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  1. 1. Which version of JS are u using ? 2. Can u please try using the command :- ./js-ant export -DexportFile="test.zip" -DexportArgs="\--uris " [ You can refer install guide for exact syntax on this command ] Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  2. Here is the seeting that will do the trick :- go to Jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\classes\esapi\validation.properties file AND FIX THIS STRING your current string should be sth like this Validator.Timezone - ^[p{L}p{N}_/:+]*$, Change it to :- Validator.Timezone=^[\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\-\\/\\:\\+\\s]*$ Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  3. This is not supported as of JS Pro 4.5 Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  4. Jaspersoft does offer the REST API for most of the features Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  5. 1. yes, you can create the datasource using CE 2. Steps: - view repository -> select any folder -> right click -> menu option -> add resource - new data source There are 3 options:- 1. JDBC 2. JNDI 3. Bean - you can create any datasource u want. You can edit the existing datasource for the values u need for the fields in creating new datasource Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  6. Not possible to export dashboard as of now .. Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  7. Note - you have to put REGEX expression in order to capture the session id / flow execution key and use in next request Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  8. Working sample on JS 4.5 is attached LeadQA Engineer
  9. Yes , it is bug also in JS CE 4.5 thanks Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  10. This error is related to SQL Injection secuirty related fix in 4.5 1. Please check that the report you are running does not contain the SQL query which has comments in start of query. As of 4.5, such queries will not be allowed , as they pose SQL Injection security risk 2. can u please add exact error log from the "jasperserver.log" to get the exact error message. Then we will be able to provide you the correct workaround by configuring the secuirty related properties file 3. As easy workaround, you can also go to /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/classes/esapi/security-config.properties file and then disable the secuirty for SQL Injection:- security.validation.sql.on=true thanks Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  11. This is actually bug in JS Pro 4.5 1. when we disable the security ,we cannot upload any files. This is serious bug and will be fixed in next coming version. For this version , you can use these workarounds :- 1. enable the security 2. and please give the detail error message in server login ..there will be other way to fix that error message..for example - editing the validation properties rather than turning off the security So, please provide detailed error log when logging into the server for the 5321 error log [ from jasperserver.log] thanks Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  12. 1. JAVA_HOME should be set before running the commands 2. you can follow the Instruction in install guide to upgrade from 4.1 -> 4.5 -> the simple instruction you can use is js-upgrade-samedb.sh and it should be all good to upgrade to 4.5 thanks Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  13. can u please post the detail error log? the input control you mentioned :- Text, List, Query works in general and is also available in sample report - sales by month report as proof of concept .. You can take a look at the sample report -> sales by month report to see how the parameter and input control are mapped and created in report wizard. thanks Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  14. The file with configuration for threshold - js.quartz.base.properties Settings are :- org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName=JasperServerScheduler org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = true org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 900000 org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount=2 org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority=3 org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold=180000 thanks Ramnik Kaur Lead QA Engineer
  15. have u followed the instruction in Install guide to install jasperserver war file ? Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
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