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Everything posted by morlandin

  1. Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin Hi, I was not able to reproduce the reorder problem and i will do some other test about this.But for the the tree new rows are a normal behaviour, they are the group header and the group footer. In short when you group some columns for each row except the detail it is created and header if the row is before the detail, and a footer if the row is after the detail.
  2. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Confirmed to Resolved
  3. Changed Priority from Urgent to High Changed Severity from Critical to Block Changed Status from New to Confirmed Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @morlandin
  4. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Acknowledged to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @anonymous to @morlandin
  5. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @morlandin Hi,i've received an email from the JR team and also the test problem should be resolved. However at the current state only the connection is tested and not if also the metadata are valid.
  6. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @morlandin I've done a bit of fix about this problem, but as you said it's not easy to reproduce because sometimes it happens and sometimes not. We have released today a new version, please test with it if the problem is still present (by the way it has a lot of other fixes). The link to the download is this one: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperstudio/
  7. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 The metadata problem is now resolved
  8. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved
  9. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @morlandin Hi, this could be or a bug or also a limitation of JasperReports because all the elements inside the JSS editor are drawn trought JR. We will investigate about this!
  10. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @morlandin
  11. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin
  12. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Acknowledged to Resolved Hi, with the last update we have drastically improved the performance, now it's at the same level of iReport. I think we have solved all the problems you raised, so i will close the bug
  13. Changed Status from New to Acknowledged Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @morlandin Hi, Ilona which OS are you using?That problem often happen on windows because the user that is executing JSS has not the privilege to change its configuration files, so to switch language he must run JSS as administrator. If this is also your problem then i will change the message to made it more clear.
  14. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Confirmed to Resolved
  15. Changed Status from New to Confirmed Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin
  16. Changed Reproducibility from Not Attempted to Unable to Reproduce Changed Status from Assigned to Closed
  17. Hi, also the pie chart max slices is fixed now, and the bheavior is the same of iReport. So when you create a new chart the default slices number is 0, that means ulimited, like in iReport.
  18. Hi, i've made some changes about the notification of the Jasper files path. When you switch to preview the jasper file is generated in memory so you will not find it anywere on your disk. But on the editor there is a button to generate manually a "phisical" jasperfile. This button is on the toolbar where there are also the zoom factor or the button to open the dataset dialog. From the next release when this button is pressed on the console will be notified the start of the compiling process and when it is finished there will be also the path where the jasper file is placed.
  19. Changed Reproducibility from Not Attempted to Always Changed Status from New to Acknowledged Changed Assigned User from - to @morlandin Hi,we are working on the problems you raised since the community feedback are really important to us. In the next release the annoying sequence of delete confirmations will be removed, now they are aggregated into a single message.About the toString() problem on the labels, if the error happen when the report is compiled\filled\executed then it depends by JasperReports, because Jaspersoft Studio it is only a designer (like iReprot), all the report execution is done through JasperReport. If you have not this problem in iReport it is probably because it uses an older version of the JasperReports library.We will consider all the other issues you raised, especially for the performance problem.
  20. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Confirmed to Closed Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous I think this was fixed since there are no news from more than one year. I'll close it, repoen if there are still problems.
  21. I've just checked and this function was not implemented in JSS 5.5, it is available from JSS 5.6 . Actually JSS 5.6 is still in beta, if you want you can download the last public beta from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperstudio/files/beta-release/packages/ , but consider that it may contains many bugs.
  22. yes, then you need only to enable the Text Property checkbox and that buttons (along with the text size, font... buttons) will appears in the toolbar when you select an element with some text inside
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