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  1. I am having trouble with some input parameters not refreshing the data when it changes in the database it gets pulled from. If I give it some time, or manually clear out the" /jasperserver/org/apache/jsp/WEB_002dINF" directory, then restart jasperserver, The input parameter gets refreshed and the new data shows up. I want to disable the cache complete so the input parameters don't pull from a cache. How can I do this? I'm using 3.7 CE. Thanks.
  2. I've been using jasperserver 3.7 for a few months on tomcat 5.5 I wanted to upgrade to tomcat 6.0.29 but I'm sort of lost as to getting jasperserver to work on my linux box. I copied all the folders and files from "tomcat5.5/webapps/jasperserver" to the new install on "tomcat6/webapps/jasperserver" then I shut down tomcat5.5 and restarted tomcat6, but when I run the jasper reports it doesn't load anything, doesn't even connect to jasperserver. Do I have to run the jasperserver.bin again from scratch, or are there some config files I can just change in the new install? I'm afraid it will overwrite all my database stuff...is there just a way I can copy all the files under "tomcat5.5/webapps/jasperserver" directory where I put everything, into the new tomcat6 webapps/jasperserver directory and have it work? Thanks in advance.
  3. Well, I found where I could remove the "root" word inside the db. if anyone wants to do it this way its in the table called jiresourcefolder
  4. Thanks Ramnik, but when I right click and go to properties, it just brings up a box that summarizes the folder information with an "OK" and "Cancel" button. It doesn't give me the option to change the name anywhere. I'm logged in as jasperadmin. I also tried giving the folder read/write permissions to ROLE_USER to see of that would work, but same result? I can see if I select a subfolder of "root" then I get a text box that allows me to change the name of that folder, but it's the name "root" that I want to be changed. what am I doing wrong? Post Edited by ronedog at 06/23/2010 22:46
  5. Jamie, Thanks. that was it. Do you know how to change the word "root" that is the folder where everything is underneath in the left pane? I would like to change it to says "All Reports" instead of "root" and preferably get this value from a language file. Post Edited by ronedog at 06/23/2010 15:51
  6. well, it sounds like thats what I'm doing, but I'm having the same problem. This is on Windows Vista running 3.7.2 of iReport...do you think there is a problem with this environment? Could there have been something wrong during the installation with Tomcat?
  7. Ok, so are you saying the way I've been creating input controls via iReport is not actually saving them in the repository? Here's how I created them. inside iReport I opened the repository view from the menu "WINDOW -->JasperServer Repository". This opens the folder view on the left hand side in my picture #1 from the 1st post I made. Then I "Right-Click" the repository (root) icon add folder (folder 1), then "Right-Click" the folder 1 and "Add Report Unit", then "Right-Click" the report unit and "ADD Input Control". So is this creating the input control locally and not in the repository? If so, how do I create the input controls in the repository? Thanks.
  8. I'm confused. The way I've added the input controls is just how you described it. I saw your picture and you have all those input controls as options to select. Take a look at my 1st picture and you'll see a list of already created input controls....then take a look at the 2nd picture where I can browse and select input controls, you'll notice that there are no input controls I can choose from, however, I know they exist somewhere because the reports work, and I can see them in the repository? I noticed your input controls are in a "COMMON" directory, am I simply looking in the wrong folders?
  9. Thanks for your reply. I'm getting this in the iReport Designer. I've attached a picture of my screen that will show you where I have "rignt-clicked" and the menu "Link and existing input control" that starts the wizard. The 2nd attachment is where I add the input control, except it gives me an error "<report_name> is not an input control" I don't know of any other way to add an input control...I tried looking around iReport, but couldn't see anywhere else to do this?
  10. Guillaume, I tried setting an input control in the repository for REPORT_LOCALE, and set its value to "fr_FR" (of which I have bundle for), but when the report is ran I still have "en_us" which is being read from my browser and the value does not get changed. Can you show an example of the code you use to assign the REPORT_LOCALE a new value, I would really like the users to be able to change their locale at Report Runtime, rather than at Login. Thanks.
  11. I'm using ireport 3.7.2 and jasperserver 3.7.0. I got the Cascading Input Control feature working now and it works great when there is data for the succeeding controls. However, If I select something in the first parameter control (Which is a multi-select query), the second control (also a multi-select query) then runs a query to return data for the 2nd list. If there are no results to display for the 2nd list I get an error message box that pops up. It's a blank message that just says "ERROR:" and that's it. How can I handle the situation when a 2nd or 3rd cascading parameter won't get populated because there are no results? I don't mind if the control just stays empty, I just don't want the message box poping up. Both the 2nd & 3rd controls are NOT manditory. Thanks for the help.
  12. Thanks Jamie, that did it. One last adjustment, do you know which .css would remove the name of the repository folder the report is under (This shows up as a greyed name under the description)? Thanks. Aaron
  13. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be somewhere else, so my apologies if it is...after I posted this in iReport I realized that it might be more specific to the server's repository, so i decided to post it here. I'm using iReport 3.7.2 and JasperServer 3.7.0. When trying to Link input controls it isn't working. I right-click the Input Control folder, and it brings up a dialog box to allow me to browse the folders in the repository. When I go to the folder for the input control I want to link to it allows me to select the folder, but when I press "Open Resource" I get an error message that says "<name> is not and input control". And nothing gets linked. I would assume that there should be a file of some sort that allows me to choose the actual input control I want to link, but I don't get anything like that, just the folder where the inputs are located, and I can't drill down any further...is this working in these versions? Thanks.
  14. I need to slightly change the display of the list of reports when looking at the repository section. I would like to remove the "Create Date" column and give the report name a little more space. Does anyone know which .jsp I need to update to do this, or if there is another configuration setting I can set? I tried changing ListReports.jsp, and have been poking around the other .jsp's but I'm not finding it. Thanks for any help.
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