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Rutuja Bhalchandra Shinde

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  1. Hi, Please refer to the below articles it may help you resolve the query :
  2. Hi, It looks like organization mapping is not done correctly. Please refer to the below guide for the same : Thank you!
  3. Hi, Could you please reproduce the issue and provide the jasperserver.log file? Also, please provide the LDAP authentication file.
  4. To change the reference of Oracle JDK/JRE to Open JDK/JRE open the "Jaspersoft Studio.ini" file you will find this file under the folder where you've installed Jaspersoft Studio. There should be the following line: -vm features/jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151/jre/bin Replace the second line with an absolute path to your jre/bin Example: -vm C:\Users\rushinde\Downloads\openlogic-openjdk-jre-11.0.18+10-windows-x64\openlogic-openjdk-jre-11.0.18+10-windows-x64\bin Save the changes and open the Jaspesoft studio.
  5. To disable the interactivity of the table please use the below property : net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.interactive You could use this property on the report, table, or column level to disable the interactivity of the table. Please refer to the below link for more information : https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.interactive
  6. The below steps will demonstrate the way to set the password to the PDF file exported from the JasperReports Server : To encrypt the pdf file please add these four properties to a jrxml, and upon export to PDF, you'll be prompted by your PDF reader for the password. <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.encrypted" value="True"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.128.bit.key" value="True"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.user.password" value="myPass"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.owner.password" value="myPass"/> Please refer to the below links for more details : https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.owner.password https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.user.password
  7. You could try the below steps to disable ActiveMQ : 1. comment the Activemq (line no:32& 62-66), under the docker-compose file 2. Remove ‘Djasperserver.cache.jms.provider=tcp://activemq:61616’ in javaopts(line no 23) under docker-compose file 3. delete the files ehcache.xml and ehcache-hibernate.xml in docker/jrs/cluster-config/WEB-INF. 4. create the images.
  8. While creating a Domain based on the Virtual data source customer was facing the below error : Caused by: org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryValidatorException: TEIID30492 Non-comparable expression of type object cannot be used in comparison Virtual data sources use TEIID, hence is a different implementation than a normal JDBC data source and TEIID does not support UUID-type fields. For Virtual Data Source, SQL queries are validated against TEIID SQL and TEIID sees UUID fields as Objects. You can try creating a view in your database first with the SQL and then create a Virtual Data source based on this view. The view should cast the UUID to string (ie text). Here is an example using Postgres where store_id is a UUID type field : CREATE VIEW "vw_temp_store" AS SELECT CAST("temp_store"."store_id" as text) AS "store_id_cast", FROM "temp_store"
  9. Hi, The issue is certificate is not found by the studio while making the connection. You could refer to the below suggestion : Thank you!
  10. Hi, please check if the user who started the services of the JRS has all the permissions to the temp folder.
  11. Hi, You can create a new temp path for the chrome and set the same path to the property. Just make sure the temp folder should have all the permssions.
  12. Hi, we kindly request that you add the following property to the "jasperreport.properties" file, located at Path: \apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\classes\jasperreport.properties." net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.tempdir.path=C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\apache-tomcat-8.5.77\\chrometemp This approach ensures that the files used for Chrome rendering are not deleted during a clean restart (i.e., when the tmp folder is removed). Thank you!
  13. Hi, The authentication dialog box is one time only when you freshly installed the jaspersoft studio. Afterwards, you will able to use the jaspersoft studio offline. Thank you!
  14. Hi, Could you please attach the detailed log file for review? Thank you!
  15. Hi, Please make sure that you have placed the font jar file under the WEB-INF/lib folder while generating the report. Thank you!
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