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Giulio Toffoli

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  1. Hi Guercilena, You can configure your proxy settings by modifying your "Jaspersoft Studio.ini" file. Open it with a text editor and add the following startup options: -Dhttp.proxyPort=<your proxy port> -Dhttp.proxyHost=<your proxy host> -Dhttp.proxyUser=<your proxy username, if needed> -Dhttp.proxyPassword=<your proxy password, if needed> Hope this helps, Giulio
  2. Jaspersoft Studio allows to save jrxml compatible for a specific version of jasperreports: The version you want be compatible with can be set for both jrxml and .jasper Jaspersoft Studio is the evolution of iReport, and contains many additional features that will make your life easier, and you can still go back and forward, since the common base for both the tools is the JRXML file format. Giulio
  3. Hi Shreekrishna, JasperReports Web Studio 3.0 is shipped with JasperReports Library jasperreports-6.21.0.jar and jasperreports-pro-9.0.0.jar Giulio
  4. Hi David, please refer to this post to solve the issue: https://community.jaspersoft.com/forums/topic/68153-connection-to-the-jaspersoft-studio-community-edition/?do=findComment&comment=162042 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target This error happens if the community.jaspersoft.com certificate cannot be recognised by Java. This is pretty uncommon, since the CA of the certificate is provided by Amazon RSA. To resolve this problem, the certificate can be added to the Java cacerts file. The instructions may change a little bit depending by the system but in general are these: 1. download the certificate with the browser. The video below shows how to do it in Chrome: 2. import the certificate by using this command: <JAVA_HOME>/bin/keytool -importcert -alias jaspersoft.com -keystore <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts -file _.jaspersoft.com.cer On Mac you may need to use sudo to run this command as admin: sudo keytool -importcert -alias jaspersoft.com -keystore <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts -file community.jaspersoft.com.cer community.jaspersoft.com.cer is the certificate downloaded with the browser at point 1. The cert store default password is "changeit". Hope this helps Giulio
  5. Check this post if it can help you: https://community.jaspersoft.com/forums/topic/68153-connection-to-the-jaspersoft-studio-community-edition/?do=findComment&comment=162042
  6. Hi Goorweather, you can download Jaspersoft Studio CE here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/download-jaspersoft/community-edition/ After the installation, you can refer to this video tutorial to create your first report: What to do with the report you create? The report itself is represented by a jrxml file (and eventually other resources such as images, subreports, etc...). The answer to this question depends by your use case, you may already have an application that requires you to provide a jrxml, or you may want to write your own application by using JasperReports Library. If you simply plan to run the reports without using other software and without writing your own one, then JasperReports Server is what you need. It is a web application in which you can load your reports and run them (with the ability to create input controls to get parameters that your reports may require to run, and setup all the connections to get the data for your reports). Of course JasperReports server does much more than that. JasperReports Server can be downloaded here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/download-jaspersoft/commercial-edition/ As you just discovered, it is a commercial product, but you can download a 30 days free trial. Hope this helps. Giulio
  7. Hi all, This little guide should help people having issues with the login dialog in Jaspersoft Studio. javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target This error happens if the community.jaspersoft.com certificate cannot be recognised by Java. This is pretty uncommon, since the CA of the certificate is provided by Amazon RSA. To resolve this problem, the certificate can be added to the Java cacerts file. To do it: 1. download the certificate with the browser. The video below shows how to do it in Chrome: 2. import the certificate by using this command: <JAVA_HOME>/bin/keytool -importcert -alias jaspersoft.com -keystore <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts -file _.jaspersoft.com.cer On Mac you may need to use sudo to run this command as admin: sudo keytool -importcert -alias jaspersoft.com -keystore <JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts -file community.jaspersoft.com.cer community.jaspersoft.com.cer is the certificate downloaded with the browser at point 1. org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to community.jaspersoft.com:443 [community.jaspersoft.com/, community.jaspersoft.com/, community.jaspersoft.com/, community.jaspersoft.com/] failed: Connection timed out: connect This issue is related to a network being blocked by either a proxy or a firewall, you should check the problem with your system administrator. To verify the issue, try to ping the community website from a command prompt or terminal. The result should be something like: ping community.jaspersoft.com PING i328763.invisionservice.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=244 time=36.161 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=244 time=31.265 ms java.net.UnknownHostException: unknown host (community.jaspersoft.com) This issue is related to a network with a private DNS which filters hosts resolution. Can be easily verified by running the command in a command prompt or terminal: nslookup community.jaspersoft.com and verify that the domain can be resolved or not. The issue can be solved by either set (at least temporarily) the DNS of the machine to (Google DNS), or by modifying the file hosts (on mac /etc/hosts, on windows c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) by adding the following line: community.jaspersoft.com How to configure Jaspersoft Studio to use a proxy To specify proxy settings in Jaspersoft Studio, you need to modify the file "Jaspersoft Studio.ini" by setting the following java system properties: http.proxyHost http.proxyPort http.nonProxyHosts It can by done by adding lines at the end of the INI file with a text editor: ... -Dhttp.proxyHost=example.proxy.host -Dhttp.proxyHost=123 -Dhttp.proxyHost=some_host_to_exclude Hope this helps, Giulio get_certificate.mov
  8. Hi Dušák, are you able to connect to the community with a regular browser from the same machine?
  9. Hi Barbara, are you able to access the community website with a browser,? Are you behind a proxy? What OS are you using? This information would help use to understand the problem. Thank you Giulio
  10. Hi Mlynarek, could you provide some info about your system? OS? Are you using a proxy? The error is about your java installation not being able to validate the community.jasperosft.com. Giulio
  11. Hi Dila, thank you for your message. You can use the latest version of Jaspersoft Studio to create jrxml compatible with any version of JasperReports. To be sure that the produced jrxml will work with your specific JasperReports version, set the Jaspersoft Studio compatibility from the Preferences: About the zip version of Jaspersoft Studio CE 6.21.1, this is definitively something we can provide in the set of available downloads. Hope this helps Giulio
  12. When you switch to the source tab, you are looking at what the file would look like if saved, not the content of the actual loaded file. The source shown in the tab is generated on the fly based on the current model in the designer. You can easily check this by adding a comment to your jrxml with a text editor and load the jrxml in the designer, you will see that in the tab source your comment is gone. The comment show in the source tab will be save only if you save the file. There is currently no reliable way to check with which version of JRL a jrxml or as jasper file has been created. If you need this information, you can still store it in a report property and read it with JasperReports itself.
  13. Hi Oscar, could you provide some more info about your system/OS? Are you using the JVM shipped with Jaspersoft Studio? Thanks.
  14. I know this is an old post, but still worth replying. In the table section of the properties, you can find two options: - Fit columns to table element: this will fill the table with your columns - Resize the columns taking the space from the next one: this prevents to change the table element size while resizing columns Hope this helps Giulio table.mp4
  15. Hi Max92 You get an empty report because you did not provide any data to your report. JasperReports requires data to fill the report. When no data is provided, you can decide what to do. The default behaviour is to produce an empty report, which is what you get. At report level you have an option to set this behaviour: You can use All Sections No Detail to print at least the title. The "detail band" section is repeated for each record of your data, but when no data is provided, this band will be skipped. To provide data, you need to create first a Data Adapter, JasperReports Web Studio supports a variety of data source types. From the repository, click on New and select New Data Adapter. I suggest you to start with a simple CSV file, for example. Once you have created the Data Adapter, you can use it in your report. To do it, go to the Dataset panel in the report designer and select your data adapter. The report will now use the data adapter to fetch the data, what you still need to do is defining a query (for CSV will be empty), and defining the fields you are going to use in the report: click on the Show Query Editor switch to show the Query Editor. For CSV simply click on Read Fields button, and your fields will be added to the list of fields available for the report. To get started, I suggest you to watch this Dr. Jasper video: Hope this helps Giulio
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