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Everything posted by ramnik

  1. You can create the Input Control in repository by right click on any folder -> add Input Control ( this wil create input control in repository ) Ramnik Kaur Sen. QA Engineer
  2. There are two ways we can create the input control:- 1. We create the input control directly in repository . in that case, we can choose the input control the way you are trying to choose 2. If you have just cerated local input controls with the report wizard [ and not created and saved in reposiotry ] , you wont be able to find the input controls from the repository. - you can select the input control by browsing in repository only if you have saved them in repository. Ramnik Kaur Sen. QA Engineer
  3. I tried th exact same scenario in my environment and t it worked for me - Based on ur screen shot , i noticed that the resource you are selecting is not inpout control. Bcaz when i browse in repository to select the input control , it shows the -> input contrtols in repository with input control icon. - either you need to add input control to repository first , so that you can select them later Or you try creating new input control - you can also add input control in jasperserver repository -> add resaource -> select resource type -> input control Ramnik Kaur Sen. QA Engineer
  4. I cannot really get your question, can u explain more :- This reply is based on what i can get from ur question ( in case it helps ) 1. If you are in view -> Repository page, and you are trying to find the input control , you need to change the Filters. to show -> All Types, so that it shows the Input controls also 2. If you are trying to add input control to the report , please select add input control in report wizard instead of add resource Ramnik Kaur Sen, QA Engineer
  5. This happens sometime when the tomcat is idle for sometime and there is no connection with the database. This is however fixed in latest version of Jasperserver CE. Does, refreshing the connection with database helps you ? Ramnik Kaur Sen, QA Engineer
  6. On the second question:- - Do you want to Increase Or decrease Loading time for large reports Here the things you can try :- - in the applicationContext.xml, there is option to set the Virtulizer settings. <!--report virtualizers--> <bean id="fileVirtualizerFactory" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.impl.FileVirtualizerFactory"> <property name="maxSize" value="300"/> <property name="directory" value="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> </bean> By default, the max number of pages to be kept in memory is = 300. 1. If you want to increase the load time for reports , decrease the number of pages to be kept in memory 2. If you want to decrease the load time for reports, increase the number of pages to be kept in memory .. 3. You will see best response time, when all pages for the report are kept in memory
  7. You can create these Fusion Charts in iReport and then using the Jasperserver Plugin in JR Pro , can upload these charts to Jasperserver Pro . Jasperserver Pro 3.7 support complete integration with Fusion Charts ( with Animation)
  8. This feature is already part of Quartz release { jasperserver 3.7 ) as cascading input control feature
  9. The connection pooling supported by Jasperserver default to 5 connections ( data source connection pool) The setting can be chnaged in {Jasperserver_Pro}/webapps/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml <bean id="dataSourceObjectPoolFactory" class="org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPoolFactory"> <constructor-arg type="org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory"> <null/> </constructor-arg> <constructor-arg type="int" value="5"/> </bean>
  10. Meanwhile , the issue is addressed , you can use these ideas as workaround:_ 1. you can use the keeping the reports in different sub folders and turn off the -> include subfolders option . this will turn off teh recursive search 2. You can use the refine filters on the serahc page to limit the reports you want to view .e.g -> , only scheduled , by time , viewed by me, created by me ..etc
  11. these can exported and imported using the import/export commands using buildomatic Steps:- 1. go to {JASPER_HOME}/buildomatic 2. js-ant export-everything -DexportFile="test.zip" go to production system and go to directory where u ahve unzipped the jasperserver-pro war file. go to directory-> buildomatic and run the import utility 3. js-ant import -DimportFile="test.zip" [ these instructions are described in Install guide and User guide --just serahc for import or export in Install guide Or User guide ] ramnik
  12. It seems the ROLE_USER does not have permissions to write to any folder in repository please change the permissions for ROLE_USER or just by username for the folder to want to save the schedule ouputs in to Read+write + delete ramnik
  13. Settings :- Xms 1024m Xmx 6014m PermSize 512m MaxPermSize 1024m
  14. Yes , MS SQL server is Certified data base for Jasperserver Pro . you can find informartion abt deployment in Install Guide thanks ramnik
  15. Communit edition does not support adhoc query feature You can start with downloading the Jasperserver Professional evaluation version to get started on it ramnik Jaspersoft
  16. Based on our internal Performance testing :- ( working with 6 GB JVM memory) 1. We can export to pdf , excel and csv very well . we have tried it with 10,000 pages report although it is slow bcaz of large number of pages in rpeort 2. the reponse time to export to pdf and excel is approx same and for csv it is even less that export to pdf hope it helps .. ramnik
  17. The Jasperserver - Install Guide available with Jasperserver -pro version explains the instructions to install the Jasperserver on Glassfish are u working on Jasperserver-pro version ?
  18. You can try these two things :- 1. You can also get better performance by changing the Virtulizer setting in applicationContext.xml ( if your report has large number of number of pages) Default :- <bean id="fileVirtualizerFactory" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.impl.FileVirtualizerFactory"> <property name="maxSize" value="300"/> <property name="directory" value="${java.io.tmpdir}"/> </bean> Change to use Gzip virtulizer :- To use it, change the class of the fileVirtualizerFactory bean in applicationContext.xml to com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.impl.GZipVirtualize= rFactory, and remove the directory property 2. change the mxSize property to keep all pages in memory ( this has been tested internally to for sure improve the performance ) thanks ramnik
  19. From 3.1 -> 3/7 , the upgrade path , you have to upgrade to 3.5 first i.e. here is the upgrade path which is suported and tested:- jasperserver (CE of Pro)3.1 -> jasperserver (CE of Pro)3.5. -> jasperserver (CE of Pro)3.7 thanks ramnik
  20. In order to move the reports from one server to another , Try these steps:- 1. export the report from the test machine using these steps using the buildomatic. {JS_INSTALL_HOME}/buildomatic:\ > js-ant export-everything -DexportFile="exportTestReports.zip" 2. Import the report to the new server using this command {JS_INSTALL_HOME}/buildomatic:\> js-ant import -DimportFile="exportTestReports.zip" [ in order to eport and import, you need to do configuations setting in buildmatic to point to right database. hope this helps... thanks ramnik
  21. This error is caused by missing jdbc driver. Please Copy the right jdbc driver for SQL server - sqljdbc-1.6 in the directory :- {TOMCAT_HOME} /lib
  22. These are the configuration we can try : Locate the Fusion directories here: C:JaspersoftiReport-Professional-3.6.0ireportpro (FusionCharts_Enterprise, FusionMaps_Enterprise, FusionWidgets_Enterprise) Copy the Fusion directories into JasperServer here: C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proFusionCharts_Enterprise C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proFusionMaps_Enterprise C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proFusionWidgets_Enterprise Backup your JasperServer WEB-INFlib folder. Copy the following files from C:Program FilesJaspersoftiReport-Professional-3.6.0ireportpromodulesext to C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlib jasperreports-fusion-3.6.0.jar jasperreports-license-3.6.0.jar jasperreports-pro-3.6.0.jar Copy the license file "jrpro.license" to WEB-INFclasses. http://wiki.jaspersoft.com:8080/display/jaspermain/Evaluation+License+Keys Copy the following files from C:Program FilesJaspersoftiReport-Professional-3.6.0ireportmodulesext to C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlib jasperreports-3.6.0.jar jasperreports-chart-themes-3.5.3.jar jasperreports-dejavu-fonts.jar (not really Fusion related; I just really like this font set...) jasperreports-extensions-3.5.3.jar Delete or rename older versions of the above files: jasperreports-3.5.0-Mondrian-3.1.1.jar, jasperreports-chart-themes-3.5.0.jar. Edit C:Program Filesjasperserver-pro-3.5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFclassesjasperreports.properties. If you took a look at the folders you extracted in Step 1, you'll notice "Charts" and "Maps" folders. You need to point JasperServer to these locations so it can find the .swf files to render the charts and maps in Flash.com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.fusion.charts.base.swf.url=http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/FusionCharts_Enterprise/Charts com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.fusion.maps.base.swf.url=http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/FusionMaps_Enterprise/Maps com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.fusion.widgets.base.swf.url=http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/FusionWidgets_Enterprise/Charts[/code] Post Edited by ramnik at 03/19/2010 16:35
  23. Reports created in JR Pro 3.7 using fusion features are not directly supported in JS Pro 3.5. This Charts Pro integration feature is presnet n JS Pro 3.7 In order to configure the JS pro 3.5 to support the Charts Pro feature ..you need to do the configurations in JS pro 3.5
  24. You can go to -> View -. Messages and check for the error message you are seeing Or can u please check the jasperserver.log to see what error are u getting there ?
  25. 1. For saving on Jasperserver Profession 3.5 , you can set these compatibility options --> iReport Pro 3.7 -> Tools -> Options -> General -> Compatibility. This will help you to save the JRXML so that it can be used with particular version. 2. Far saving in Jasperserver CE 3.7 , can u please add detail log what error you are seeing thanks ramnik
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