauth.xml jrsauthenticationsuccesshandler.java basepreauthenticatedprocessingfilter.java hotfix_jrspro7.5.0_cumulative_20200228_0035.zip hotfix_jrspro7.2.0_cumulative_20200227_1708.zip hotfix_jrspro7.1.1_cumulative_20200224_2255.zip hotfix_jrspro6.4.4_cumulative_20200304_1659.zip
  13. This video shows how to set up relative date parameters in your JRXMLs and JasperReports, designed in Jaspersoft Studio. These parameters handle relative date input (like "DAY-1"), and not just individual dates.
  14. This video shows how you can add a NEW holiday exclusion calendar option to the options in your report schedules in JasperReports Server. Holiday exclusion calendars each include a list of pre-set holidays, and when selected, they prevent the scheduler for running jobs on those days. As demonstrated in this video, these exclusion calendars can be added to JasperReports Server using calls to the REST API.
  15. This video demonstrates how to configure a domain to use different data sources, depending on the profile attributes of the logged-in user (or his/her organization) on JasperReports Server. &
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