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  1. I have to say it is really ridiculous that the subreports have to have the same number of columns and that the columns all have to be the same width to get this to work properly. I've also tried using tables to achieve this and the behavior is the same - if the tables either have a different number of columns or if the column widths differ then you get merged cells that prevent the user from sorting, even though each table, as is the case with the subreports, is being saved to a different worksheet. SSRS can handle this so I don't see where it's a fault of Excel, it's something in JasperReports.
  2. There are no overlapping cells - I learned how to detect that in my first 5 minutes with JS. I don't have repeating column headers - we want one set of column headers at the top so that users can then sort the data. I played around with it some and found that by putting column headers in the title bar I could reduce the gap between pages to a single blank row, so now I need to figure out how to make it easy for users to remove the blank rows before sorting. Again, I can't use 'ignore pagination' because that causes a Java Heap Space error.
  3. So it affects subreports in Excel even if the subreports are saved to different worksheets? What if the data being presented in each report doesn't lend itself to identical column widths? SQL Server Reporting Services doesn't have this problem. Not that I think it's an especially good tool, because it has a lot of faults, but it does handle creation of Excel columns well. The only way I have figured out how to mitigate this effect is to move all of my column headings into the title bar, make a single field with the date/time and place it over a data column that is the same width as the date/time field, and make certain that the report title is the same width as the data column under it. All of this seems to be an unnecessary restriction - again, SSRS handles this quite well. Our standard is that the report title is placed at the top left and the date/time is placed at the top right of the report. If I have a long report title (and we have many that are rather lengthy) or a right most data column that is very narrow (narrower than required by the date/time stamp), it fouls up the cells when exporting to Excel. Or we define cell widths just to accommodate this "bad programming" (vs bad report design) whether it fits the data or not.
  4. Is there a way to remove page breaks when exporting to Excel other than by using the 'Ignore Pagination' property? I have some lengthy reports that our CEO and clients want to be able to export to Excel and to sort to their liking once in Excel (ignoring the problem where JS creates multiple Excel cells in many columns, making sorting problematic, an issue I am still awaiting an answer for). I know that setting 'Ignore Pagination' will remove the page breaks, but these reports are large enough so that setting that propery causes a 'Java heap space' error, so I'm stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place. I can either run the report in a format that our CEO and users likely won't accept when exported to Excel, or just not produce the report. Is there any answer for this?
  5. I have reports that must be included in sets, thus the use of subreports, and that must be exported to Excel so that our CEO and clients can sort the data to their liking. I've been able to mostly remove unwanted cell merging using the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.width property, but only when exporting the report as the main report. When the report is included as a subreport and exported the numerous unwanted cell merges occur. Is there any way to rectify this? Image of report exported as subreport: Image of report exported as main report, with manageable cell merges:
  6. Just had another similar problem, except this time the text looked normal in edit view but after I hit 'enter' it looked like this in designer: /sites/default/files/images/Screen%20Shot%202014-09-10%20at%2012_18_53%20PM.png Running the report produced a blank page. Closing and reopening Studio fixed it. I hope this is on someone's radar to fix. It's very annoying and impacts productivity.
  7. Ever since the lastest Jaspersoft Studio update to version 5.6.1 I've been seeing the below when editing static text after having the app open for a short time. This used to happen after I had it open for an extended period of time and/or had a lot of reports open. Now it happens within a matter of less than an hour and with only a few reports open. It returns to normal if I close & reopen the app but obviously I shouldn't have to do that. What gives? I'm on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.9.4.
  8. I have a report that is comprised solely of two subreports in the detail band. The query returns only one record that is used to populate the subreports via parameters. The subreports are comprised of title, detail and page footer bands. I'm using the footer bands to insure that page numbers and user instructions are always printed at the bottom of each page. FYI, each subreport prints only one page each, so I've hard coded the page numbers as '1 of 2' and '2 of 2'. When I run the parent report everything works fine except that the page footers from both reports print on page 1, while only the page footer from the second report prints on page 2. I tried to add a page footer to the main report to resolve this and when I rain it the report statistics began to count pages in the thousands before I killed it. How can I make the page footer for the second subreport print only on page 2 and not on page 1?
  9. I'm on 5.6 now as well and have given up on using the table object. At least the problems I was having with the designer that initially led me to try tables have been resolved so I'm now able to avoid the table object. I have some reports that require the crosstab but have learned how to get around its quirks for the most part.
  10. Thanks. I suspected it was the data, but as it's being generated by a stored procedure for a current production report in SQL Server Reporting Services I'm not at liberty to modify it. I may just pull the SQL out of the stored procedure to embed in the JS report as a temporary solution.
  11. I'm using whatever chart control is included with JSS 5.6 and selecting stacked bar chart as the chart type. I don't see anywhere to add a Measure. The only really extensive chart examples I've located in the documentation and elsewhere on the web are for a pie chart, and I haven't been able to translate that into the kind of bar chart I require. I get all kinds of weird results no matter how I set up. I'm wondering if the series data all needs to be on the same row of data?
  12. Can someone explain to me how to create a stacked bar chart that looks like the attached TIFF file (created with SQL Server Reporting Services) using a dataset like that shown in the attached Excel spreadsheet? In the event that it's not clear, each bar shows the percent of the total represented by the number of items that are late, missing or compliant. There is one bar per category. I'm using JasperSoft Studio 5.6.final. Thanks.
  13. Figured it out. I'm not using page numbers on this report so it took me awhile to think of this solution. Reset the page number variable with each group change and only print the "continued" text if page number != 1. Very simple.
  14. I have a report that includes a group header that is only to be printed at the beginning of the group. If there is enough data in the group to print to a second page the group header is not reprinted. I would like to be able to add text at the top of the second page that basically indicates that the data on this page is a continuation from the previous page. What I have then is printing that is conditioned on whether or not a group header has been printed on the page. Is this possible? I'm using JasperSoft Studio 5.6.0.final. Thanks.
  15. Should this method still work with JasperSoft Studio? I just tried it and every cell in my crosstab ended up with a null value.
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