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Everything posted by morlandin

  1. Changed Priority from Immediate to Normal Changed Severity from Block to Minor Changed Status from New to Assigned Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin
  2. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Resolved to Closed
  3. Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Hi,sorry for the screenshot probably the upload dosen't work when posting a new message. However i was looking inside the special properties list. With the screenshot you posted i've found the problem and fixed it
  4. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin Hi,I have this property (screenshot attached). Looking at the JR reference guide this property is available only for the text elements, what is the type of element you have selected? was it a multiple selection?
  5. Changed Resolution from Reopened to Works as Designed Changed Status from New to Closed I understand your problem but we store the selection of the tab for each element, not for each element type. For example if in your screencast you select the first element a second time you will see that the textfield tab is shown. It is not work, simply it is a differe use case, for you having the selection stored for the type is better, for another user maybe not. For now it will keep as it is, if we receive other request for this particular use case we can consider to implement a configuration option to change the behaviour. We will also discuss about this.
  6. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @anonymous to @morlandin
  7. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous there was a bug that is now fixed but consider that you can set the height only if the band is not in the deleted state (gray label in the outline)
  8. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved
  9. now the selected tab on the properties view is saved when the user switch between the subeditor. It should work also when switching between report (obviously until jss is closed).
  10. Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin
  11. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Confirmed to Closed
  12. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin Hi, i've found a leak that brings an huge slowdown on the advanced section and now should be fixed. Please test the next release and let us know if the problem persist.
  13. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Assigned to Closed Hi, i've fixed the bug about the evaluation time and other bug about the tables. Maybe you have noticed that when you add or remove stuff from the table dataset then you got a lot of error or strange behaviors, now this should be fixed
  14. Changed Priority from Urgent to Normal Changed Severity from Block to Major Changed Reproducibility from Not Attempted to Always Changed Status from New to Assigned Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin Hi, the bug there is the selection of the group on the evaluation time, technically is similar to the bug where you can't select the group for the reset and increment time of a variable (the one i've fixed yesterday). Now I'm working on this also.
  15. morlandin

    Test - kiran1

    Changed Priority from High to Normal Changed Severity from Critical to Minor Changed Reproducibility from Always to Unable to Reproduce Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin But the variable is in the main dataset right? becuase the crosstab has visibility only on his dataset, you should create the group on the subdataset of the crosstab if you want to group the crosstab data. Anyway (except for the undo) it dosen't seems a bug. For the undo i have to investigate, but there are really to few details to reporduce the bug
  16. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Confirmed to Closed Ok, now it's fixed and in the next build you will able to set the group without (i hope) problems. However we are happy when a user found a bug and submit to us, we always try to fix as much as possible. But please use this section only to submit bugs.
  17. Changed Priority from None to Normal Changed Severity from Trivial to Minor Changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always Changed Resolution from No Change Required to Open Changed Status from New to Confirmed You're right, there is a bug about the reset and increment type when using the group, the groups should be selectable also by the Element Tab (in an easies way than the advanced tab, because it uses one combo instead of two). I'm fixing it now.
  18. Changed Priority from High to None Changed Severity from Major to Trivial Changed Reproducibility from Always to N/A Changed Resolution from Open to No Change Required Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin Hi,as i've said this section is only for bugs, because here we work on the designer for JasperReports, not on JasperReports. Other than this if the wrong behavior happen on the final report it is probably a JasperReports bug, and not a Jaspersoft Studio, because Jaspersoft Studio allow you to define the layout of the report, but it is filled by JasperReport. In the end you should look for documentation also on JasperReports and iReport. This last one probably has much more documentations since it's an older designer, and every option in iReport is available also in Jaspersoft Studio.For your problem, have you tried to use a variable that sum the value that you are grouping and that has reset time set to group?
  19. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous I've added this properties with a brief description to the suggested properties list for the report. You can access this list by selecting the report, in the properties tab move to the advanced tab. There select the Properties row and press the button to open the dialog, on the dialog press add and finally expand the list to see a list of some commons properties with their description. Also by doubleclicking on a property in the list the property name will be inserted automatically on the name text area.
  20. Hi, i've fixed some NPEs about the crosstab editor, now you can add column or row and undo without problem. If you get the errors during the run of the report it can be also JasperReports, or we allow to delete to much stuff. However if you send us the report that give the exception at runtime we will give a look to the exception. For the next time please use the answer question only for the answer request on how to use the product, for the bugs use the tracker (like you have done the previous times), because for us it easier to read them and keep track of them also. Thanks!
  21. You can't update the final build with a beta release, download the installer from the link posted by Massimo.
  22. However if you find bug on the crosstab editor feel free to open a new bug there on the tracker (please include the steps to reproduce it), so we will fix it as soon as possible.
  23. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Assigned to Resolved
  24. Hi, I was able to reproduce and fix the problem, and a lot of other problems with the ungrouping and undo operations that mess up with the column order. I've also improved a bit the performances on the table editor when doing this kind of operations, now all should work well. Sadly the new build with this fix and the on about the element autocenter is a bit late, but is will be released at most by the end friday. For your problem about how to do some calculations i really can't help you because i work only on the designer so my JasperReport knowledge is limited, you can try to post a question on the Answers section.
  25. Changed Priority from Immediate to Normal Changed Severity from Critical to Major Changed Reproducibility from Always to Unable to Reproduce Changed Status from New to Assigned I've done many tests on this and I was not able to reproduce the change order problem, maybe you can attach the report here and write every step to get the error. However I've changed how the group are created to have the same behavior of iReprot (in my opinion the grouping is easier to understand, specially if you are not familiar with the JasperReports engine). Now the grouping of the columns will create only a logical group, without any cell. The cells for the group can be created in a second time by right-clicking on the group an select "Create cell" (about same thing to delete the cells). I've changed also how the table is resized to optimize the needed space when this group cells are created or deleted.I'll write here when we release a build with all this changes, so you can test it.
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