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Giulio Toffoli

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Everything posted by Giulio Toffoli

  1. Hi jvmolto, the syntax of your query seems ok, what's the problem with Jaspersoft Studio? If the syntax highlighting suggests an error, you can ignore it, the query should work normally anyway. Thanks Giulio
  2. Hi Haidar, the Font extension you are using seems to work well, I was able to produce a report and export it to PDF without problems. May we see your jrxml? Thanks Giulio
  3. There is not a plugin for NetBeans of Jaspersoft Studio, and there will not be one. Jaspersoft Studio is based on Eclipse. Thanks Giulio
  4. Hi Sally, iReport, just like Jaspersoft Studio, is just a designer for JasperReports. I'm not aware of any NetBeans based application which is including iReport (even because this is not allowed by the GPL license, in case of commercial applications). On the other side, iReport is available also as NetBeans plugin to create reports and we don't plan to continue to develop it. What NetBeans RCP based applications, like any other java application, can freely use, is the JasperReports library, which is LGPL and not tied in any way to a specific IDE or framework. Don't confuse the ability to use a great reporting library like JasperReports with iReport, which again, is just the software to design your reports. JasperReports is the core of both iReport and Jaspersoft Studio, and is actively developed. Reports, even the ones designed for old versions of JasperReports with iReport, can be modified and edited with Jaspersoft Studio, which also supports most new advanced features offered by JasperReports, like support for HTML fonts and extensions to the Google Map component to cite a few. Maintain two report designers tand be able to work on the visionary plans we have for Jaspersoft Studio with the need to keep up also iReport is just unpractical, and we prefer to focus on a single designer. Jaspersoft Studio has been designed to be much more easy to extend than iReport and its internal architecture allows us to better support the evolution of JasperReports. With tons of new features, Jaspersoft Studio should be today your primary report development environment. It is available as stand-alone application if you don't use Eclipse. Hope this helps. Giulio
  5. There are two options: 1. The subreport is not getting data 2. The subreport is not found, and JasperReports ignores it How to check both the problems: Set the report used as subreport to print all bands and not details if there is no data (it is a checkbox in the report properties). Put something in the title band of the subreport. In this way, if the report is found, it is show up, and if does not contain any data, you will see at least the title band. Giulio
  6. You are right, and this is what it is for. You probably want to use REPORT_PAGE instead, which does what you are expecting. Giulio
  7. Hi Michael, the HTML element is not designed to render complex html, and it looks like you are trying to use it to do much more than is actually supported. The HTML element does not stretch, and in many case the output in no-HTML export formats is not good, and its usage is discouraged. Giulio
  8. No error? Are you using the proper connection? There is no relationship between data and styles. Any exception?
  9. Did you try with something like: file:// or smb:// as url protocol?
  10. hm, it sounds like to much logic to be put inside the report. The idea to use a sub dataset to run the query to test if a group should be visible or not is not very good. Datasets are supposed to be used to populate an element that will provide all the info about how to run the query (i.e. the connection). The dataset itself is not able to execute any query itself. You have several other options: 1. Pass to the report a parameter of type collection which includes all the groups that should be visible 2. Create an utility class able to perform the query (something like: MyUtility.isGroupVisible( <group value>, $P{REPORT_CONNECITON} ) 3. Include the data about group visibility inside your query Giulio
  11. I'm not sure if iReport is the tool you are looking for, is the output format a text file? What is supposed to be the output format?
  12. are you talking about a chart? Which type? It is not very clear. Thanks Giulio
  13. If you want to really print all the rows of the table, in order to avoid overlapping you should set all the other elements with position float (so they will be automatically pushed down on the table growing). If you want just print a specific number of records, you can use the filter expression of the dataset to limit the number of rows produced, i.e.: $V{REPORT_COUNT} < 5 Giulio
  14. No really. I think you are asking if it is possible to export in html a jrxml. You may consider to use some xslt transformation, but it would be a lot of work. Giulio
  15. Where do you print these subreports? Which band? You should create a new variable (type=system), and create a new subreport return value, where you assign to your main report variable (let's call it 'subreport_counter', the variable REPORT_COUNT (or any subreport variable that is counting the records accordingly to your logic). Set a subreport parameter of your second subreport with the value of 'subreport_counter'. Important note: to be sure this works well, you would have to put these to subreports in different bands, this because the value of subreport_counter may be updated only at the end of the band where you subreport is printed. Solution for this second problem: create a subreport with two detail bands (you can add as many detail bands you want in a report), and place your subreports inside this wrapper subreport. Hope this is all clear. Giulio
  16. By using groovy as language, the $ character must probably by escaped. Try by adding a backslash (\) before the dollar sign Giulio
  17. The value for sub-datasets parameters are set by using the dataset run, which is part of each element that makes use of a sub-dataset. The dataset run is used to set the datasource that will produce the data for the sub-dataset, and also the parameters. The value for each parameter is set with an expression in which is possible to use all the main dataset objects, including parameters. This means that you can use main-dataset parameters to set the value of sub-dataset parameters. Giulio
  18. [toc on_off::hide=1] October 25th, 2013 iReport Designer is available as standalone application and as NetBeans plugin for NetBeans IDE 6.5.x and later. This version includes several improvements and bug fixes. New featuresNew features and changes:Updated JasperReports library to 5.5.0Fixed compatibility issues with NetBeans 7.4Minor bug fixesDownloadDownload iReport Designer from SourceForge.net The plugin is available on the NetBeans plugin center and on SourceForge New features overviewThis version on iReport Designer contains several bug fixes for errors found in the previous version. If you just started using JasperReports, consider to use our new report designer: Jaspersoft Studio
  19. Hi Cameron, we can definitively point you to an internal build of Jaspersoft Studio containing the fix for the bug you are experiencing, but I'm concerned about why you are using an integration build for a production project at this time. The version of Jaspersoft Studio you are using contains also a snapshot of an unofficial version of JasperReports, which is not supported by any software using JasperReports out there, included JasperReports Server. While this version of Jaspersoft Studio is perfect for testing and evaluation, and while all bug submissions and suggestions are more than welcome, I would recommend to use an official version of Jaspersoft Studio and temporarily switch back to iReport if you find a blocking problem. You can switch between iReport and Jaspersoft Studio at any time, without fearing incompatibilities at JRXML level. Thanks Giulio
  20. This is not a bug. The class attribute has been deprecated in JasperReports, it is no longer useful. iReport relies on JasperReports to write the jrxml, which at the end of the day is the cause of apparently loosing the class information in (all) the expressions. You experience the problem at run time because you are using an old version of JasperReports in your project, you can avoid any rollback by just upgrading the JasperReports. You can also verify in iReport that the class is no longer relevant by creating a textfield with the expression "new java.util.Date()" and format it without specifying any class type for the textfield.
  21. Put your classes in a JAR, then add the JAR to the ireport classpath
  22. hi, check that your pojos are actually in the iReport classpath. It looks like Hibernate is not able to find the class BankDocumentsId. For a stacktrace check View->IDE Log. Giulio
  23. Changed Priority from Low to High Changed Severity from Minor to Major Changed Reproducibility from Not Attempted to Always System Message
  24. [toc on_off::hide=1] Julu 1st, 2013 iReport Designer is available as standalone application and as NetBeans plugin for NetBeans IDE 6.5.x and later. This version includes several improvements and bug fixes. New featuresNew features and changes:Full support for JasperReports 5.2.0Support for JasperReports functionsImproved support for MongoDBMinor bug fixesDownloadDownload iReport Designer from SourceForge.net The plugin is available on the NetBeans plugin center and on SourceForge New features overviewThis version on iReport Designer contains several bug fixes for errors found in the previous version. Complete changelog- Updated to JasperReports 5.2.0 - Improved support for MongoDB - Support for JasperReports functions - Minor bug fixes
  25. Jaspersoft Studio is a report designer just like iReport (actually it is an evolution of iReport). JasperReports Server is a web application used to consume reports, and it is available in two versions: community (free of charge) and Professional. There is currently no version of Jaspersoft Studio expiring in 30 days available for download, so you must referencing to a trial of JasperReports Server Professional. If you downloaded JasperReports Server Community Edition, it will not prompt you any license warning. Again, I have to assume that you are using a trial version of JasperReports Server Professional. In that case it may stop working in 30 days after the expiration of the trial period. Consider to download the proper free version of JasperReports Server. Thanks Giulio
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