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  1. Hi, I had troubles with my installation of iReport 4.1.1 and I decided to reinstall it. Problem: When I come with my new iReport installation, I have memorized the datasources and plugins installed in the previous version. How come is it possible to make it totally clean? Regards, M.
  2. Hi, It looks like it a biger issue as when creating a crosstab, I got an incomplete XML. Indeed I got generated this extract: <bucket> <bucketExpression><![CDATA[$F{host}]]></bucketExpression> </bucket> instead of: <bucket class="java.lang.String"> <bucketExpression><![CDATA[$F{host}]]></bucketExpression> </bucket> That give me an error at the compilation step: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid : 1. Class not set for bucket: host[/code] When I try to reinstall it gives me the same error.
  3. Thank you very much for this explanation /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/heart.gif Things look brighter for me now! kind Regards, M.
  4. I got it working. Actually when I switched to the XML view, I realized there were no class declaration when using the concerned field. Indeed I had: <bucket> <bucketExpression><![CDATA[$F{host}]]></bucketExpression> </bucket> instead of: <bucket class="java.lang.String"> <bucketExpression><![CDATA[$F{host}]]></bucketExpression> </bucket> I set the missing daclarations and It worked!!!! Could someone tell me how to make it work automatically ?
  5. I got it working. Actually when I switched to the XML view, I realized there were no class declaration when using the concerned field. Indeed I had: <bucket> <bucketExpression><![CDATA[$F{host}]]></bucketExpression> </bucket> instead of: <bucket class="java.lang.String"> <bucketExpression><![CDATA[$F{host}]]></bucketExpression> </bucket> I set the missing daclarations and It worked!!!! Could someone tell me how to make it work automatically ?
  6. Did you get it working? If yes could you explain how? I'm facing the same problem. Cheers, M.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to build a report with a crosstab within the summary band.I added my dataset and I can preview the data correctly.I also can fill the column (host) and row (service) of my crosstab correctly. But when I get to compile my report I have this error message, concerning my row and column fields: see code Any suggestion?Cheers,M. Code: Post Edited by mytval at 08/25/2011 20:44
  8. Well I got that certain compçonents only work on a specific band. E.G.: crosstable works for summary band! Thank You all for your attention! Cheers
  9. Hi, yes I created my table with a dataset that return results. It's just at the table preview step that it fails
  10. Indeed when editing my dataset and trying to "Preview Data", I can see the results below. It's just at the design and preview steps that it sucks! Any idea? Is there a configuration to do? A test to try? Something!?!
  11. Hi, I'm not using a main query but only datasets. One of those datasets is used to fill (not successfully done yet but still worling on it) the crosstab. If think the dataset is correctly configured as the wizard propose me the right fields.
  12. Well thank you I now see the compilation process but get no results and a popup message "The document has no page". It's a simple table so I don't get why it's not working :-S
  13. Hi, happy to know that you got it working your way! I'm newbie ti this but I met the same problem when trying to display a datetime format into time format. As I specified at the begining it just consisted to use the function TIME(datetime) and I got it working like that: <![CDATA["time(time)"]]> If it wasn't the right format then use the function SimpleDateFormat(datetime or time, "%H %i %s") or SEC_TO_TIME(time_in_sec). Your formula seems to be hard to understand... I hope you'll find the proper way to do it so that you're code will be more readable. Cheers, M.
  14. Great! They are using java within the XML (e.g. see field <field name="time" class="java.sql.Timestamp"/>) Then you should just have to use the java function SimpleDateFormat like that: new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss")).format($V{time}) Good luck
  15. Hi, Have you tried with the functins TIME() or TIME_FORMAT(time, format) or SEC_TO_TIME(time_in_sec)? Have a look to this: http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/MySQL/0280__Date-Time-Functions/Catalog0280__Date-Time-Functions.htm Cheers
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