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Dhiraj Pahlani

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  1. Problem: Currently, if we export a JasperReports table to PowerPoint format, interactive or not, each value is an individual element. We would like the table to become a real PowerPoint table so that we can manipulate it exactly as if the table is created from PowerPoint. How to achieve this requirement? Solution: With JasperReports Server 9.0.0, we can export JRXML reports as real DOCX and PowerPoint tables instead of individual cell elements. It is recommended to upgrade to this current latest version of the product to achieve the above mentioned requirement. Attaching one .docx file and one .pptx file exported from a 9.0.0 instance for reference. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02249429 Table_PPTX.docx Table_PPTX_new.pptx
  2. Problem: We are exporting reports to Excel file for further analysis using formulas. However, the exported file stores number as text. Is there a way to retain the type of the cell? Solution: We can set the below property at the report level to retain the cell type in the exported Excel file. net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type=true The same property can also be set at the global level by adding the property in the jasperreports.properties file (<jasperserver-pro>/WEB-INF/classes/), saving the changes, and restarting the server for the changes to reflect. Attached excelReport.jrxml report is a sample report which can be run using the Foodmart database, and its exported Excel file, excelReport.xlsx, for reference. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02250326 excelReport.jrxml excelReport.xlsx
  3. Requirement: We have a requirement to read data from Redis server, but we don't see any connectors or transformations related to it. Can you please suggest how can we do this? Solution: It seems that some JDBC driver exist for REDIS : https://www.cdata.com/drivers/redis/jdbc/ So, using this driver you can use the tJDBC* components to access the REDIS server. https://help.talend.com/r/en-US/8.0/jdbc/jdbc __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02217220
  4. Problem: Some jobs are configured in JasperReports Server for sending reports as mails. Sometimes its results in error without sending the mail. 2023-10-26T07:00:04,709 ERROR ReportExecutionJob,JasperServerScheduler_Worker-2:457 - The job error notification was not completed. An error occurred while sending it. org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Failed messages: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 451 #4.3.0 Server Error ; message exception details (1) are: Failed message 1: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 451 #4.3.0 Server Error How can we resolve this error? Cause: SMTP error 451 usually indicates when the user exceeds the limits set on the email server for sending emails. The email server will not allow the user to send more emails than the limits set on the email server; these limits are set as daily or hourly limits. Solution: Please check this with your email server administrator and confirm if such an email limit is set on the user sending scheduled emails from Jaspersoft to resolve this error. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02218881
  5. Requirement: To add the Plain Text exporter to the Report, Ad Hoc, and Scheduler exporters list. Solution: In a 8.0.4 installation, Steps needed to enable Plain text exporter to Report: Navigate to the WEB-INF/flows/viewReportBeans.xml file. Uncomment entry for key txt,“<entry key="txt" value-ref="txtExporterConfiguration"/>” in the exporterConfigMap bean. Navigate to the /WEB-INF/applicationContext-remote-services.xml. Uncomment entry for txt, <entry key="txt" value-ref="remoteTxtExporter"/> in the remoteExportersMap bean. Steps needed to enable Plain text to Ad Hoc: Navigate to the /WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml. Uncomment entry for key txt “<entry key="txt" value="jasper.report.view.hint.export.txt" />” in the exportFormatLabels bean. Steps needed to enable Plain text to Scheduler: Navigate to the WEB-INF/flows/reportJobBeans.xml. Uncomment the following bean <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.dto.ByteEnum"> <property name="code"> <util:constant static-field="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.domain.ReportJob.OUTPUT_FORMAT_TXT"/> </property> <property name="labelMessage"> <value>report.output.txt.label</value> </property> </bean> Navigate to the /WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml. Uncomment entry for TXT , <value>TXT</value> in the availableReportJobOutputFormats bean. Uncomment entry for txt, <entry key="txt" value-ref="jobTxtExportParameters"/> in the jobExportParametersMap . After restarting the JasperReports Server, The “Text only" exporter should be available to the list of exporters for Report and Ad Hoc. In Scheduler we will able to see Plain Text(.txt) option in the list of formats.
  6. Requirement: We need to remove the default double quotes in our CSV exported files, how can we do it? Solution: Please add the below property in your report and then do the export in CSV to achieve the desired results <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.enclosure" value=""/> The csvReport.jrxml attached can be referenced which uses the above property and the report can be run using the Sample DB data adapter in Studio. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02227980 csvReport.jrxml
  7. Problem: Creating an Ad Hoc filter using a SQL Server datetime field includes results for two days, today and tomorrow, even when we provide a relative date "DAY" as the filter value. The same works fine with the SQL Server date field instead of the datetime field. What could cause this issue? Cause: The datetime in SQL Server has an accuracy of 3.33ms (0.003 seconds) - therefore, the "highest" possible value for Feb 27, 2024, for example, would be 2024-02-27T23:59:59.997 - anything beyond that will be rounded up to the next day. Solution: The resulting Ad Hoc query when using the above SQL Server datetime field as a filter includes "table_name"."column_name" BETWEEN { TS '2024-02-27 00:00:00' } AND { TS '2024-02-27 23:59:59.999' } When we remove the .999 from the endpoint timestamp and run the query against the database it calculates correctly and the data showed in the database is for DAY instead of today and tomorrow. Unfortunately, this is a SQL Server limitation and a recommended work around would be to use a date data type field instead of the datetime data type field to get the correct results in the Ad Hoc View. Further read: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-datetime-data-type-considerations-and-limitations/ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02241584
  8. Requirement: Since that the Webservice-Plugin (https://community.jaspersoft.com/files/file/37-web-service-data-source/) is no longer supported in Jaspersoft Studio 8.2.0, we are trying to get the same results with a JSON data adapter. For example, in this public web service URI, https://api.predic8.de/shop/v2/products/, we need to make the URI dynamic so that the endpoint (...v2/products/1, v2/products/2, v2/products/3) can be changed by an input using a report parameter, like: https://api.predic8.de/shop/v2/products/$P{Parameter} where $P{Parameter} should substitute to 1 or 2 or 3 using a report parameter. GET https://api.predic8.de/shop/v2/products/1 or GET https://api.predic8.de/shop/v2/products/2 or GET https://api.predic8.de/shop/v2/products/3 Is it possible to use a report parameter to override the URI in a JSON data adapter like above? Solution: We can define a parameter in the report whose value overrides the URI in the JSON data adapter. e.g. <parameter name="DataURI" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false" evaluationTime="Early"> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.url"/> <defaultValueExpression>"https://api.predic8.de/shop/v2/products/" + $P{Parameter}</defaultValueExpression> </parameter> Please see - https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.url Attached are the Sample report.jrxml and the Sample adapter.xml which uses the above public web service URI to illustrate and obtain the desired results. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02240412 Sample adapter.xml Sample report.jrxml
  9. Problem: When performing a binary installation of JasperReports Server 9.0.0, we are getting the below error. Any idea on how we can resolve this error? This version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 Cause: Here, the Java (Java Amazon Corretto 17) used is not supported with this type of installation. Solution: Java Amazon Corretto 17 is only supported for cloud installations of JasperReports Server 9.0.0. Please refer our Platform Support guide for the supported versions of Java and kindly use the certified versions of the software for the server installation. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server/jasperreports%C2%AE-server-platform-support-guide-commercial-edition/v900/jaspersoft-platform-support-_-javavirtualmachinesjvm-commercial/ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02241893
  10. Problem: We have tried to upgrade our JasperReports Server version from 8.0.4 to 9.0.0 in our environment and the upgrade was successful, but we did not find the Oracle JDBC JAR and in the UI when we tried to connect through Oracle data source, we did not find the driver in the drop-down menu, it is showing as "NOT INSTALLED" for Oracle driver. Any suggestions on how to proceed further with this situation? Cause: Starting from JasperReports Server 9.0.0 Progress JDBC drivers have been removed from JasperReports Server. Solution: If you have any resources that use or depend on any of the Progress JDBC Drivers, then you must manually install native drivers. After installing new drivers, update the resources in JasperReports Server to use the new drivers. Kindly see our Release Notes for more details. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server/tibco-jasperreports-server-release-notes/v900/relnotesbody-_-functionality/ As JasperReports Server doesn't include JDBC drivers for the following commercial databases: Oracle, SQL Server, or DB2, you need to obtain one of the available JDBC drivers and copy it into the correct location, and then edit default_master.properties before running the upgrade steps. See section "Working With JDBC Drivers" from our Upgrade Guide for more information. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server/tibco-jasperreports-server-upgrade-guide/v900/jrs-upgrade-guide-_-jdbc-driver/ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02242678
  11. Problem: When we save an Ad Hoc Report from a View with filter having more than 10000 values, the type of filter is getting changed and after saving the Report from the View the filter is seen as input string text field instead of drop-down. Solution: This threshold is configured by the property `maxAvailableValues` in the applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml file (<jasperserver-pro>/WEB-INF/) under the bean `slConfig. By default, it is set as 10000. Please try to enter a higher value for this property, save the file and restart the server for the changes to reflect. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02170550
  12. Problem: We have upgraded to JasperReports Server 8.1.1 and are seeing a different behavior when accessing reports with PDF output. In previous version of Jaspersoft, end user was able to open the report directly in the browser without downloading it but in the current version of JasperReports Server 8.1.1 we are not able to open the report directly in the browser rather it is being downloaded. This is seen with all web browsers (Edge, Chrome and FireFox). Is there a Jaspersoft setting that control this behavior? Cause: The change in behavior was made on purpose because of a security aspect and there are no plans to change this behavior. Solution: To open the PDF file in the browser, we need to pass suppressContentDisposition as true in the URL. By default it is false. File name: ReportExportModel.js (jasperserver-ui/ce/bi-report/src/bi/report/model/ReportExportModel.js) Method name: urlOutput Replace the below line of code return this.url() + '/' + this.get('id') + '/outputResource'; with return this.url() + '/' + this.get('id') + '/outputResource?suppressContentDisposition=true'; So, the below steps can be followed to achieve the requirement: 1. Download the required source file from the eDelivery website (for example, TIB_js-jrs_8.1.1_src) 2. Make the above suggested changes in the mentioned configuration file. 3. Since we are making JavaScript customizations, we will need to rebuild the scripts using the Webpack approach. For complete steps on customizing JavaScript source code, kindly refer to the section 5.2.3, "Customizing JavaScript Source Code" from our Ultimate Guide. https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.1.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.1.0_Ultimate-Guide.pdf?id=11 Kindly note that the change to the current behavior of downloading the file instead of opening in the browser was made on purpose because of a security aspect and we are not planning to change this behavior. To force the browser to open the PDF report, you can follow the above steps but it is not recommended from a security perspective. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02211031
  13. Requirement: We want to change the default color chart palette for Ad Hoc charts as given in the below article but for JasperReports Server 8.1.1. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-change-tibco-jasperreports-server-71x-ad-hoc-chart-color-palette We have made the changes in the defaultPalette.js file and have rebuilt the scripts using the Webpack approach but the changes do not seem to take effect. How can we achieve the same with 8.1.1 version? Solution: The below steps can be followed to achieve the requirement: 1. Download the required source file from the eDelivery website (for example, TIB_js-jrs_8.1.1_src) 2. Make the required changes in the pro/bi-adhoc/src/adhoc/components/visualizations/chart/GenericChartVisualization.tsx file, method getDefaultColorsArray. 3. Since we are making JavaScript customizations, we will need to rebuild the scripts using the Webpack approach. For complete steps on customizing JavaScript source code, kindly refer to the section 5.2.3, "Customizing JavaScript Source Code" from our Ultimate Guide. https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.1.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.1.0_Ultimate-Guide.pdf?id=7 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02203310
  14. Problem: We have upgraded to JasperReports Server 7.9.x and are seeing a different behavior when accessing reports with PDF output. In previous version of Jaspersoft, end user was able to open the report directly in the browser without downloading it but in the current version of JasperReports Server 7.9.x we are not able to open the report directly in the browser rather it is being downloaded. This is seen with all web browsers (Edge, Chrome and FireFox). Is there a Jaspersoft setting that control this behavior? Cause: The change in behavior was made on purpose because of a security aspect and there are no plans to change this behavior. Solution: As mentioned in the cause, the change in behavior was made on purpose because of a security aspect and there are no plans to change this behavior. To force the browser to do download the following code was added to applicationContext-webapp.xml file: <bean p:method="GET" p:urlPattern="/fileview/fileview/.*" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.httpheaders.HeadersRule"> <property name="headers"> <list> <bean class="org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader"> <constructor-arg value="Content-Disposition"/> <constructor-arg value="attachment"/> </bean> </list> </property> </bean> Changing "attachment" to "inline" will force the browser to open the content in the same window (not new tab) when Open option is selected (Open in new tab option is not available anymore). But this is not recommended from a security perspective. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02211031
  15. Problem: While working with chart component's data labels formatter using the below code, the data labels are not getting center-aligned and are always left-aligned. The same seems to be working in the retired 7.1.x version. <span>'+this.point.name + '\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0' + this.point.y +'%</span> Cause: It is a Highcharts problem. For more details, please see the Solution section of this article. Solution: This alignment issue is a Highcharts problem. Works in 4.2.1 (used by JasperReports Server 7.1.x), see https://jsfiddle.net/7m0u9s6a/1/ . Does not work in 6.1.1 (used by JasperReports Server 8.0.x), see https://jsfiddle.net/7m0u9s6a/2/ . And it works again in 10.1.0 (used in JasperReports Server 8.2.0), see https://jsfiddle.net/7m0u9s6a/3/ . As it is a Highchart version issue, we recommend to upgrade to the current latest JasperReports Server version to resolve this issue. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ref. Case #02197146
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