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  1. My questions are as follows: In case I generate I-reports and desire to incorporate them onto the client's intranet website, is it possible? If yes then how? Can the I-reports run on Microsoft Internet Information service Does jasperreports support runtime unbound data such as .net collections? Can I use multiple data providers to make reports?
  2. what are the advantages of using static I-rpeorts over crystal reports?
  3. With community version of jasperserver can we make dashboards? Can we define semantic layers(domains)?
  4. are you referring to jdbc driver 1.2? that is what I found on the mcrosoft web site. right now the connection is still not working.
  5. I followed the steps that you have mentioned in the mail. I was getting the connection as failed. I am sending the error log file below. Please consider the following: 1.) We have been able to configure the connection in I-report also. It works fine. 2.) I have configured a system dsn and user dsn connection as 'sqlserverconnection' 3.) The database that needs to be accessed is 1Redx 4.) The server address is 5.) I have windows authentication. The username is VDS-apoorv\Administrator I sought to change the entries as follows: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.sqlserverconnection jdbc:sqlserver://; I am still getting an error. where am I making a mistake?
  6. I was trying to configure the jdbc configuration for SQL server. am getting an error. shall be thankful for help in this regard. also if jdbc connection is not the right way then what is the right way for connecting with SQL server database?
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