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Giulio Toffoli

Jaspersoft Staff
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Everything posted by Giulio Toffoli

  1. JasperReports does not support relative paths, iReport yes. JasperReports accepts absolute paths and it looks for a resource on file system first, then in the classpath, so if your images are in the classpath, you can simply refer to them with the name. An alternative is storing the path in a parameter to have expressions like: $P{IMAGES_DIR} + "/" + $F{IMAGE_FILE} Giulio
  2. set the IREPORT_HOME env variable export IREPORT_HOME=. Giulio
  3. Font tag is deprecated. try to define a style with your preferred font instead, and set this style to all your elements. Giulio
  4. If you want consider only the first 2 decimals, of a number, you can multiply the number per 100, take the integer part and divide it again: Suppose TEST is a Double with a primitive value of 1.2345 you have to sum the following value: new Double( ((int)($P{TEST}.doubleValue() * 100)) / 100.0 ) If effect if you print this value, you'll get 1.2300 (use 4 decimals in the pattern to be sure) Giulio
  5. The blank when null condition is handled by JasperReports. The only way to print "0" instead havong a blank field if the expression return null is to put a condition into the expression itself. Giulio
  6. Yes, you have simply to set as image expression something like: $F{YourImagePathField} Giulio
  7. Hi liu, attached there is the solution to your problem solved using a chart (absolutly unuseful) and a crosstab (that is what I think you need). Attached there is a CSV file to test the jrxml using a CSV datasource. Please note that the crosstab is at the end of the report. Giulio [file name=lovetide-9cc4990a9b4615427bc9221130a36a40.zip size=16740]
  8. Hi liu, attached there is the solution to your problem solved using a chart (absolutly unuseful) and a crosstab (that is what I think you need). Attached there is a CSV file to test the jrxml using a CSV datasource. Please note that the crosstab is at the end of the report. Giulio [file name=lovetide.zip size=16740]
  9. The exe was created using JSmooth. http://jsmooth.sourceforge.net/ you can modify the file ireport/etc/ireport.jsmooth using JSmooth to force the use of a particular JVM. to create the new exe simply: ant exe Giulio
  10. I think you mean a character printer. If you print what you see in a JRViewer, also you need a graphic printer, otherwise the best solution is export your report using the JRTextExporter and the send the text file to the printer directly. Giulio
  11. Use this expression: Integer.valueOf( $F{fieldname}) Giulio
  12. Hi friedrich, thanks for using the new forum. The error is a parsing error of the expression: "01.01.".concat($P{P_ACC_YEAR}) Did you set a default expression for P_ACC_YEAR? Giulio
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